Examples of the the word, syntax , in a Sentence Context

The word ( syntax ), is the 5619 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. ETH Zurich (cf. ALGOL 58). It specified three different syntax es: a reference, syntax , a publication syntax , and an implementation syntax . The different syntax es
  2. To run a system command matching a newer Bash built-in, etc. Bash command, syntax ,includes ideas drawn from the Born shell (ash) and the C shell (CSH) such
  3. Syntaxes: a reference syntax , a publication syntax , and an implementation, syntax , The different syntax es permitted it to use different keyword names and
  4. Nested function definitions with lexical scope. Fragments of ALGOL-like, syntax ,are sometimes still used as pseudocode. There were three major specifications:
  5. And control structures for condition-testing and iteration. The keywords, syntax ,and other basic features of the language were all copied from sh. Other
  6. GR" would invoke the low-resolution graphics system; both would create, syntax ,errors). * Apple soft, like Integer BASIC before it, did not come with any
  7. The only significant similarity to older BASIC dialects was familiar, syntax , Syntax itself no longer" fully defined" the language, since much development
  8. To another early contributor, Chet Rama. Features The Bash command, syntax ,is a superset of the Bourne shell command syntax . The vast majority of Bourne
  9. The format for numeric output. The default format is" %.6g ". Variables and, syntax ,Variable names can use any of the characters A-Za-z0-9_,except
  10. Nothing else on an earlier date to speak of' ". However, Plato reports that, syntax ,was devised before him, by Products of CEOs, who was concerned by the correct
  11. Features The Bash command syntax is a superset of the Bourne shell command, syntax , The vast majority of Bourne shell scripts can be executed by Bash without
  12. By many linguists Some researchers (Fibula et al.,2001) argue that English, syntax ,reflects more extensive Brythonic influences, although many argued that the
  13. Modification,except Bourne shell scripts stumbling into fringe, syntax ,behavior interpreted differently in Bash or attempting to run a system command
  14. Self-contained AWK script can be constructed using the so-called" shebang ", syntax , For example, a UNIX command called hello. Awk that prints the string" Hello
  15. Sources contain much ambiguity and inconsistency. The many exceptions to, syntax ,and semantic rules are time-consuming and difficult to learn. Mathematical
  16. These specialized languages were difficult to use and had widely disparate, syntax , As prices decreased, the possibility of sharing computer access began to move
  17. Stack, the RANDOM and $PPID variables, and POSIX command substitution, syntax ,$ (… ). When used as an interactive command shell and pressing the tab key
  18. The @Language directive or the language" language" runt "/JJ"> server">, syntax , JScript (Microsoft's implementation of ECMAScript) is the other language
  19. The lyric is merely a comic interlude and the rhythm is steadily trochaic. The, syntax ,in the original Greek is natural and unforced, and it was probably accompanied
  20. Ignores all characters except the eight commands ± <>, So no special, syntax ,for comments is needed (as long as the comments don't contain the command
  21. That complete arguments and filenames for specific programs and tasks. Bash's, syntax ,has many extensions which the Bourne shell lacks. Bash can perform integer
  22. Possible name was taken, for example ab was not treated as an Atlas Autocode's, syntax ,was influenced by the output device which the author had available, a Fri den
  23. Bulgarian – dates from the 16th century onwards, undergoing general grammar and, syntax ,changes in the 18th and 19th centuries. Present-day written Bulgarian language
  24. The Ainu language is significantly different from the Japanese language in its, syntax , phonology, morphology,and vocabulary. Although there have been attempts to
  25. Not surprisingly, these changes altered the nature of the literary style and, syntax ,but they did not constitute radical changes to the fundamentals of the grammar
  26. Is the symbol for milliseconds. *No periods should follow the symbol unless the, syntax ,of the sentence demands otherwise (for example a full stop at the end of a
  27. As opcodes, registers,and memory references; but it incorporated an expression, syntax ,to indicate execution order. Parentheses and other special symbols, along with
  28. Particular. Akin to quality and sumbebekos. In linguistics The relation among, syntax , semantics, and pragmatics has also been cashed out in terms of what could be
  29. Would see in the above example would be" if token ifthenresult token ". The, syntax ,for expressions let the multiplication operator be omitted,e.g. 3a was
  30. Models, was released in 1978. It is this latter version, which has some, syntax ,differences from the first as well as support for the Apple II high-resolution
  31. Pronouns or an auxiliary verb),allowing for narrative that is more vivid. The, syntax ,of Aramaic (the way sentences are put together) usually follows the order
  32. Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica. Like other sign languages, its grammar and, syntax ,are distinct from any spoken language, including English. Population It is
  33. Purposes. Relatively low-level languages, such as C, often provide special, syntax ,to embed assembly language directly in the source code. Programs using such
  34. We can have Carey I love and Yr WWF in car I am loving where the Brythonic, syntax ,is exactly mirrored in English, whereas in the Germanic sister languages of
  35. From Pascal. " Hello, world! " In Ada A common example of a language's, syntax ,is the Hello world program: (A more in-depth example can be
  36. But appears to make sense to them. Speech is fluent and effortless with intact, syntax ,and grammar, but the patient has problems with the selection of nouns. They
  37. Community by William Stoke, and contains phonology, morphology,semantics, syntax ,and pragmatics just like spoken languages. Like other sign languages, it is a
  38. And analyze only the relations between the expressions, we are in (logical), syntax , The whole science of language, consisting of the three parts mentioned, is
  39. Here Aristophanes employs a frequent device, arranging the, syntax ,so that the final word in a line comes as a comic climax. The hero's pleasures
  40. Would require explicit checks to be added to the source code. For example,the, syntax ,requires explicitly named closing of blocks to prevent errors due to mismatched
  41. Arrowhead ASP This is a Java Servlet which supports the ASP, syntax ,and VBScript. The latest release is 0.2.3,released on June 14, 2004. *
  42. Argued that Celtic has acted as a substrate to English for both the lexicon and, syntax , It is generally accepted that linguistic effects on English were lexically
  43. And Searching, Third Edition. Deferred detection of equality Because of the, syntax ,difficulties discussed below, so that distinguishing the three states <, and >
  44. OpenOffice. Org. Link Grammar is both a theory of, syntax ,and an open source parser which is now developed by the Abi Word project.
  45. Added support for object-oriented programming, including dynamic dispatch. The, syntax ,of Ada is simple, consistent and readable. It minimizes choices of ways to
  46. TASK can read old MASS code, but not the reverse. FASM and NASA have similar, syntax , but each support different macros that could make them difficult to translate
  47. Object language of a C compiler, rather than for hand-coding, but its logical, syntax ,won some fans. There has been little apparent demand for more sophisticated
  48. Can seem to 'bowl along' Aristophanes often varies them through use of complex, syntax ,and substituted meters, adapting the rhythms to the requirements of serious
  49. 58). It specified three different syntax es: a reference syntax , a publication, syntax , and an implementation syntax . The different syntax es permitted it to use
  50. Is used to describe systems such as German and louche, which retain French, syntax ,and apply transformations only to individual words (and often only to a

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