Examples of the the word, quantitative , in a Sentence Context

The word ( quantitative ), is the 5634 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Multiverse should we assume? — this question must be answered before any, quantitative ,anthropic predictions can be made. Although philosophers have discussed related
  2. The pioneering work of D'Arcy Thompson in On Growth and Form also helped to add, quantitative ,discipline to biological study. Despite the fundamental importance and frequent
  3. Share common descent if they have a common ancestor. " There is strong, quantitative ,support, by a formal test" Charles Darwin proposed the theory of universal
  4. Influenced the changing appearance of the New Moon at evening twilight, and a, quantitative ,relation between the changes of the Tides at a given place and the daily motion
  5. And Molecular Biology Related fields Biostatistics shares several methods with, quantitative ,fields such as: Business statistics is the science of good decision-making in
  6. Advanced qualitative concept known as Hard Soft Acid Base principle, later made, quantitative ,with help of Robert Parr in 1984. 'Hard' applies to species that are small
  7. Wallace was a prolific author. In 2002,a historian of science published a, quantitative ,analysis of Wallace's publications. He found that Wallace had published 22
  8. To an incomprehension between the cultural focus of archaeologists and the, quantitative ,focus of early archaeoastronomy. Yet archaeologists have increasingly come to
  9. Although his definitions of right, acute,and obtuse angles are certainly, quantitative , Measuring angles Two angles are sometimes called congruent if there exists an
  10. Discoveries of Lavoisier and John Dalton — which finally provided a logical, quantitative ,and reliable framework for understanding matter transmutations, and revealed
  11. Analysis is implemented only in some spectrometers). These spectra contain, quantitative ,information on all major elements in the samples except for hydrogen, helium
  12. Pairs hot/dry and cold/wet with the density of a single material and add a, quantitative ,dimension to the Silesia monastic system. The Origin of the Cosmos Having
  13. Includes the study of existing drugs, their biological properties, and their, quantitative ,structure-activity relationships. *Organic chemistry is the study of the
  14. Force and temperature. He had a conception of speed and temperature, but no, quantitative ,understanding of them, which was partly due to the absence of basic
  15. Combined with a large scale clinical database which allows MCG to provide, quantitative , evidence-based results to assist physicians in reaching a diagnosis. The MCG
  16. Regions from quantum fluctuations during the inflationary era, and these, quantitative ,predictions have also been confirmed. Space expands To say that space expands
  17. Spread out from Paris, but did not come in. Much emphasis was given to, quantitative ,data, seen as the key to unlocking all of social history. However, Paris
  18. Or shown a balanced hand conventionally. In some situations where 4NT is a, quantitative ,invitation, especially where 4 is a jump, many partnerships use the Gerber
  19. Primary, and most general, qualities by means of which the amorphous and purely, quantitative ,substance of all bodies first reveals itself in differentiated form. " Later
  20. Then 4NT is also natural. Over an opposing pass it is simply a raise and a, quantitative ,invitation to six no trump, a small slam. Over a four of a suit it is likely to
  21. On a wide range of mathematical problems, including mathematical physics and, quantitative ,finance, but is best known as the father of fractal geometry. He coined the
  22. Thrice); Adverbs can sometimes be reduplicated to emphasize the qualitative or, quantitative ,properties of actions, moods or relations as performed by the subject of the
  23. Spectroscopy (AAS) is a spectroanalytical procedure for the qualitative and, quantitative ,determination of chemical elements employing the absorption of optical
  24. Da Vinci and Galileo Galilei, very little effort was made to develop a rigorous, quantitative ,theory of air flow prior to the 17th century. In 1505,Leonardo da Vinci wrote
  25. Of available genetic data, mapping them to phylogenetic trees, gave " firm, quantitative ,support for the unity of life. ... there is now strong quantitative support, by
  26. All of social history. However, Paris ignored the powerful developments in, quantitative ,studies underway in the U. S. and Britain, which reshaped economic, political
  27. Was brought about by the rise of modern science with its emphasis on rigorous, quantitative ,experimentation and its disdain for" ancient wisdom ". Although the seeds of
  28. H2O is left out as it is a pure liquid and its concentration is undefined. A, quantitative ,version is given by the reaction quotient. J. W. Gibbs suggested in 1873 that
  29. Predictions that are independent of the details of the interaction, since the, quantitative ,predictions mentioned below hold for any sufficiently weak attraction between
  30. Placer mining. " Educators are now adjusting their curricula to focus on more, quantitative ,concepts and tools. Education and training programs Almost all educational
  31. Analysis),to identify the proportions of components in a mixture (, quantitative ,analysis),and to break down chemical processes and examine chemical reactions
  32. Is the field of study concerned with constructing mathematical models and, quantitative ,analysis techniques and using computers to analyze and solve scientific
  33. An exaggerated perception; that there is no qualitative difference but only a, quantitative ,difference between pain and ordinary sensation. Other works on physics Optical
  34. Of stoichiometry Lavoisier's researches included some of the first truly, quantitative ,chemical experiments. He carefully weighed the reactants and products in a
  35. In 1978,Malkovich noted the monopoly problem, which was an unambiguous, quantitative ,version of the horizon problem, this time in a fashionable subfield of particle
  36. Aristotle's writings on science are largely qualitative, as opposed to, quantitative , Beginning in the 16th century, scientists began applying mathematics to the
  37. Employed the squid giant axon (1939) and by 1952 they had obtained a full, quantitative ,description of the ionic basis of the action potential, leading the formulation
  38. Fermat won out, for it supplied the 18th century mathematicians with concrete, quantitative ,tools needed to study physical problems using the new calculus of Newton and
  39. Mechanics, while Eddington speculated broadly about the qualitative and, quantitative ,consequences of possible proton-electron annihilation and nuclear fusion
  40. The four elements of the Greek were mostly qualitative aspects of matter, not, quantitative , as our modern elements are. " ... True alchemy never regarded earth, air
  41. Many youths develop and create their own businesses across the country. The, quantitative ,gains have not always been matched by qualitative ones. Primary schools in
  42. Gives an indication of the identity of the chemical species in the sample and, quantitative ,analysis determines the amount of one or more of these components. The
  43. Mbox In statistics, the term central tendency relates to the way in which, quantitative ,data is clustered around some value. A measure of central tendency is a way of
  44. Methods have been developed for the analysis of algorithms to obtain such, quantitative ,answers (estimates); for example, the sorting algorithm above has a time
  45. Gene making the protein argininosuccinate lyase *Arterial Spin Labeling,a, quantitative ,MRI technique for measuring cerebral perfusion *ASL (airline),a Belgian air
  46. Economic equilibrium. The assumption that there is no arbitrage is used in, quantitative ,finance to calculate a unique risk neutral price for derivatives. Conditions
  47. Reason and value, social analysis, historical studies, cultures in comparison, quantitative ,and deductive reasoning, literature,and visual and performing arts. The use of
  48. Gave" firm quantitative support for the unity of life. ... there is now strong, quantitative ,support, by a formal test, Illustrations of common descent Artificial selection
  49. Since March 2009,also provided the mechanism by which the Bank's policy of, quantitative ,easing (HE) is achieved, under the auspices of the MPC. Along with the
  50. Their claims—and by a rigorous logical procedure, reinforced by his own, quantitative ,experiments, of expounding the true explanation of the results. He completed

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