Examples of the the word, endorsement , in a Sentence Context

The word ( endorsement ), is the 5627 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The essence of human beings. " A key authoritarian element of fascism is its, endorsement ,of a prime national leader, who is often known simply as the" Leader" or a
  2. Both candidates and that he could not make up his mind). Schwarzenegger's, endorsement ,was thought to be a boost for Senator McCain's campaign; both spoke about
  3. Movie deals, but that" it was more than worth it. " Schwarzenegger's, endorsement ,in the Republican primary of the 2008 U. S. Presidential election was highly
  4. Requirements and the applicant must have a 'special reason' for wanting the, endorsement , Air guns can be purchased by anybody over 16 (with a license) and unlicensed
  5. Payments for his image rights. The income from his new contract, and his many, endorsement ,deals, made him the highest-paid player in the world at the time. 2001–02 was
  6. PADI) announced full educational support for nitro. It was PADI's, endorsement ,that put nitro over the top as a standard sport diving" option. " Nitro in
  7. And edited, while fellow Michigander Rob Taper was producer. Following an, endorsement ,by horror writer Stephen King, the film slowly began to receive distribution.
  8. To the proclaimed worldly king () in matters not contrary to conscience. #The, endorsement ,by the popes and the Church of the line of emperors beginning with the Emperors
  9. CBT products that are useful to patients. They have therefore removed the, endorsement ,of any specific product. Today numerous sites offer computerized CBT. Many of
  10. Knowledge and experience. Certification provides an impartial, third-party, endorsement , of an individual's professional knowledge and experience. It is important to
  11. Anti-semitic but was extremely naïve about politics. Hans Keller gave similar, endorsement , Regarding Schmidt's political naivety, Michael Steinberg, in his magisterial
  12. Is spherical, in line with the quotation above, and with Augustine's famous, endorsement ,of science in De Genes ad litter am. The notion that hell was below the earth
  13. Then on, most Republican candidates for local and statewide offices sought the, endorsement ,of Bob Jones III and greeted faculty/staff voters at the University Dining
  14. Areas, Lib-Lab candidates were popular, and they received sponsorship and, endorsement ,from trade unions. In the first election after the Act was passed (1885)
  15. Firearms. To possess firearms of another category they are required to get an, endorsement ,to their license. There are different endorsement s for different classes of
  16. In Africa. Mather was fascinated by the idea. By July 1716,Mather had read an, endorsement ,of inoculation by Dr. Emanuel Timorous of Constantinople in the Philosophical
  17. Norman Judd, Leonard Sweet, and Jesse DuBois, and Lincoln received his first, endorsement ,to run for the presidency. Exploiting the embellished legend of his frontier
  18. Rightful ruler of Scotland. Just as he is about to ride to accept the English, endorsement , the Bruce turns back to his troops. Invoking Wallace's memory, he urges his
  19. Faith in public, but not on public property with government sponsorship or, endorsement , *Drug policy reform to reduce harm and promote sustainable health and
  20. His support for the 2003 decision to invade Iraq in the context of his, endorsement ,of Barack Obama, stating:" My role has been very, very straightforward. I
  21. Invaded Italy in 49 BC, Cicero fled Rome. Caesar, seeking the legitimacy an, endorsement ,by a senior senator would provide, courted Cicero's favor, but even so Cicero
  22. Fudge is available under a non-commercial license. Grey Ghost Press, with the, endorsement ,of Stefan O'Sullivan, publishes an expanded form of the Fudge system. There
  23. Votes and thus Wilson was returned for a second term; Hughes had lost the, endorsement ,of the California governor when he failed to show up for an appointment with
  24. Classified as" liberal" because of their strong human rights stance and, endorsement ,of pluralistic democracy while their Kuomintang opposition, historically take a
  25. Singer to perform at the event. Later on that year Tommy Hilfiger gave her an, endorsement ,deal, part of her deal was to model at various Tommy Hilfiger shows. The song "
  26. Campaign, Nick Griffin visited Sweden to give the National Democrat Party his, endorsement , Members of the Swedish National Democrats were present at the BNP's 2005 Red
  27. And 15 years after his daughter had died. The company failed to negotiate an, endorsement ,deal with Ruth, and many saw the company's story about the origin of the name
  28. Decided to appoint his cousin John of Savoy as bishop and even secured Papal, endorsement , Despite being bishop of Geneva, the new Savoy bishop resided most of the time
  29. On free movement within the EU and consequently their passports receive an, endorsement ,to that effect. This only affects a minority of islanders. Under the UK
  30. North America. She has been brought not only her personality into this, endorsement ,but also her creative side, as she is also a co-creator of the ads. She was No.
  31. Articles were read aloud, leading to an immediate debate over whether an, endorsement ,of these documents was implicit in that acceptance. In Ireland there was no
  32. Holmes, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, and Oprah Winfrey. Beckham's many, endorsement ,deals make him one of the most recognizable athletes throughout the world. On
  33. This communitarian violence, this civil war, will work. " Following his, endorsement ,of Barack Obama in October 2008,however, Powell praised General David Petrels
  34. Luthier. The instrument is often known as the" Beatles Bass ", due to its, endorsement ,by Paul McCartney. In 1957 Rickenbacker introduced the model 4000 bass, the
  35. The 1859 publication of On the Origin of Species, Lyell finally offered a tepid, endorsement ,of evolution in the tenth edition of Principles. Elements of Geology began as
  36. Christ. ” In the 1960s,Graham further irritated fundamentalists by gaining the, endorsement ,of Cardinal Richard Cushing for his Boston campaign and accepting honorary
  37. Rifle Association and had campaigned as a" Pro-gun" candidate with the NRA's, endorsement ,in 1988. However, in March 1989 he placed a temporary ban on the import of
  38. Advertisements for other products, such as watches or soap (see Celebrity, endorsement ,). Advertisers say that a star endorsement boosts sales. Awards The Film fare
  39. independent of membership organizations enjoy association support and, endorsement , The growth of certification programs is also a reaction to the changing
  40. Endorsed Senator John McCain for the presidency of the United States. The, endorsement ,offered a boost to McCain's campaign, as the Arizona Senator had been facing
  41. Ban on the import of certain semiautomatic rifles. This action cost him, endorsement ,from the NRA in 1992. Bush publicly resigned his life membership in the
  42. Camp was impersonated by comedians Rich Little and David Frye. Although Capp's, endorsement ,activities never rivaled Li'l Abner's or Fearless Fosdick's, he was a
  43. The world. On 31 December 2008,it was announced that Pepsi Co. was ending its, endorsement ,deal with the player after a 10-year collaboration. Beckham has several
  44. The resume and the professional reference by being an impartial, third-party, endorsement , of an individual's professional knowledge and experience. Certification
  45. Congress. Hamilton led a group of like-minded nationalists, won Washington's, endorsement , and convened the Annapolis Convention in 1786 to petition Congress to call a
  46. As watches or soap (see Celebrity endorsement ). Advertisers say that a star, endorsement ,boosts sales. Awards The Filmfare Awards ceremony is one of the most prominent
  47. That" The incidental advancement of a religious mission, or the perceived, endorsement ,of a religious message, is reasonably attributable to the individual aid
  48. U. S. presidential election. However, on October 19, 2008,Powell announced his, endorsement ,of Barack Obama during a Meet the Press interview, citing " his ability to
  49. That casting hadn't begun. When asked about the rumor during the launch of her, endorsement ,of FLIRT! Cosmetics, Morris told Access Hollywood that she was aware of the
  50. Government that would recommend a dissolution of the Parliament. Despite the, endorsement ,of his action by the electorate at the 1975 election, the events surrounding

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