Examples of the the word, mercy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mercy ), is the 5625 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With the prayer" Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and, mercy ,help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit ", and on the hands, with the prayer
  2. The act of a Judge, is either purely the imputation of righteousness through, mercy ,… or that man is justified before God … according to the rigor of justice
  3. Into the hands of their enemies; the people then repent and entreat Yahweh for, mercy , which he sends in the form of a judge; the judge delivers the Israelites from
  4. Besieged by Hangar. She managed to send an emissary to throw herself on the, mercy ,of Otto the Great of Germany. His brothers were equally willing to save the
  5. Had run out of supplies and with no lines of retreat they would be at Pompey's, mercy ,and likely slaughtered if they lost the battle. This" nothing to lose "
  6. Stanley's name, to be held in trust for the Yorkist crown. Richard's act of, mercy ,was calculated to reconcile with Stanley, but it may have been to no
  7. Of desperation did not leave him; he began to ask if he was worthy of God's, mercy ,or in any way redeemable as he had not only neglected his faith but directly
  8. Ordered it so. Newton turned and said," If this will not do, then Lord have, mercy ,upon us! " He returned to the pump where he and another mate tied themselves to
  9. Says a prayer in which he repents for his disobedience, and thanks God for His, mercy , God speaks to the fish, which vomits out Jonah safely on dry land. After his
  10. By the oppressed and needy. Through his servants, he extends his love and, mercy , liberating through hope. God has a deep concern for the welfare of his people
  11. With the implication that there are to be no treaties with the enemy, no, mercy , and no intermarriage, The divine call for massacre at Jericho and elsewhere
  12. The middle group. Al-Shaykh Alnilam Abu JA'far, may Allah the most high have, mercy ,on him, considered the custom of each region decisive as to whom the people
  13. prov'd: In liberating strife, : Who more than self their country lov'd, : And, mercy ,more than life.: America! America!: May God thy gold refine: Till all success
  14. And engages in combat, nearly knocking the villain to his death. Robin shows, mercy ,and aids Two-Face, but is taken hostage when the villain pulls a gun. Batman is
  15. Awed by his courage, the Londoners watching the execution begin to yell for, mercy , and the magistrate offers him one final chance. However, the defiant Wallace
  16. Teachings discuss the ministry and atonement of Jesus, the laws of justice and, mercy , the need for repentance, and the resurrection and judgment of all people. A
  17. Out of the house with a knife. Myrrh flees from him, praying to the gods for, mercy ,as she runs. The gods hear her plea, and change her into a Myrrh tree so her
  18. Of the city. Rome, for so long victorious against its enemies, was now at the, mercy ,of its foreign conquerors. The contemporary ecclesiastics recorded with wonder
  19. Storyteller Scheherazade is portrayed as being the" voice of sanity and, mercy ,", with her philosophical position being generally opposed to punishment by
  20. Problems: those that solve themselves and those that can't be solved. " At the, mercy ,of Congress, cabinets came and went frequently, although there was more
  21. Antony and supported by a majority in the Senate. However, Octavian showed no, mercy ,for the mass of allies loyal to Lucius; on 15 March, the anniversary of Julius
  22. His vessel so severely that he became frightened enough to call out to God for, mercy , a moment that marked the beginning of his spiritual conversion. His career in
  23. In barbarian law codes, since Christian synods" established, through that, mercy ,which Christ taught, that for almost every misdeed at the first offense secular
  24. Well as physically. Part four In September and October, the town remains at the, mercy ,of the plague. Room hears from the sanatorium that the condition of his wife
  25. Kills Frisson and takes over his empire. The Joker holds the city at his, mercy ,by chemically altering everyday hygiene products, causing those using a certain
  26. Al-Mu'ta did, were often cruel in their punishments. However it should be noted, mercy ,is considered preferable, and that in Sharia law the victim's family can
  27. Into the hands of their enemies; the people then repent and entreat Yahweh for, mercy , which he sends in the form of a judge; the judge delivers the Israelites from
  28. Shall remain unknown until God gathers his people together again and shows his, mercy , and then the Lord will disclose these things, and the glory of the Lord and
  29. except Antony's older son. Octavian had previously shown little, mercy ,to military combatants and acted in ways that had proven unpopular with the
  30. The Church is unsure of their fate;" the Church can only entrust them to the, mercy ,of God" ( Catechism,1261). Jehovah's Witnesses Jehovah's Witnesses believe
  31. Of abiotic stress will be on that area. So, a taiga or boreal forest is at the, mercy ,of whatever abiotic stress factors may come along, while tropical zones are
  32. A few are charged to do judgment; everyone without exception is charged to show, mercy , " Her conclusion is that Christians should see John as" representative of all
  33. Hatred gives birth to hatred and a feeling of love gives birth to love and, mercy , According to him the happiness of people is the happiness of the ruler. His
  34. But Ashoka also promoted the concept of vegetarianism. Ashoka also showed, mercy ,to those imprisoned, allowing them to leave for the outside a day of the year. He
  35. Not to shatter or annul the commandments but to fulfill them; and he taught, mercy ,and meekness" ( Intro,49.1). The mercy that Christ infused into Mosaic Law
  36. Thrust. Jeremiah alternates efforts to warn the people with pleas to God for, mercy ,until he is ordered to" pray no more for this people. " He engages in
  37. The New Testament, especially the Epistles. Christian themes include God's, mercy ,(not treating sinners as they truly deserve),grace (treating unworthy
  38. But to fulfill them; and he taught mercy and meekness" ( Intro,49.1). The, mercy ,that Christ infused into Mosaic Law underlies the injury tariffs that figure so
  39. Sins people commit and that the soul can be delivered from despair through the, mercy ,of God," Amazing Grace" is one of the most recognizable songs in the
  40. Time that God should gather His people again together, and receive them unto, mercy , " Ethiopia The Ethiopian Orthodox Church claims to possess the Ark of the
  41. And disemboweled alive, Wallace refuses to submit to the king and beg for, mercy , Awed by his courage, the Londoners watching the execution begin to yell for
  42. This was potentially dangerous for the Allied infantry who would then be at the, mercy ,of the Elector’s Bavarian and Walloon squadrons patiently waiting on the
  43. Is that it was his son's position in India, there on military service, at the, mercy ,of inept imperial leaders who misunderstood conquered people, that may have
  44. About two thirds of the interviewed women stated a desire to be at the, mercy ,of their sexual partners from time to time. 69 % admitted to fantasies dealing
  45. An attempt to change the divine will; it is an attempt to appeal to divine, mercy , Furthermore, in Jonah 3:9,the MT reads," Who knows, God may turn and relent
  46. Us ...." Targum Jonah translates this passage as:" ... perhaps there will be, mercy ,from the Lord upon us ...." The captain's proposal is no longer an attempt to
  47. Thus, in the Eucharist, gone were the words Mass and altar; the 'Lord have, mercy ,' was interleaved into a recitation of the Ten Commandments and the Gloria was
  48. Enemy. David is incensed that anyone should have killed Saul, even as an act of, mercy , since Saul was anointed by Samuel, and has the individual responsible killed.
  49. God and His Messenger, ye owe me no obedience. Arise for your prayer, God have, mercy ,upon you. Abu Bakr's Caliphate lasted for 27 months, during which he crushed
  50. History is faithfulness (and its obverse, faithlessness ) and God's, mercy ,(and its obverse, his anger). In Judges, Samuel and Kings Israel becomes

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