Examples of the the word, deed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deed ), is the 5618 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Legal term referring to documents with straight edges; these distinguished a, deed ,binding only one person from one affecting more than a single person (an "
  2. Sources, Shakespeare gives Ban quo no role in the King's murder, making it a, deed ,committed solely by Macbeth and his wife. Why Shakespeare's Ban quo is so
  3. Why we should fear and obey God. The answer is because“ God will bring every, deed ,into judgment” ( 12:14). Here, judgment and law are linked for the first time
  4. Urges America to live up to its noble ideals and to honor, with both word and, deed , the memory of those who died for their country. He also performed the song on
  5. Vernon, and that he chopped down his father's cherry tree and admitted the, deed ,when questioned:" I can't tell a lie, Pa. " The anecdote was first reported
  6. Commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone. For God will bring every, deed ,into judgement, including every secret thing, whether good or evil. ” (Eccl
  7. A desire to avenge Sahel, and this would be a sufficient justification for the, deed ,according to the moral standard of the time. The conduct of David after the
  8. 2003 by http://www.historiccolumbusindiana.org Historic Columbus Indiana. The, deed ,indicated that General Lipton actually sold the land. A ferry was established
  9. Cultural, and press freedoms that do not suit Hamas's views – is an egregious, deed ,that must be opposed. It is the reenactment, under a religious guise, of the
  10. A name change through a deed of change of name (often referred to simply as a, deed ,poll). Deeds poll are used for this purpose in countries including England and
  11. Intention instead of a promise. The most common use is a name change through a, deed ,of change of name (often referred to simply as a deed poll). Deeds poll are
  12. That“ If the king is drinking at a man’s home, and anyone commits any evil, deed ,there, he is to pay twofold compensation. ” Items 77–81 in the code have been
  13. Form of deed poll is commonly used in Hong Kong. Origin of the term ", deed ,", also known in this context as a" specialty ", is common to signed written
  14. For example, a piece of land may be partitioned (or carved out) by a, deed ,poll into Section A and the Remaining Portion thereof. This form of deed poll
  15. The Chrysler Building and the building itself. Cooper Union's name is on the, deed , In 2001,a 75 % stake in the building management contract was sold, for US$
  16. And orchestra. On 29 July 1900,King Umberto I of Italy was assassinated,a, deed ,that horrified the aged composer. While staying at the Grand Hotel et de Milan
  17. Bishop of Framing, both descendants of the lineage of the Arizona. With this, deed ,dating back to August 15,805 A. D., the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed
  18. With a small cohesive group through acts of violence, or " propaganda by the, deed ,", which would inspire the workers as a whole to revolt and forcibly
  19. But since he was overcome by fright at the prospect, Suizei accomplished the, deed , On this, Kamuyawimimi ceded his rights and declared that Luiza, being braver
  20. For forty days, and is tempted by Satan. His early ministry by word and, deed ,in Galilee meets with much success, and leads to the Sermon on the Mount, the
  21. And Legacy. History The settlement of Haymow was mentioned in a 1272, deed , It was already called a civets in a 1288 document issued by the Past duke
  22. Remember that there is a meaning beyond absurdity. Be sure that every little, deed ,counts, that every word has power. Never forget that you can still do your
  23. Creation, she gave birth to the monstrous Demiurge and, being ashamed of her, deed , she wrapped him in a cloud and created a throne for him within it. The
  24. A clear title to property is one that clearly states any obligation in the, deed ,to the property. It reveals no break sin the chain of legal ownership. After the
  25. The Duke of Lower Lorraine. In 1083,the name" Holland" first appears in a, deed ,referring to a region corresponding more or less to the current province of
  26. Halirrhothius, who had raped Alive, another daughter of the war-god. For this, deed , Poseidon summoned Ares to appear before the tribunal of the Olympic gods
  27. Anon at a feast to which he had invited all the king's sons. () After this, deed ,he fled to Talkie, the king of Gesture () (see also or),his maternal
  28. Creditors of the debtor. For example, in some districts a contract for, deed ,is an executory contract, while in others it is not. Priority Chapter 11
  29. George, Utah on February 9,1874. In Young's Order, producers would generally, deed ,their property to the Order, and all members of the order would share the
  30. Formula," signed, sealed and delivered ", or even merely" executed as a, deed ,") is deemed to be the consideration necessary to support the obligation. "
  31. Responsibility for the child consents to it. The child's parents execute the, deed ,poll on the child's behalf. In some other jurisdictions, a person may simply
  32. By the city's Military Commander Ob erst Meyer. Several memorials to his heroic, deed ,have been erected over the years, against great opposition from the citizenry:
  33. That karma is insentient and short-lived, and ceases to exist as soon as a, deed ,is executed. Hence, karma cannot bestow the fruits of actions at a future date
  34. Creation, she gave birth to the monstrous Demiurge and, being ashamed of her, deed , wrapped him in a cloud and created a throne for him within it. The Demiurge
  35. Distribution of dynamite. This image remains to this day. Propaganda of the, deed ,was abandoned by the vast majority of the anarchist movement after World War I
  36. Speech has power. Words do not fade. What starts out as a sound, ends in a, deed , " *"The Almighty has not created the universe that we may have opportunities
  37. Celebrated by anarchists, who recognized its suitability for propaganda by the, deed , Manufacture Classic dynamite consists of three parts nitroglycerin, one part
  38. With intent to defraud. In Australia, name change was formerly accomplished by, deed ,poll but now is done by completing a Change of Name form. Another common use is
  39. Us who can claim to have done nothing bad in one's life. Now if every evil, deed ,has to be requited, who can hope to go unscathed from among us? He said," O
  40. To explain his motives after he went to jail. He would be in charge of the, deed ,; she of the word. Bergman tried and failed to make a bomb, then set off for
  41. Marshlands. Middle Ages The first known documentation of Dachau was a medieval, deed ,by the Noble Merchant of Dhaka to the Bishop of Framing, both descendants of
  42. By a deed poll into Section A and the Remaining Portion thereof. This form of, deed ,poll is commonly used in Hong Kong. Origin of the term" deed ", also
  43. The general church. In 1960,the Free Methodist Publishing House board issued a, deed ,in favor of the general church, whereby the church became the owner of the old
  44. Of some coercive measures, including violent revolution and propaganda of the, deed , on the path to an anarchist society. Etymology and terminology The term,"
  45. That the land on which Columbus sits was donated by General Lipton; however,a, deed ,purporting to show a sale of the land was acquired in 2003 by
  46. Until September 1995),Hong Kong and Singapore. In England and Wales a, deed ,poll can also be used to change a child's name, as long as everyone with
  47. Rival social democratic unions. " By the 1880s,the slogan" propaganda of the, deed ," had begun to be used both within and outside the anarchist movement to
  48. Simultaneously lauded in others. On a tactical level, while propaganda of the, deed ,was a tactic used by anarchists in the 19th century (e.g. the Nihilist
  49. DelicateArch1_GB. JPG Image: Marque National de los-Arcos-Utah2509. JPG A, deed ,poll (plural: deed s poll) is a legal document binding only to a single person
  50. And was also used for political symbolism, such as in the propaganda of the, deed , In Russia alone, four emperors were assassinated within less than 200 years:

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