Examples of the the word, bloom , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bloom ), is the 5617 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Frost, particularly on the south shore. Cool onshore winds also retard early, bloom ,of plants and flowers until later in spring, protecting them from
  2. Something totally new. The industrial Revolution in France had been in full, bloom ,for some time, by 1871. Consequently,many Paris citizens who came
  3. By the Catholic Church. In the east, Rudolph relates, Manicheanism was able to, bloom , given that the religious monopoly position previously held by Christianity and
  4. Mountain ash) or more commonly white thorn/each deal (hawthorn) which is in, bloom ,at the time and is commonly called the 'May Bush' or just 'May' in both
  5. 2010 revealed a massive algal bloom covering in the Baltic Sea. The area of the, bloom ,extends from Germany and Poland to Finland. Researchers of the phenomenon have
  6. To legend, the hills above Kirishima airport have beds of cornflower that, bloom ,in early May. Kamikaze pilots that were unable to complete their mission (due
  7. In particular the genus Thalassiosira and Chaetoceros. After the spring, bloom ,the saprophytes of the genus Phaecocystis couchette become dominant.
  8. Of 1874–75,and in February 1934. Lake breezes in spring tend to retard fruit, bloom ,until the frost danger is past, and in the autumn delay the onset of fall frost
  9. Concerned with coloring and showing off their technique, trying to hasten the, bloom ,of the flower" ( as opposed to the actual harmony between strategy and skill.
  10. Producers and are useful for evaluating pollinator populations during their, bloom , Centaurea (snapped),Perianths annulus (domestic sunflower),and some
  11. They see whitish spots on the dark chocolate part. This is called chocolate, bloom ,and is not an indication of chocolate gone bad. Instead, this is just an
  12. Ideological and religious sayings (for example," Let a thousand flowers, bloom ," or" To everything there is a season" ). People with autism showed a
  13. One of his pupils: Rest in peace! Uncovered by dust Eternity shall, bloom ,for you. Rest in peace! In eternal harmonies Your spirit now is
  14. 19th century, with Rasmus Rask's Icelandic Lexicon of 1814,and was in full, bloom ,by the 1830s,with Jacob Grimm's Deutsche Mythologies giving an extensive
  15. In Russia. Glad Sharon was brought into the campaign to make the wilderness, bloom ,in Russia by Getex, a large Russian-based exporter of seeds (peas, millet
  16. Bait or In the White Giant's Thigh from Under Milk wood:::: Who once were a, bloom ,of wayside brides in the hawed house::: and heard the lewd, wooed field flow to
  17. Eel and turbot. Satellite images taken in July 2010 revealed a massive algal, bloom ,covering in the Baltic Sea. The area of the bloom extends from Germany and
  18. Deepened into love; marriage to Francesco allegedly caused Isabella to ", bloom ,". At the time of her wedding, Isabella was said to have been pretty, slim
  19. Problem are to plant a wider refuge field or plant varieties of corn that, bloom ,at different times than the BT fields do. (Circuit & Abashing,2004) Sweet
  20. An increase in the frequency of monospecific phytoplankton bloom s, with diatom, bloom ,frequency increasing by a factor of 2.5 and non-diatom bloom frequency
  21. The Rose replied with a shade of sadness in her voice, : " Ah, my dear friend, I, bloom , but for a time:: my petals soon wither and fall, and then I die.: But your
  22. With diatom bloom frequency increasing by a factor of 2.5 and non-diatom, bloom ,frequency increasing by a factor of 6. The non-diatoms, such as the
  23. Effects on the central nervous system of creatures in the area of the algae, bloom , In 1996,a red tide was responsible for 151 manatee deaths. The epidemic began
  24. During the reign of the July Monarchy, the Romantic Era was starting to, bloom , Driven by the Romantic Era, an atmosphere of protest and revolt was all around
  25. Live through the winter, then bloom in winter or spring. The plants grow and, bloom ,during the cool season when most other plants are dormant or other annuals are
  26. And returned with relief to his former studies. His political career did not, bloom ,into anything great, but it does illustrate his characteristics—his nationalism
  27. In an oily texture. Although visually unappealing, chocolate suffering from, bloom ,is perfectly safe for consumption. Potential health effects Even though
  28. Greeks stop harvesting the plant (which usually grows wild) when it starts to, bloom ,at the end of August. In Sri Lanka, it is called" Kiera Kampala ". Sri
  29. Layers known as propels. Scientists have reported an annual phytoplankton, bloom ,that can be seen in many NASA images of the region. As a result of these
  30. Have traced the fount whence streams of nectar flow.: Bloom, O ye Amaranths!, bloom ,for whom ye may, : For me ye bloom not! Glide, rich streams, away! In his
  31. From the original statement (for example:" Don't cut flowers before they, bloom ,"). Controls tended to infer a wider range of cultural meanings with little
  32. Hot lamps),and can provide the optimum light frequency for plant growth and, bloom ,periods compared to currently used grow lights: HPS (high pressure sodium)
  33. Are they? Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,- While barred clouds, bloom ,the soft-dying day, And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue; Later, too
  34. Blow this garment aside, so that when wafted away it revealed her virgin, bloom ,; at another moment it would wantonly breathe directly upon it, clinging tightly
  35. Amarant, a flower which once: In paradise, fast by the tree of life, : Began to, bloom ,; but soon for man's offense: To heaven removed, where first it grew, there
  36. Winter annuals germinate in autumn or winter, live through the winter, then, bloom , in winter or spring. The plants grow and bloom during the cool season when most
  37. South African habitat. Many bulbs sold as Amaryllis and described as 'ready to, bloom ,for the holidays' actually belong to the allied genus Hippeastrum, despite
  38. Ice recedes exotic algae dominate the first phase of the bloom , and a strong, bloom ,dominate by diatoms follows the ice melt south 9. Another phytoplankton bloom
  39. Thermocline to" fertilize algae in the surface waters and encourage them to, bloom ,". The basic idea was to accelerate the transfer of carbon dioxide from the
  40. Of nectar flow.: Bloom, O ye Amaranths! Bloom for whom ye may, : For me ye, bloom ,not! Glide, rich streams, away! In his dialogue ‘ Aesop and Rhode ’
  41. Bloom dominates by diatoms follows the ice melt south 9. Another phytoplankton, bloom ,occurs more to the north near the antarctic convergence, here nutrients are
  42. This pattern of productivity is also augmented by an Emiliano Huxley, bloom ,during the late spring and summer months. *Zebra mussel: The Black Sea along
  43. Leaves are Blooming - Warm weather has arrived and leaves on the trees begin to, bloom ,#Miss'o = Sockeye - majority of Sockeye Salmon runs begin this month #Maa'y =
  44. A flowering bulb commonly sold in the winter months for its ability to, bloom ,indoors. Characteristics Amaryllis is a bulbous plant, with each bulb being
  45. Usually celebrate LA Beltane when the local hawthorn trees are in, bloom , or on the full moon that falls closest to this event. Many observe the
  46. Beginning in the latter part of the twentieth century there has been a, bloom ,in the independent creation of unusually designed art boomerangs. These often
  47. Zealand, Pōhutukawa trees are described as" native Christmas trees ", as they, bloom ,at Christmastime, and look like Christmas trees with their red flowers and
  48. Early death was a personal and public tragedy: The loveliest and the last,The, bloom , whose petals nipped before they blew Died on the promise of the fruit.
  49. Whom she had recently felt betrayed, Wollstonecraft declared," The roses will, bloom ,when there's peace in the breast, and the prospect of living with my Fanny
  50. As the sea ice recedes exotic algae dominate the first phase of the, bloom , and a strong bloom dominate by diatoms follows the ice melt south 9. Another

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