Examples of the the word, variant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( variant ), is the 5635 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As a different" type ": * Chromatic button accordions and the Bryan, a Russian, variant , use a butt onboard where notes are arranged chromatically. Two of these systems
  2. American dictionaries typically label the spelling aluminum as a British, variant , The name aluminum derives from its status as a base of alum. It is borrowed
  3. Data can be obtained in the conquer phase by merging the segments. A simpler, variant ,of divide and conquer is called a decrease and conquer algorithm, that solves
  4. Winner elections. The naive way to do so is as block approval voting, a simple, variant ,on block voting where each voter can select an unlimited number of candidates
  5. Of several words, such as Interpol = International + police. It is basically a, variant ,of the acronym. Syllabic abbreviations are usually written using lower case
  6. Constitute a configuration that justifies the claim to be a new language, variant , Religion There are about 1000 mostly Christian religious communities in Angola
  7. Element in 1990 but, three years later, recognized aluminum as an acceptable, variant , Hence, their periodic table includes both. IUPAC prefers the use of aluminum
  8. Anglican will have identified themselves so because they use some form or, variant ,of the Book of Common Prayer in the shaping of their worship. Anglican worship
  9. Geschlafen; but ICH bin eingeschlafen I fell asleep is quite normal). In the, variant ,of German that is spoken in Germany, the words Stephen (to stand) and western
  10. Word Abraham (Gk. ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ, which is far more common in the sources than the, variant ,form Abraham, ΑΒΡΑΞΑΣ ) was a word of mystic meaning in the system of the
  11. In different countries. Escape codes were defined to indicate which national, variant ,applied to a piece of text, but they were rarely used, so it was often
  12. Number of voices demand the recognition of“ Angolan Portuguese” as a specific, variant , comparable to those spoken in Portugal or in Brazil. However, while there
  13. And the creation of a libertarian utopia. A recent time traveling splitter, variant ,involves entire communities being shifted elsewhere to become the unwitting
  14. From the early centuries AD, but it remained restricted to the status of a, variant ,used alongside the non-cursive. By contrast, the cursive developed out of the
  15. Strains and is a point of vulnerability across the entire range of the HIV, variant ,population. The enzyme does more than bind to the site, it actually destroys
  16. Which had of the order of 1019 states, or 1022 for the four-rotor U-boat, variant ,), the bombe performed a chain of logical deductions based on the crib
  17. A Textiles of Aeschylus, have been lost. Diodorus Siculus (4.81.4),in a, variant ,of Actaeon's hubris that has been largely ignored, has it that Actaeon wanted
  18. University of Minnesota Press,2007. In linguistics, an allomorph is a, variant ,form of a morpheme. The concept occurs when a unit of meaning can vary in sound
  19. Of Willis O'Brien on films such as King Kong (1933 film). ** Go motion is a, variant ,of model animation which uses various techniques to create motion blur between
  20. Solved by a 'generic' algorithm such as the simplex algorithm. A more complex, variant ,of linear programming is called integer programming, where the solution space
  21. Used with the Arabic alphabet developed primarily in what is now Iraq. A, variant ,of the Eastern Arabic numerals used in the Persian and Urdu languages is shown
  22. Howard' ( for Frances Carr, Countess of Somerset, her maiden name spelled in a, variant ,) became Car finds a whore, with the letters E hardly counted, and the victim
  23. From incompatibilities and limitations. Still,ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1),its, variant ,Windows-1252 (often mislabeled as ISO-8859-1),and the original 7-bit ASCII
  24. To confess) are identical in the present perfect: have gestation. The Austrian, variant ,avoids this potential ambiguity (bin gestation from Stephen, habe gestation
  25. Manner and unlike others affect more the COX-1 variant than the COX-2, variant , of the enzyme. For example, NSAIDs ' antiplatelet effects normally last in the
  26. All the three name variant s are used in Hungary; Attila is the most popular, variant ,), Etzel in German Nibelungenlied and Attila, Atila or Still in Turkish.
  27. Of text, but they were rarely used, so it was often impossible to know what, variant ,to work with and therefore which character a code represented, and
  28. They do so in an irreversible manner and unlike others affect more the COX-1, variant , than the COX-2 variant of the enzyme. For example, NSAIDs ' antiplatelet
  29. In Greek and Ankara in Latin; the Galatians Celtic name was probably a similar, variant , Following its annexation by the Seljuk Turks in 1073,the city became known in
  30. Process. In other cases, the speaker is able to select freely from free, variant ,allophones, based on personal habit or preference. Allot one A tonic allophone
  31. Segregation. Cross-time stories H. G. Wells' " cross-time"/"many universes ", variant ,(see above) was fully developed by De Camp in his 1940 short story" The
  32. Turtledove has launched the Cross time Traffic series for teenagers featuring a, variant ,of H. Beam Piper's para time trading empire. The concept of a cross-time
  33. Less often for actors). " Artiste" ( the French for artist) is a, variant ,used in English only in this context. Use of the term to describe writers, for
  34. Little changed in style from the Imperial Aramaic alphabet. A Cursive Hebrew, variant ,developed from the early centuries AD, but it remained restricted to the status
  35. Also wrote the earliest treatise on Arabic numerals. A distinctive West Arabic, variant ,of the symbols begins to emerge around the 10th century in the Maghreb and
  36. De Crepuscular et Nubian ascensions. Riser is also the author of the name, variant ," Alien "; before Riser he was known in the west as Alsace, which is the
  37. Developed under the Ballistic Missile Defense System, destroyed the target,a, variant ,of Prithvi-II, mimicking an enemy missile, fired from launch complex-III of the
  38. Compensated summation can be used to combat this error to a degree. Compensated, variant ,The compensated-summation version of the algorithm above reads:
  39. S development as" amaranth" - the more correct" amaranth" is an archaic, variant , Systematic Amaranths shows a wide variety of morphological diversity among
  40. But also on nearly all its successors. " The Scheme programming language,a, variant ,of Lisp that adopted the block structure and lexical scope of ALGOL, also
  41. Represented, and text-processing systems could generally cope with only one, variant ,anyway. Because the bracket and brace characters of ASCII were assigned to "
  42. Be completed in Zone Yellow (1990). Piper's politically more sophisticated, variant ,was adopted and adapted by Michael Garland and Jack Chalker in the 1980s;
  43. Adopted by the Soviet Union in 1951. *: Type 56, variant , was used extensively by the View Cong. The
  44. Form of the morpheme. Periodic palatalization of velars resulted in the, variant ,form, which was initially phonologically conditioned. This conditioning can
  45. Or non-Classical aspects) smoothed out, to pure colloquial. The particular, variant ,(or register) used depends on the social class and education level of the
  46. Microsoft Office Proofing Tools 2003). The calligraphic, variant ,of the word used as the Coat of arms of Iran is encoded in Unicode, in the
  47. In episodes) of South Park (US,1997). ** Silhouette animation is a, variant ,of cutout animation in which the characters are backlit and only visible as
  48. Is told in Metamorphoses by the Roman poet Ovid (43 BC – 17 AD); in this late, variant ,Hermes falls in love with Here. Here, Aglaulus, and Androids go to the
  49. At least when they were used as numerals). However, the old Maghreb, variant ,has been abandoned except for calligraphic purposes in the Maghreb itself, and
  50. 646,a German, French,or Swedish, etc., programmer using their national, variant ,of ISO/IEC 646,rather than ASCII, had to write, and thus read, something such

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