Examples of the the word, triumph , in a Sentence Context

The word ( triumph ), is the 5626 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Dent's worst moment as a manager, although it was where he had his greatest, triumph , Upon Jean's death, control of the team passed to the Yaw key Trust, led by
  2. The 1969–70 Inter-Cities Fairs Cup. This was followed by an even greater, triumph ,: their first League and FA Cup double in 1970–71. This marked a premature high
  3. Sending him military support. In 1328 Androids III entered Constantinople in, triumph ,and Androids II was forced to abdicate. He died as a monk in 1332. Family On
  4. Including Jim Later and Denis Compton, who were part of England's 1953, triumph , Douglas Adams's 1982 science fiction comedy novel Life, the Universe and
  5. West of the Meuse and north of the Sabre – it was an unsurpassed operational, triumph ,for the English Duke. Emperor Joseph I, acting on behalf of his younger brother
  6. Hot spur in 1933. Although The Vanguard folded in 1926,the others were a great, triumph ,and became known as" The Big Five "; they ended Amalgamated Press's
  7. Sihanouk then declared that independence had been achieved and returned in, triumph ,to Phnom Penh. First administration of Sihanouk 1953-1970 As a result of the
  8. To his theoretical achievements, Steinitz founded an important tradition: his, triumph ,over the leading German master Johannes Zukertort in 1886 is regarded as the
  9. Of regulation, then won on a Matt Stover field goal in overtime for a 44–41, triumph , From there the Ravens won five of their last six games. With a 10–6 record
  10. Would be weeks before the command changed hands. As news spread of the Allies ’, triumph , the Prussians, Hessians and Hanoverian contingents, long delayed by their
  11. Composer, who mysteriously disappeared after the evening of his greatest, triumph , Halley spent years as a struggling and unappreciated composer. At age 24,his
  12. 1959 case found for a fifteen-shilling increase, and was regarded as a personal, triumph ,for Hawks. He went on to attain such success and prominence in his role as ACT
  13. To flee across the Euphrates. The emperor returned to Rome and celebrated a, triumph ,in 233. The following year he was called to face German invaders in Gaul, who
  14. Was highly impressed with the production design, but claimed" Batman is a, triumph ,of design over story, style over substance, a great-looking movie with a plot
  15. Troops killed more than 500 warriors. The militia returned to Denver City in, triumph , but several officers reported that the so-called battle was a blatant massacre
  16. At Ada;" however, Bahru Guide puts his emphasis on other elements of this, triumph ,:" The racial dimension was what lent Ada particular significance. It was a
  17. Up in a mental institution. Unlike in most other role-playing games, eventual, triumph , of the players is not assumed. Rules Call of Cthulhu uses the Basic
  18. Indicator of Macbeth's conscience returning to plague his thoughts. Banquo's, triumph ,over death appears symbolically, insofar as he literally takes Macbeth's seat
  19. Ravens" after a fan contest and began play in the 1996 season. The Ravens ', triumph ,over the New York Giants in Super Bowl XXXV at the conclusion of the 2000
  20. Maius imperium proconsular, Augustus was the only individual able to receive a, triumph ,as he was ostensibly the head of every Roman army. In 19 BC, Lucius Cornelius
  21. Kara man an Ottoman city and began marching to Constantinople to exploit his, triumph , Fearing for his safety, Selim staged a revolt in Thrace but was defeated by
  22. Exceptionally gripping courtroom drama "; and The Independent:" A necessary, triumph ,". The inquiry was expected to report in late 2009 but was delayed until after
  23. Wars, showing the Greeks that the Persians could be beaten; the eventual Greek, triumph ,in these wars can be seen to begin at Marathon. Since the following two hundred
  24. Foreigners, and Mir Lumley II’s march into Assam was an uninterrupted series of, triumph ,and victories though the real secret of his success, namely,defection in Whom
  25. Was paid by a friend. Thus, we were spared the affliction of his absence and the, triumph ,of suffering for his principles. " The annual poll tax was only $1.50. The
  26. Works within the film community, he accused the film of being" an all-American, triumph ,of style over substance. " The Swedish director Ingram Bergman once stated his
  27. On their enemies. W. D. Rubinstein wrote:" It was considered a great, triumph ,among the Marquesas to eat the body of a dead man. They treated their captives
  28. That they would prevail and were eager to fight. The French believed they would, triumph ,over the English not only because their force was larger, fresher,and better
  29. The church as a heavenly city or kingdom, ruled by love, which will ultimately, triumph ,over all earthly empires which are self-indulgent and ruled by pride. Augustine
  30. With the" call to adventure ", followed by a hazardous journey, and eventual, triumph , The adventure novel exhibits these" protagonist on adventurous journey "
  31. At 2–3 after consecutive losses to Pittsburgh, Tennessee and Indianapolis, its, triumph , over the Dolphins in Week 7 was redemption for what had happened against the
  32. Bell's handling of the NFL's conflict with the AFC was viewed as a personal, triumph , Later that month, his contract was changed again from a five-year to a 10-year
  33. Wrote that the soldiers of the Army of the Potomac received a" sense of, triumph ,which grew into an imperishable faith in themselves. The men knew what they
  34. Mercury-Atlas 9 flight) resulted in his removal. The mission was a personal, triumph ,for Shepard, who had battled back from Meunière’s disease which grounded him
  35. Was to return to England, which he did on 16 November, to be received in, triumph ,in London on the 23rd. Henry returned a conquering hero, in the eyes of his
  36. Grossing Japanese film of the year and won glowing reviews. However, his, triumph , was somewhat tarnished when, ironically,the film was blamed for a wave of
  37. The Roses; he also uses it to champion morality, portraying the" unequivocal, triumph ,of good over evil ". Richard, the villainous lead character, has been built up
  38. Achieving its independence, Cuba was a colony of Spain. 1898-1959 Prior to the, triumph ,of the Cuban Revolution, Cuba maintained strong economic and political ties to
  39. Illustrated Paeon the god, and the song both of apotropaic thanksgiving or, triumph , Such songs were originally addressed to Apollo, and afterwards to other gods:
  40. Massimo SEATO) tries to murder David (Via Paper) when he returns in, triumph ,after killing Goliath; however, Abner is slain by King Saul (Orson Welles).
  41. And the occupations of common life. These principles may flourish and, triumph ,in the schools; where it is, indeed,difficult, if not impossible, to refute
  42. Heady, civilized,sophisticated and enchanting. " He noted that" the real, triumph ,belongs to Stephen Sondheim ... the music is a celebration of 3/4 time, an orgy
  43. One ". This crown was usually held above the head of a Roman general during a, triumph , with the individual holding the crown charged to continually repeat" memento
  44. In 1977 because he was under contract with WTT, but he repeated his Wimbledon, triumph , although this time he was pushed much harder. He defeated his good friend
  45. Out the glories that await Israel in" the latter-day ", the final conflict and, triumph ,of God's kingdom. Themes The purpose of this book is not strictly historical
  46. In this film as a fantasy figure who magically reverses the historical, triumph ,of the corrupt merchant class over the samurai class. Featuring Satsuma Akamai
  47. Inconsistent for much of the late 1930s; Roma recorded an unexpected title, triumph ,in the 1941–42 season by winning their first ever students title. The eighteen
  48. Finished last, Jackson Scholz taking the gold medal. In the film, before his, triumph ,in the 100 m,Abrahams is shown losing the 200 m and being scolded by Mussolini.
  49. Edward Crease, because he feared the consequences of an overwhelming Visigothic, triumph ,as much as he did a defeat. From Genius' point of view, the best outcome was
  50. A major factor in the government's narrow re-election in 1990,Hawke's last, triumph , Richardson felt that the importance of his contribution to Labor's victory

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