Examples of the the word, navigate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( navigate ), is the 5631 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For an ill-trained user. Additionally, an interface that is difficult to, navigate ,or understand can hinder the CRM’s effectiveness, causing users to pick and
  2. 2009,much of the project, including both greenhouses, became available to, navigate ,through Google Street View. The site occupied by the Eden Project was used by
  3. Established a line between Pará and Manaus; and a fourth found it profitable to, navigate ,some smaller streams. In that same period, the Amazonas Company was
  4. On their ability to receive forecasts by radio, phone or satellite. Cruisers, navigate ,using paper charts and radar. Modern yachts are often also equipped with a
  5. Deal with autonomous planning or deliberation for robotic systems to, navigate ,through an environment. A detailed understanding of these environments is
  6. Shown on the tile to be ignored. The game has subtle strategies to make others, navigate ,through the cities. When a player puts a transportation type you don't want in
  7. To navigate * Sonar (sound navigation and ranging),the use of sound to, navigate ,or to locate other watercraft, usually by submarines * Echo sounding, listening
  8. Migration using a variety of methods. For diurnal migrants, the sun is used to, navigate ,by day, and a stellar compass is used at night. Birds that use the sun
  9. Returned to its colony in Some, Wales,within 13 days, a distance of. Birds, navigate ,during migration using a variety of methods. For diurnal migrants, the sun is
  10. An environment. A detailed understanding of these environments is required to, navigate ,through them. Information about the environment could be provided by a computer
  11. Locate objects or navigate * Human echolocation, the use of sound by people to, navigate ,* Sonar (sound navigation and ranging),the use of sound to navigate or to
  12. And explored eastward into Skagit Bay, which is shallow and difficult to, navigate , He returned south to rejoin Vancouver without having found Deception Pass. It
  13. Can play a significant role in developing software that is usable and easy to, navigate , Clarity One of the largest issues in developing a usable customer relationship
  14. Correct time, it was impossible for them to calculate their longitude and thus, navigate ,their way accurately to Franz Josef Land. They restarted the watches on the
  15. Systems face is poor usability. With a difficult interface for a user to, navigate , implementation can be fragmented or not entirely complete. The importance of
  16. That makes the river's mouth one of the most hazardous stretches of water to, navigate ,in the world. The Columbia drains an area of about. The Columbia is the
  17. Has had weather radar for a while, there are strict rules about using it to, navigate ,the aircraft. Sonar Dipping sonar fitted to a range of military helicopters
  18. Called" inhospitable" before Greek colonization because it was difficult to, navigate , and because its shores were inhabited by savage tribes. The name was changed
  19. Locations. Once neurons have positioned themselves, their axons sprout and, navigate ,through the brain, branching and extending as they go, until the tips reach
  20. And be used dismounted, potentially in terrain in which the vehicle cannot, navigate , or in order to avoid detection. Types of use Organizational types At the
  21. Purely functional in nature. Utilizing the buttons on the V64 unit a user would, navigate ,the menus and issue commands. It was mainly designed for game developers even
  22. Would not exclude polite literature. " Rhetoric and style In attempting to, navigate ,the cultural expectations of female writers and the generic conventions of
  23. Inversions and copy number changes. The browser enables scientists to, navigate ,the Here genome assembly and sequence variations, and to compare it with the
  24. Buttons and often have buttons with concavities or studs to help the player, navigate ,the layout despite not being able to see the buttons while playing. There are
  25. When it is young, to pink and white as it matures. The dolphins use sonar to, navigate ,and hunt in the river's tricky depths. The both is the subject of a very
  26. Center of mass of a bicycle and its rider must lean into a turn to successfully, navigate ,it. This lean is induced by a method known as countersteering, which can be
  27. Fitted with Admiralty Outfit QM and on 5 June 1944 they used it to accurately, navigate ,across the English Channel and to sweep the minefields in the planned areas.
  28. Of visual landmarks when available and use other olfactory and tactile cues to, navigate , Some species of ant are able to use the Earth's magnetic field for navigation
  29. To verify receiver accuracy. In the car installation, it was found possible to, navigate ,within an individual traffic lane. The company entertained high hopes that the
  30. Hundreds of ships, and was too shallow for the Royal Navy's larger vessels to, navigate , The island then was not the popular tourist destination it later became; the
  31. Mountains through the Athabasca Pass. David Thompson was the first European to, navigate ,the full length of the Columbia River. During Thompson's 1811 voyage down the
  32. Density fluctuations can be produced, and whether the universe can successfully, navigate ,the Big Bang/Big Crunch transition, remains a topic of controversy and current
  33. Vessel where desired. In settling the American west it was generally faster to, navigate ,down River from Brownsville, Pennsylvania,to the Ohio River confluence with
  34. SMITH is the System Management Interface Tool for AIX. It allows a user to, navigate ,a menu hierarchy of commands, rather than using the command line. Invocation is
  35. Diurnal desert ants of the genus Catalysis such as the Sahara desert ant, navigate ,by keeping track of direction as well as distance travelled. Distances
  36. The sea, is the head of navigation for river steamers; oceangoing vessels may, navigate ,the river to Hank ow, a distance of almost 1000 km (almost 600 mi) from the
  37. Thick hide. She also helped Heracles to defeat the Stymphalian Birds, and to, navigate ,the underworld to capture Cerberus. In The Odyssey, Odysseus ' cunning
  38. Of people employ guide dogs to assist in mobility. These dogs are trained to, navigate ,around various obstacles, and to indicate when it becomes necessary to go up or
  39. Before. The double-burh blocked passage on the river, forcing Viking ships to, navigate ,under a garrisoned bridge lined with men armed with stones, spears,or arrows.
  40. Visible tracks. This also provides sure footing for their hind paws when they, navigate ,rough terrain. Unlike most mammals, when cats walk, they use a" pacing" gait;
  41. In some instances, to deprive a person of a major sense by which they can, navigate ,or interact within the world, act fully independently, and be aware of events
  42. Soil salinization from irrigation. It also allows large freight barges to, navigate ,up to Baghdad. Environmental and social effects The construction of the dams
  43. On July 14, 2009,The Hague (ICJ) court upheld the rights Costa Ricans had to, navigate ,for commercial purposes to subsistence fishing on their side of the river. An
  44. With an environment or route can make it much easier for a blind person to, navigate ,successfully. Tools such as the white cane with a red tip - the international
  45. In a southerly direction to enter the gulf just west of Axis. Small craft can, navigate ,approximately eighty kilometers inland from its mouth. At one time, the Ankara
  46. Low-cost systems use a radar altimeter, barometric altimeter and clock to, navigate ,a digital strip map. More advanced systems use inertial guidance, satellite
  47. Easy to understand and without unnecessary confusion, thus allowing a user to, navigate ,the system with ease and confidence. Strong writing skills can prove extremely
  48. Emitting sound waves and listening to the echo in order to locate objects or, navigate ,* Human echolocation, the use of sound by people to navigate * Sonar (sound
  49. Are paid by the community. In these class are the shipwrights and sailors, who, navigate , the rivers. The fifth class of Indians is the soldiers' class, next after the
  50. Players are often not very good at defending against shooting, their ability to, navigate ,quickly through crowded areas of the court and steal the ball by reaching low

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