Examples of the the word, usability , in a Sentence Context

The word ( usability ), is the 5632 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 0.8 are continued improvements to both performance and security, as well as, usability ,enhancements and bug fixes. Related tools and Freenet applications Unlike many
  2. Interface, this has led the maintainers of GIMP to oversee the formation of a, usability ,team and the redesign of Gimps UI to provide a Single Window mode to be
  3. Is gaining popularity as a replacement for ivory, although its size limits its, usability , It is sometimes called vegetable ivory, or Tagus, and is the seed endosperm of
  4. Not allowing the system to work as fully intended. Fragmentation Often, poor, usability , can lead to implementations that are fragmented — isolated initiatives by
  5. The drive (and hence the operating system) fails to notice. One of the chief, usability ,problems of the floppy disk is its vulnerability; even inside a closed plastic
  6. Largest challenges that customer relationship management systems face is poor, usability , With a difficult interface for a user to navigate, implementation can be
  7. For the IBM PC, a separate keyboard housing was designed with a novel, usability ,feature that allowed users to adjust the keyboard angle for personal comfort.
  8. Patent-encumbered data compression algorithms, which,at the time, limited the, usability ,of compress and other popular archivers. " GZIP" is often also used to refer
  9. Data. On the other hand, the 3½-inch floppy has been lauded for its mechanical, usability ,by HCI expert Donald Norman: Operation A spindle motor in the drive rotates the
  10. And corporate standards. A 2002 study shows, however,that security and, usability ,can coexist harmoniously. These professionals can then gather information and
  11. As a DBMS. Accordingly, its supported data collection needs to meet respective, usability ,requirements (broadly defined by the requirements below) to qualify as a
  12. Proprioception of the prosthetic limb. To support improved resistance or, usability , comfort or healing, some type of stump socks may be worn instead of or as part
  13. Company had dedicated specific research space and staff focused exclusively on, usability , * Usability efforts must carry equal concern in the eyes of developers as
  14. And many smaller bug fixes, performance enhancements, and, usability , improvements. Version 0.7.5 also shipped with a new version of the Windows
  15. Often don't last, both because they wear out and because their reliability or, usability ,are low enough that no one is inclined to make an effort to extend their term
  16. Version built on the Windows NT kernel that also retained the consumer-oriented, usability ,of Windows 95 and its successors. This new version was widely praised in
  17. To deliver the representation benefits of 3D environments without their, usability ,drawbacks of orientation problems and hidden objects. It is a logical
  18. The numerical efficiency and accuracy of software. A third concern is also the, usability ,of econometric software. Purpose Two main purposes of econometrics are to give
  19. And title icon Usability Context menus have received some criticism from, usability ,analysts when improperly used, as some applications make certain features only
  20. Process of software systems. These professionals can offer insight into, usability ,in communication for software projects. Test users In many circumstances, test
  21. Linux Clustering. This product included Lackluster (GUI) for improved, usability , It was dedicated to the HPC market, but it could also be used (with some
  22. Access, disruption,or modification while maintaining the accessibility and, usability ,of the system for its intended users. Cryptography is the practice and study of
  23. Cases, the growth of capabilities and complexities of systems has hampered the, usability ,of a customer relationship management system. An overly complex computer system
  24. Production or scientific computing packages; * Built primarily for security, usability , portability, or comprehensiveness. The diversity of Linux distributions is due
  25. Resulting system is released as stable. It is updated only if major security or, usability ,fixes are incorporated. After Debian 6.0,new releases will be made every two
  26. Information, navigating bureaucracies, and matching research partners. The, usability ,team has written a Human Interface Guideline (HIS) for the developers and
  27. Single system-wide menu-bar). Mac OS X v10.3 introduced features to improve, usability ,including Exposé which is designed to make finding open windows easier. With
  28. A user-centered design (UCD),also known as a systems approach or the, usability ,engineering life cycle aims to improve the user-system. Design of ergonomics
  29. A Danish software company in the midst of new creating new software with, usability ,in mind. The study found these four observations most appropriate: * The
  30. AAM's saw their fields of view expand to 45°,which strengthened their tactical, usability , Nevertheless, the low dogfight loss-exchange ratios experienced by American
  31. The underlying logical design of a stored program, a design discipline known as, usability , Methods of user-centered design are used to ensure that the visual language
  32. Larger theme is found in that the responsiveness, intuitive design and overall, usability ,of a system can influence the users’ opinions and preferences of systems.
  33. Been ported to Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and other operating systems. GIMP, usability ,team GIMP contributors signed up to join the Opposability project. Since then
  34. And writer Abbie Hoffman * Free content, content without significant legal, usability ,restrictions * Free will, control exercised by rational agents over their
  35. Problems. As applied to macro ergonomics, evaluators are able to analyze the, usability ,of work system designs to identify how well a work system is organized and how
  36. Of source code. It affects the aspects of quality above, including portability, usability ,and most importantly maintainability. Readability is important because
  37. Software that companies purchase and run on their own IT infrastructure. Poor, usability ,One of the largest challenges that customer relationship management systems
  38. Activities, and organizing, thanks to its basic features such as widespread, usability ,and access. Social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace
  39. Signed up to join the Opposability project. Since then a dedicated, usability ,team has been established to guide the future of the GIMP interface. A user
  40. Copies. In such use other types of pens may over time get damaged beyond, usability , They have difficulty writing on surfaces with low friction (such as plastics
  41. Cars – the productivity gains were estimated to be 8 times over COBOL). The, usability ,improvements obtained by some 4GLs (and their environment) allowed better
  42. Implementation can be fragmented or not entirely complete. The importance of, usability ,in a system has developed over time. Customers are likely not as patient to
  43. Of a software system. The researchers note that some of the best instances of, usability ,adjustments can be made through casual conversation, and that oftentimes
  44. Adjustments can be made through casual conversation, and that oftentimes, usability ,is bypassed by developers because these individuals never think to consult test
  45. Safety improvements.; Methods * Cognitive Walkthrough Method: This method is a, usability ,inspection method in which the evaluators can apply user perspective to task
  46. Conscious of the life-cycle of a customer relationship management system. Poor, usability ,and low usage rates lead many companies to indicate that it was difficult to
  47. Managed to some level of quality (measured in terms of accuracy, availability, usability , and resilience) and this in turn often implies the use of a general-purpose
  48. Design the structure of the document. However, this concept does come at a huge, usability ,price, since most users simply don't understand the concept behind master
  49. Is called finalization. Finalization may introduce complications limiting its, usability , such as intolerable latency between disuse and reclaim of especially limited
  50. As it is a new member of the family, there is not enough data to prove its, usability , however it claims to be an answer to what it sees as XP's imperfections.

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