Examples of the the word, enthusiasm , in a Sentence Context

The word ( enthusiasm ), is the 4362 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To the" old values" of rock n' roll. At the same time there was a lack of, enthusiasm ,in the country sector for Nashville-produced music. What resulted was a
  2. Calvin and Hobbes from being merchandised. Looking for a way to rekindle my, enthusiasm ,for the duration of a new contract term, I proposed a redesigned Sunday format
  3. Jackie Fisher returned to the office of First Sea Lord in October 1914. His, enthusiasm ,for big, fast ships was unabated, and he set design staff to producing a design
  4. The Baptist Community,Acadia's beginning was the result of the commitment and, enthusiasm ,of a community determined to build a university. The University has been shaped
  5. He heard, he changed his piano-playing style and started writing songs. His, enthusiasm ,interfered with his music studies at school. He failed to complete a
  6. The audience, according to Edward Cushing, responded with" a demonstration of, enthusiasm ,impressively genuine in contrast to the conventional applause which new music
  7. We can work out the differences we have with the same revolutionary vision and, enthusiasm ,that is our American legacy. " He told the New York Times Magazine that he is a
  8. Ski-boat and the exterior shots of the Gotham Zoo. Music Danny Elf man had great, enthusiasm ,for returning because" I didn't have to prove myself from the first film. I
  9. Putting unfulfilled political ideals directly onto the canvas," he lost his, enthusiasm ,for painting. With the increasing production of talking pictures in the early
  10. Gave no speeches. Instead, he monitored the campaign closely and relied on the, enthusiasm ,of the Republican Party. The party did the leg work that produced majorities
  11. II had accorded to the First Crusade. There was at first virtually no popular, enthusiasm ,for the crusade as there had been in 1095. Bernard found it expedient to dwell
  12. Isle of Wight home. She called the demonstration" most extraordinary ". The, enthusiasm ,surrounding Bell's public displays laid the groundwork for universal
  13. Who makes occasional appearances at College sporting events. Despite student, enthusiasm ,for Peggy, the mascot has only received approval from the student government.
  14. Roles. " Variety magazine stated on their review that" the intense innocent, enthusiasm ,of Cesar Romero, Burgess Meredith and Frank Worship as the three criminals is
  15. The favor by sculpting a, in whom he found further support. Encouraged by the, enthusiasm ,of British artists, students,and high society for his art, Rodin donated a
  16. For assembly attendance was introduced. This promoted a new, enthusiasm ,for assembly meetings. Only the first 6000 to arrive were admitted and paid
  17. More volunteers than they could effectively train and equip. After the initial, enthusiasm ,faded, reliance on the cohort of young men who came of age every year and
  18. S what they were! ' However, Miranda Richardson and Tony Robinson expressed, enthusiasm ,towards the idea of a series set in the Wild West, whilst John Lloyd favored
  19. And 1745 Jacobite risings, fostered in a historian such as Hume a distaste for, enthusiasm ,and factionalism that appeared to threaten the fragile and nascent political
  20. Of the committee to campaign for Arbor Day nationwide. He also brought his, enthusiasm ,for Arbor Day to Australia, Canada and Europe. Arbor Day reached its height of
  21. 1979 performance at the Deaf Club in San Francisco which was greeted with more, enthusiasm , On October 9,2007,a best-of album entitled Milking the Sacred Cow was
  22. ECLIPSED! " New York diarist George Templeton Strong wrote: However, the Union, enthusiasm ,soon dissipated as the public realized that Lee's army had escaped destruction
  23. And mock ads. A neighbor,15-year-old Valentine Hobart, shared Crosby's, enthusiasm ,for" The Bugle" and noting Crosby's laugh, took a liking to him and called
  24. Ports, industry magazines like Electronic Games were unanimous in their, enthusiasm ,over the console. Some of the more popular games include Donkey Kong (the
  25. Like Gehrig's" Luckiest man" speech, Ruth spoke from the heart, of his, enthusiasm ,for the game of baseball and in support of the youth playing the game. (
  26. To his master is unusual in that he continues to serve the Baron with great, enthusiasm ,even though his Mental abilities and great intelligence confirm his suspicions
  27. Since Peter had not been satisfied with his son's performance and his lack of, enthusiasm , Nevertheless, Peter made one last effort to" reclaim" his son. On 11 October
  28. To a vogue in America for Japanese movies throughout the 1950s,replacing the, enthusiasm ,for Italian neorealism cinema. (The film was also released, by other
  29. Botany was a passion for most Victorians and nature study was a popular, enthusiasm , Potter was eclectic in her tastes; collecting fossils, studying archeological
  30. The 34-season span from 1948 to 1981. He covered the games with a level of, enthusiasm ,that often seemed unjustified by the team's poor performance on the field for
  31. Him to the poet William Ernest Henley. With his personal connections and, enthusiasm ,for Rodin's art, Henley was most responsible for Rodin's reception in Britain
  32. Books which contain no lies are extremely tedious. " *" I prefer the folly of, enthusiasm ,to the indifference of wisdom. " *" A person is never happy except at the
  33. Islands, such as Among, Solor, Ternate and Mortal, the Manganese displayed no, enthusiasm ,for Christianity or the Europeans who brought it to the sixteenth century, and
  34. Dwellings of any pretensions. Baroque architecture was taken up with, enthusiasm ,in central Germany (see, e. g., Ludwigsburg Palace and Winger Dresden)
  35. The homilies written by Cranmer. George Herbert was however, not alone in his, enthusiasm ,for preaching which he regarded as one of the prime functions of a parish
  36. To its depths but were comparatively ineffectual due to their dispersion. His, enthusiasm ,for the project was transmitted to the publishers; they collected a sufficient
  37. Style II of Germanic Migration Period art, though taken up with great skill and, enthusiasm ,by Celtic artists in metalwork and illuminated manuscripts. Equally, the forms
  38. From his travels much improved, and again commenced his labors with vigor and, enthusiasm , Trips to France and England The events which marked the life of the artist
  39. Distributors, they decided to pursue the Nutritive business opportunity with, enthusiasm , They sold their second box of supplements on their return trip to Michigan
  40. Learned to love and admire him, and the poet Euripides derived from him an, enthusiasm ,for science and humanity. Anaxagoras brought philosophy and the spirit of
  41. Middle colonies, the Lower Counties on the Delaware initially showed little, enthusiasm ,for a break with Britain. The citizenry had a good relationship with the
  42. On November 5,2007,King Juan Carlos I visited the city, sparking great, enthusiasm ,from the local population and protests from the Moroccan government. It was the
  43. And concrete motives in this or that special case. He was delighted with the, enthusiasm ,of a born casuist in curious puzzles of right and wrong, and in devising a
  44. Obama's relatively poor showing in Arkansas was likely due to a lack of, enthusiasm ,from state Democrats following former Arkansas First Lady Hillary Clinton's
  45. Impractically large, obsolete,or bound for extinction. Public, enthusiasm ,for dinosaurs first developed in Victorian England, where in 1854,three
  46. Of the north of France against those of the south. The widespread northern, enthusiasm ,for the Crusade was partially inspired by a papal decree permitting the
  47. Fiction short stories. He achieved early local recognition, largely through the, enthusiasm ,of George Sterling, for traditional verse in the vein of Swinburne. As a poet
  48. To spreading the ideas of republicanism and liberalism, bolstering, enthusiasm , for separation from Britain, and encouraging recruitment for the Continental
  49. Organist of the Protestant Temple, who inspired Schweitzer with his profound, enthusiasm ,for the music of German composer Richard Wagner. In 1893, he played for the
  50. System a psychological boost. Chileans experienced a surge of national, enthusiasm ,and cohesion behind a regime accepted as legitimate and efficacious. Portals

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