Examples of the the word, activate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( activate ), is the 4377 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By stimuli that cause positive approach. If attractive stimuli can selectively, activate ,a region of the brain, then logically the converse should hold, that selective
  2. GPCR signaling If a receptor in an active state encounters a G protein, it may, activate ,it. Some evidence suggests that receptors and G proteins are actually
  3. Control wheel motion, pedal movement, or command from a microcomputer to, activate ,every device in the studio remotely and in synchrony, with each device
  4. Performs certain tasks relating to that history, and spends legend points to, activate ,the item, he unlocks some magic in the item. As the character learns
  5. Modular Equipment Stowage Assembly (MESA) folded against Eagle's side and, activate ,the TV camera, and at 02:56 UTC (10:56pm EDT) he set his left foot on the
  6. Novels; the badge of the Royal Messengers resembles the Lens, and the spell to, activate ,one was devised by a wizard named Dr Edward Elmer. * Sir Arthur C. Clarke's
  7. Serum. He is then exposed to a controlled burst of" Vita-Rays" that, activate ,and stabilize the chemicals in his system. Although the process is arduous
  8. To continue. When this occurred, the receiving teleprinter mechanism would, activate ,but not print characters (it was typing the non-printing DEL character
  9. The domain dissociates and exposes the now-active GEF domain, allowing Epic to, activate ,small Ratlike Grease proteins, such as Rap1. In non-humans Role of camp in
  10. Produce the TCPIP/CPH proteins, which,together with the Tour/Tons proteins, activate ,the expression of the Text regulatory protein. Text then directly activate s
  11. From Mitsubishi and the Ericsson R289LX),AT&T Wireless eventually refused to, activate ,the devices. Despite its limited success as a consumer offering, CDPD was
  12. Causes the body to release endorphins, which in turn release dopamine and, activate ,the reward pathways; hence when naltrexone is in the body there is a reduction
  13. Regular fingerboard (near the nut, on the" E" string side),which remotely, activate ,metal" fingers" on the extension fingerboard. The most expensive metal lever
  14. To harsh conditions like high heat. DCC (dicyclohexylcarbodiimide) is used to, activate ,the carboxylic acid to further reaction. MAP (4-dimethylaminopyridine) is
  15. Stranding them on the Moon. Fortunately a felt-tip pen was sufficient to, activate ,the switch. After about seven hours of rest, the crew was awakened by Houston
  16. Including yeast, choanoflagellates, and animals. The ligands that bind and, activate ,these receptors include light-sensitive compounds, odors,pheromones, hormones
  17. Attacks Relay and Old One. Old One gives Ham the information necessary to, activate ,the Blight Countermeasure, and Ham and Reinna escape Relay's destruction in
  18. Modify the step routine. Prior to 6th Mix, codes were entered with the pad to, activate ,modifiers. 6th Mix replaced these pad codes with a new options' menu accessed by
  19. Usually takes 1 to 2 hours, and during this time the various temperature rests, activate ,different enzymes depending upon the type of malt being used, its modification
  20. In mammalian cells, the much-studied β2-adrenoceptor has been demonstrated to, activate ,the ERK2 pathway after arrestin-mediated uncoupling of G-protein-mediated
  21. Family of transmembrane receptors that sense molecules outside the cell and, activate ,inside signal transduction pathways and, ultimately,cellular responses. G
  22. Predictions. The Valence Model predicted that anger, a negative emotion, would, activate , the right prefrontal cortex. The Direction Model predicted that anger, an
  23. Other Bulgarian cities by Allied aircraft. Some communist activists managed to, activate ,a guerrilla movement headed by the underground Bulgarian Communist Party. A
  24. Effector molecules are beginning to be accepted. Both GTP and Get can then, activate ,different signaling cascades (or second messenger pathways) and effector
  25. Other. Depending on the lifetime of the active state of the receptor, it can, activate ,more G proteins this way. Both GTP and Get can now activate separate and/or
  26. Requires the human partner's DNA (" Digital" in the Japanese version) to, activate , a strong empathy with their Digimon and a will to succeed. Like previously in
  27. Apoptosis should the appropriate signal be received. In parallel, these enzymes, activate ,pro-apoptotic procaspase-8,which does directly activate the mitochondrial
  28. The reaction rate of the enzyme. Allosteric interactions can both inhibit and, activate ,enzymes and are a common way that enzymes are controlled in the body. Cofactors
  29. Form of signal transduction. Phosphorylation of a protein by a kinase can, activate ,this cascade such as the mitogen- activate d protein kinase cascade. ATP is also
  30. Control wheel motion, pedal movement, or command from a microcomputer to, activate ,every device in the studio remotely and in synchrony, with each device
  31. Hi, and A2a and A2b being coupled to Gs. All adenosine receptors were shown to, activate ,at least one subfamily of mitogen- activate d protein kinases. The actions of
  32. The teams and the local emergency operations center. The sponsoring agency may, activate ,and dispatch teams in order to gather or respond to intelligence about an
  33. In the G protein-coupled receptor, exchange GDP for GTP, and dissociate to, activate ,other proteins in the signal transduction pathway. The specific mechanisms
  34. Is a highly chemo selective agent for carboxylic acid reduction. It selectively, activate ,the carboxylic acid and is known to tolerate active functionalities such as
  35. Activated and start to secrete cytokines. Cytokines are substances that can, activate ,cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL),antibody-secreting B cells, macrophages,and
  36. Popular electronics include: electronic sound modules; laptop computers used to, activate ,loops, sequences and samples; metronomes and tempo meters; recording devices;
  37. Defadvice split-window-vertically (after my-window-splitting-advice first (), activate ,) (set-window-buffer (next-window) (other-buffer) )) This instructs
  38. Receptor, it can activate more G proteins this way. Both GTP and Get can now, activate ,separate and/or the same effector molecules, thus sending the signal further
  39. For the most part, the RGS proteins are promiscuous in their ability to, activate ,G-proteins, while which RGS is involved in a given signaling pathway seems to
  40. The G protein, which detaches from the receptor. The receptor can now either, activate ,another G protein or switch back to its inactive state. This is an overly
  41. It to act as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF). The GPCR can then, activate ,an associated G-protein by exchanging its bound GDP for a GTP. The G-protein's
  42. Is a codex of the human chakra system and the solar light spectrum, designed to, activate ,Kundalini through his color-coded chakra paintings. Some chakra system models
  43. Cortex. The Direction Model predicted that anger, an approach emotion, would, activate , the left prefrontal cortex. The second model was supported. This still left
  44. Protective coat which prevents further reaction. Pakistan has been applied to, activate ,aluminum (removing the oxide coat),so that aluminum can react with water
  45. To the brain through a branching network of nerves. He postulated that nerves, activate ,muscles mechanically by carrying a mysterious substance he called pneumatic
  46. These enzymes activate pro-apoptotic procaspase-8,which does directly, activate ,the mitochondrial events of apoptosis. #HIV may increase the level of cellular
  47. Within the solar system. There have also been attempts to signal, attract,or, activate ,Brace well probes in Earth's local vicinity, including by scientists Robert
  48. Buddhist meditation and have reached a higher level of consciousness can, activate ,their" third ear" and hear the music of the spheres; i.e. the music of the
  49. Phase on DNA replication origins. The phosphorylation serves two purposes: to, activate ,each already-assembled pre-replication complex, and to prevent new complexes
  50. G proteins In the basic state, the Gα-GDP-Gβγ complex and the receptor that can, activate ,it is separately associated with the membrane. On receptor activation, the

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