Examples of the the word, matrix , in a Sentence Context

The word ( matrix ), is the 4383 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Matrix materials ranging from organic resins to ceramics to metals (see Metal, matrix ,composites). Boron nitride Animesh Boron nitride Animesh is an inorganic
  2. 4 × i. Arrays are analogous to the mathematical concepts of the vector,the, matrix , and the tensor. Indeed, arrays with one or two indices are often called
  3. 1+ ··· + a0,then q (x) is the characteristic polynomial of the companion, matrix ,
  4. Thus it must be exported from its site of synthesis in the mitochondrial, matrix , The inner membrane contains an antiporter, the ADP/ATP translocate, which is
  5. The immunoglobulin super family. Another set of molecules called extracellular, matrix ,adhesion molecules also provide a sticky substrate for axons to grow along.
  6. Example is the GRAPH PAK workspace supplied with IBM's APL2. Because of its, matrix ,operations, APL was for some time quite popular for computer graphics
  7. A, ref real y, ref int i, k)real: comment The absolute greatest element of the, matrix ,a, of size a by 2⌈a is transferred to y, and the subscripts of this element to
  8. Of matrices with coefficients in a commutative ring R forms an R-algebra under, matrix ,addition and multiplication. This coincides with the previous example when M is
  9. This typically consists of stages, such as: * Pyrolysis – the majority of the, matrix ,constituents is removed * Atomization – the analyte element is released to the
  10. APL was unique in the speed with which it could perform complicated, matrix ,operations. For example, a very large matrix multiplication would take only a
  11. Neutron activation to develop discrete measurements within vast samples. A, matrix ,can have a considerable effect on the way a chemical analysis is conducted and
  12. 1 in each place where the corresponding number in R is in the outer product, matrix ,(∈, set inclusion function),i.e. 0 0 1 0 1 *Logically negate the values in
  13. Score, a score for determining the risk of stroke after TIA In science * BCD, matrix ,analysis, a type of ray tracing technique used in the design of some optical
  14. Boron nitride fibers are used as reinforcement in composite materials, with the, matrix ,materials ranging from organic resins to ceramics to metals (see Metal matrix
  15. Multiplication table To verify that a finite group is Abelian, a table (, matrix ,) - known as a Cayley table - can be constructed similarly to a
  16. And secondary infections can occur. If there are proteins left in the shell, matrix , it is also possible that they can trigger an allergic (asthmatic) attack.
  17. Radiation at particles that are generated in the atomization stage, when the, matrix ,could not be removed sufficiently in the pyrolysis stage. All these phenomena
  18. Elastic matrix dominates the biomechanical properties of the aorta. The elastic, matrix ,forms Pamela, consisting of elastic fibers, collagens (predominately type III
  19. To a pyrolysis temperature that is sufficient to remove the majority of the, matrix ,components; * Integration of the absorbance over the time of the transient
  20. The outside of the agate-nodule. The outer surface of an agate, freed from its, matrix , is often pitted and rough, apparently in consequence of the removal of the
  21. Stiffness and viscoelasticity of the aortic wall when activated. The elastic, matrix ,dominates the biomechanical properties of the aorta. The elastic matrix forms
  22. Responses. Within the tunica media, smooth muscle and the extracellular, matrix ,are quantitatively the largest components of the aortic vascular wall. The
  23. A; integer n, m,i, k; real y; comment The absolute greatest element of the, matrix ,a, of size n by m is transferred to y, and the subscripts of this element to i
  24. The following function" life ", written in Dialog APL, takes a boolean, matrix ,and calculates the new generation according to Conway's Game of Life. It
  25. Which it could perform complicated matrix operations. For example, a very large, matrix ,multiplication would take only a few seconds on a machine which was much less
  26. Graphics programming, where graphic transformations could be encoded as, matrix ,multiplications. One of the first commercial computer graphics houses, Digital
  27. Linear transformations are functions that can be represented by matrices with, matrix ,multiplication being the representation of functional composition, one can
  28. Keysize has no theoretical maximum. AES operates on a 4×4 column-major order, matrix ,of bytes, termed the state (versions of Randall with a larger block size have
  29. In the cipher. During this operation, each column is multiplied by the known, matrix ,that for the 128-bit key is:: \begin 2 & 3 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 2 & 3 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 &
  30. Mechanics of this transition can be modeled using an elegant transfer, matrix ,method, characterized by two parameters: the propensity to initiate a helix and
  31. Is an integral membrane protein used to exchange newly-synthesized ATP in the, matrix ,for ADP in the intermembrane space. This translocate is driven by the membrane
  32. To interact with biomolecules and therefore agarose has become the preferred, matrix ,for work with proteins and nucleic acids. Gels made from purified agarose have
  33. Electron impact, chemical ionization, electrospray, fast atom bombardment, matrix ,assisted laser resorption ionization, and others. Also, mass spectrometry is
  34. Not commutative. However, some groups of matrices are Abelian groups under, matrix ,multiplication - one example is the group of 2x2 rotation matrices. Historical
  35. The smaller atoms become trapped in the spaces between the atoms in the crystal, matrix , called the interstices. Alloys are often made to alter the mechanical
  36. Adult form. Similar things happen in other brain areas: an initial synaptic, matrix ,is generated as a result of genetically determined chemical guidance, but then
  37. The Columns step can also be viewed as a multiplication by a particular MDS, matrix ,in a finite field. This process is described further in the article Randall
  38. Cells, endothelial cells, fibroblast-like cells, and a complex extracellular, matrix , The vascular wall consists of several layers known as the tunica Adventist
  39. i.e. 2 3 4 5 6 *Generate outer product of R multiplied by R,i.e. a, matrix ,which is the multiplication table of R by R (°. × function),i. e.:: *Build a
  40. Roll a twenty-sided die. ) The following expression sorts a word list stored in, matrix ,X according to word length: XXX+. ≠' '; The following function" life "
  41. The primary constituent is a metal. The primary metal is called the base or the, matrix , If there is a mixture of only two types of atoms, not counting impurities
  42. Invertible matrices, do not form an Abelian group under multiplication because, matrix ,multiplication is generally not commutative. However, some groups of matrices
  43. Analytical techniques and is used instead of a calibration curve to solve the, matrix ,effect problem. Signals and noise One of the most important components of
  44. The representation of functional composition, one can immediately conclude that, matrix ,multiplication is associative.:: \left. \begin (A\cap B)\cap C A\cap (B\cap C
  45. Membranes and on waves in elastic media. He introduced a 3 × 3 symmetric, matrix ,of numbers that is now known as the Cauchy stress tensor. In elasticity, he
  46. An electric field to move the negatively charged molecules through an agarose, matrix , Shorter molecules move faster and migrate farther than longer ones because
  47. AddRoundKey The Subtypes step In the Subtypes step, each byte in the, matrix ,is updated using an 8-bit substitution box, the Randall S-box. This operation
  48. The aorta is the elastic Pamela, which consists of smooth muscle and elastic, matrix , The medial layer of the aorta consist of concentric musculoelastic layers (
  49. The LU decomposition method in 1948,used today for solving an equations, matrix , Pattern formation and mathematical biology Turing worked from 1952 until his
  50. to form a crystal-lined cavity, or geode. On the disintegration of the, matrix ,in which the agates are embedded, they are set free. The agates are extremely

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