Examples of the the word, prosecution , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prosecution ), is the 4369 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A jury or bench verdict of acquittal. But in some jurisdictions, the state or, prosecution ,may appeal as of right from a trial court's dismissal of an indictment in
  2. A member of the ACLU National Committee, headed Scopes' legal team. The, prosecution , led by William Jennings Bryan, contended that the Bible should be interpreted
  3. And a confession by the defendant does not remove the requirement that the, prosecution ,present a full case. This allows for plea bargaining in adversarial systems in
  4. Plea, the defendant admits that sufficient evidence exists with which the, prosecution ,could likely convince a judge or jury to find the defendant guilty beyond a
  5. Position, that safe and consensual BDSM play should not be subject to criminal, prosecution , This parallels the stance of the mental health professions in the Nordic
  6. With the collapse of the now defunct Euro Bank Corporation in 2003. The, prosecution ,in the trial was forced to reveal that the British Government had planted moles
  7. This process sometimes takes decades. Netherlands In the Netherlands, the state, prosecution ,can appeal against a not-guilty verdict at the bench. New evidence can be
  8. Clique dubbed the" Liberal Imperialists" that supported the government in the, prosecution ,of the war. On the other side, more radical members of the party formed a
  9. A criminal appeal is always the same whether the appellant is the defendant or, prosecution , Direct or collateral: Appealing criminal convictions in the United States Many
  10. And the state of Hawaii for kidnapping, burglary and unlawful flight to avoid, prosecution , The second generation Second-generation adults, adults who were born and/or
  11. These provisions do not afford significant protection against criminal, prosecution ,by the State. As the Chinese economy expanded following Deng Xiaoping's 1978
  12. By leave from the trial court and/or the appellate court. The ability of the, prosecution ,to appeal a decision in favor of a defendant varies significantly
  13. Him was withdrawn after two juries had been unable to reach a verdict. The, prosecution ,claimed that Cottage had plans to assassinate Tony Blair and Liberal Democrat
  14. It implies it is only within this type of system in which there are opposing, prosecution ,and defense. This is not the case, and both modern adversarial and
  15. A quiet word in Kable's ear, as when the court met and Sinclair challenged the, prosecution ,on the ground that the Cables were felons, the court required him to prove it.
  16. The legal system. The officers who administer the punishment have immunity from, prosecution ,for assault. In the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada
  17. Australian double jeopardy law has been held to extend to the prevention of, prosecution ,for perjury following a previous acquittal where a finding of perjury would
  18. The government's position in an amicus curiae brief, thus ensuring that the, prosecution ,'s position would be the one the Court wished to hear. The case was heard on
  19. A previous case may file an appeal. In criminal matters, however,the state or, prosecution ,generally has no appeal as of right. And due to the double jeopardy principle
  20. Editors, a member of Congress, and private individuals were targets of, prosecution ,under the Sedition Act. Twenty-five people were arrested. Of them, eleven were
  21. And quasi-secret operation through" front" groups, and preaches a ruthless, prosecution ,of the ideological war along lines very similar to those it finds in the
  22. The case of an acquittal. However, it is not considered double jeopardy if the, prosecution ,appeals an acquittal. The rule applies to the whole" historical event, which
  23. Northern Virginia and hoped to influence Northern politicians to give up their, prosecution ,of the war by penetrating as far as Harrisburg, Pennsylvania,or even
  24. Peso of the murder of Germanic us. According to Tacitus (Annals 3.14.1),the, prosecution ,could not prove the poisoning charge, but other charges of treason seemed
  25. Followed suit. That year, the two countries reached an agreement for the, prosecution ,or return of the hijackers and the aircraft to each other's country. The
  26. Manner ruled in favor of the Santa Dame, acknowledging its protection from, prosecution ,under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Religious use in Brazil was
  27. At the 2000 Conservative conference, she called for a zero tolerance policy of, prosecution , albeit with only £100 fines as the punishment, for users of cannabis. This was
  28. Typically, the church was exempt from taxes and its employees immune from civil, prosecution , Where national conservative parties were weak or non-existent, conservatives
  29. First observed in the 1960s. Turing's homosexuality resulted in a criminal, prosecution ,in 1952,when homosexual acts were still illegal in the United Kingdom. He
  30. And due to the double jeopardy principle, in the United States the state or, prosecution ,may never appeal a jury or bench verdict of acquittal. But in some
  31. The defense was allowed to call only one witness (out of four),while the, prosecution ,was permitted to call 14 witnesses. The court rejected two character witnesses
  32. Subsidies, etc.),which renders them immune to vague accusations and, prosecution , It may also refer to an unrealized form of government or theoretical corporate
  33. Religious and doctrinal unity within Christianity through conversion and, prosecution , Protestant Reformation and Counter-Reformation The 15th-century Renaissance
  34. Whether a concealment of such an asset should also be considered for, prosecution ,as fraud and/or perjury would then be at the discretion of the judge and/or U.
  35. Alleged physical and sexual abusers, who,some allege, have been shielded from, prosecution ,by the group's leadership. Many of these former Missionary Kids have returned
  36. A refusal to plead as pro confess: an admission of guilt, which meant that the, prosecution ,could not call witnesses to its case. However, the trial did hear witnesses.
  37. March 2,2009,but jury selection was postponed due to 11th-hour appeals by the, prosecution , The trial commenced on March 21, 2011,in U. S. District Court, Northern
  38. Have been exhausted on a case, the judgment is final and the action of the, prosecution ,is closed (code of penal procedure, art. 6),except if the final ruling was
  39. Thailand and Singapore and journalists were allowed to meet Sub FYI. The, prosecution ,had originally planned to call 22 witnesses. It also accused John Etta of
  40. By the National Prosecuting Authority of South Africa due to their delay in, prosecution , The ANC has also been criticized for its subsequent abolition of the Scorpions
  41. The two-sided structure under which criminal trial courts operate that pits the, prosecution ,against the defense. Justice is done when the most effective adversary is able
  42. Gains Verses, a governor of Sicily, who had badly plundered Sicily. His, prosecution ,of Gains Verses was a great forensic success for Cicero. Upon the conclusion of
  43. May not comply with the provision cited above. In many European countries the, prosecution ,may appeal an acquittal to a higher court (similar to the provisions of
  44. Management of those unions. Biff turned state’s witness and assisted in the, prosecution ,of nine Chicago Mafia partners. Greenback was a Las Vegas casino operator for
  45. defendant's suppression motion. Likewise, in some jurisdictions, the state or, prosecution ,may appeal an issue of law by leave from the trial court and/or the appellate
  46. Legislation allowing more stringent war crime and more lenient soft drug usage, prosecution , Restrictions on withholding euthanasia were reduced and same-sex marriage
  47. His secretary ". We do not know whether this case resulted in a successful, prosecution ,or not; moreover, Poirot is not above lying in order to produce a particular
  48. Thirty. But crucially citizens voting in both were not subject to review and, prosecution ,as were council members and all other officeholders. In the 5th century BC we
  49. The death of his father in 1855. The first year of his reign was devoted to the, prosecution ,of the Crimean War and, after the fall of Sevastopol, to negotiations for peace
  50. The ANC negotiated the release of political prisoners and the indemnity from, prosecution ,for returning exiles and moreover channels of communication were established

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