Examples of the the word, liable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( liable ), is the 4363 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. US$500.00 for that work in a single month, the employee and employer are both, liable ,for the OPT regardless of where the main business office is located or
  2. Has reasonable cause to believe is committing or is about to commit an offense, liable ,to interfere with the safety of persons or property on board or who is
  3. Is liable for US$5.75 per month. *In Aurora, both employer and employees are, liable ,for US$2.00 per month. *It is the employer's responsibility to withhold, remit
  4. Lived well on borrowed Roman money, and on his death his subjects had become, liable ,for the debt. Boudica's uprising In AD 60 or 61,while the current governor
  5. When interacting with official bodies in other Nordic countries without being, liable ,for any interpretation or translation costs. There is no law stipulating an
  6. Of Japan states in Article 39 that: No person shall be held criminally, liable ,for an act which was lawful at the time it was committed, or of which he has
  7. For national service instead. Male Drupe and Circadian Israeli citizens are, liable , by agreement with their community leaders (Female Drupe and Circadian are
  8. For holding land in the medieval period, most peasants and freemen were, liable ,to provide one man of suitable age per family for military duty when required
  9. Industries, LLC v. Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. The Court found that MAY was, liable ,for copyright infringement since users of its Glider bot program were breaking
  10. Of 7 and 10 degrees N. it traverses a vast marshy level, where its course is, liable ,to being blocked by floating vegetation. After receiving the Bahr-el-Ghazal
  11. However, shareholders receive the benefit of limited liability, so they are, liable ,only for the amount they contributed. Formation Historically, corporations were
  12. Husband had the right to reclaim her. If she took their child with her, she was, liable ,for kidnapping. In living off her own earnings, she was held to be stealing her
  13. Enjoined that anyone playing bowls outside his own garden or orchard was, liable ,to a penalty of 6s. 8d., while those possessed of lands of the yearly value of
  14. Furthermore, masters who chose to kill slaves rather than take the risk were, liable ,to be charged with murder. Public works Claudius embarked on many public works
  15. Claim that, if chance is the primary cause of decisions, then agents cannot be, liable ,for resultant actions. Kane says: As Bennett admits, a causal determinist
  16. For this reason, all partners in a typical general partnership may be held, liable ,for the wrongs committed by one partner. Those forms that provide limited
  17. Advertisement without consent from the Planning Authority is a criminal offense, liable ,to a fine of £2,500 per offense. All the major outdoor billboard companies
  18. All his property, so far as it was subject to the census. Only such things were, liable ,to the census (census ceased) as were property according to the Quiritarian
  19. And file the OPT returns. If an employer does not comply, they can be held, liable ,for both portions of the OPT and penalties and interest. Unincorporated
  20. It as a herbicide; and the companies which produced the substance were not, liable ,for the method of its use by the government. The U. S. government was not a
  21. Newton v. Diamond. In that case, a federal judge ruled that the band was not, liable ,for sampling James Newton's" Choir" in their track," Pass the Mic ". The
  22. On behalf of injured parties seeking a judicial declaration that the company is, liable ,for the damage it has caused (section 3:305a Dutch Civil Code). Moreover, a
  23. Investment and employees will lose their jobs, but neither will be furthered, liable ,for debts that remain owing to the corporation's creditors. Despite not being
  24. With Gloria to deliberately defraud the Expos' minority owners. If found, liable , the league could have been ordered to pay as much as $300 million in punitive
  25. The Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Award Act of 1976 leaves the government, liable ,in some civil rights cases. Fee awards under this civil rights statute are
  26. Water. Similarly, the Romans knew that adding horse hair made concrete less, liable ,to crack while it hardened and adding blood made it more frost-resistant.
  27. Main business office is located or headquartered. *In Denver, the employer is, liable ,for US$4.00 per employee per month and the employee is liable for US$5.75 per
  28. CEO Noel Ordered, and stemmed as much from a fear of being found criminally, liable ,under French law for future Concorde accidents as from simple economics. A lack
  29. Political Rights recognize this rule, under Article 14 (7): No one shall be, liable ,to be tried or punished again for an offense for which he has already been
  30. Is that of diffused responsibility. For example, if a corporation is found, liable ,for a death, how should culpability and punishment for it be allocated among
  31. In back of behind from in the back of; the former is unknown in the UK and, liable ,to misinterpretation as the latter. Both, however,distinguish in front of from
  32. Their wealth by paying for city amenities and public works. Decisions were made, liable ,for any shortfall in the amount of tax collected. Many tried to find ways to
  33. After interest was added) in favor of the plaintiff. The ASPI was held to be, liable , and was financially strained by the case. It filed twice for Chapter 11
  34. Act ", and that doctors who perform circumcision on male infants may be, liable ,to civil claims by that child at a later date. No prosecutions have occurred in
  35. 2004,Jill Montgomery, a spokesperson for Monsanto, said Monsanto should not be, liable ,at all for injuries or deaths caused by Agent Orange, saying:" We are
  36. Of about 13,000 visitors. Economy and infrastructure In 2008,30,008 employees, liable ,to social insurance were living in Allen. With 13,946 (46.5 percent),most of
  37. The employer is liable for US$4.00 per employee per month and the employee is, liable ,for US$5.75 per month. *In Aurora, both employer and employees are liable for
  38. Or mirrors hung on the walls, carriages,automobiles, and so on, is not, liable ,to third parties for injuries caused by them, except in case of willful injury
  39. Courts held that the pool" was close enough" to the standards to hold ASPI, liable , The multi-million dollar lawsuit was eventually settled in 2001 for
  40. None were assigned to combat roles unless they volunteered. By 1943 women were, liable ,to some form of directed labor up to age 51. During the Second World War,1.4
  41. Signed up as citizens to swell the machine vote, not realizing it made them, liable ,for the draft. Of the 168,649 men procured for the Union through the draft
  42. Inherently that, when applied to the purposes for which it was designed, it was, liable ,to become a source of great danger to many people if not carefully and properly
  43. Suggested that" the trouble with going to see Elvis Presley is that you're, liable ,to get killed. " Villanova students pelted him with eggs in Philadelphia, and
  44. With a credit card, which is often waived by the bank, the consumer may be held, liable ,for hundreds of dollars, or even the entire value of fraudulent debit
  45. Liability protects investors; the extent to which a business can be held, liable ,for the acts of an agent of the business; the relative advantages and
  46. That it doesn't seem that the gods" built the bridge in good faith if it is, liable ,to break, considering that they can do as they please. " High responds that the
  47. And a number of other issues) soon led to the courts, where Bianca was found, liable ,for the royalties and guilty of fraud and malice, and was ordered to pay
  48. Signed up as citizens to swell the machine vote, not realizing it made them, liable ,for the draft. Name "/IN"> reconstruct"/> Of the 168,649 men procured for the
  49. Co.,195 N. Y. 478,480 (N. Y. 1909) held that a coffee urn manufacturer was, liable ,to a person injured when the urn exploded, because the urn" was of such a
  50. More. If he quits his work while having the capacity (to work) he (is still, liable ,) as one gainfully employed, as is stated in al-Nihayah. No Jinnah is imposed

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