Examples of the the word, realm , in a Sentence Context

The word ( realm ), is the 4368 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To the act as a British statute or as a repatriated part of the particular, realm ,'s constitution. Since the implementation of the Statute of Westminster 1931 in
  2. From classic drama and literature. Salieri's first great success was in the, realm ,of serious opera. Commissioned for an unknown occasion Salieri's Armada was
  3. To apply themselves to it. " Conscious of the decay of Latin literacy in his, realm , Alfred proposed that primary education be taught in English, with those
  4. Men and treasure. State organization Alp Arslan's strength lay in the military, realm , Domestic affairs were handled by his able vizier, Nizam Almelo, the founder
  5. And over again continuously until the individual gains entry to a spiritual, realm , Major views on the afterlife derive from religion, esotericism and metaphysics
  6. It is often defined as any healing practice" that does not fall within the, realm ,of conventional medicine ", Self characterization The National Center for
  7. Of the heavenly motions and the relationship between the unchangeable celestial, realm ,and the sublunar world of generation and decay. In this treatise, Alexander
  8. Extensively employed after Incan imperial expansions to fuel their expanding, realm , The potato holds a very important role as an internally consumed staple crop.
  9. Or" Carantanum," in the words of Region of Drum. The division of the, realm ,was confirmed in 880 on Carlo man’s death. When, in 882,Engels chalk II rebelled
  10. In 1434) and Joan herself (February 1435). In her will, she bequeathed her, realm ,to René of Enjoy, Louis III's brother. This solution was opposed by the new
  11. Arcade, plectro aura Davis, ::: :aura fugue male, dura Bell!: :How close the, realm ,of dusky Proserpine: :Yawned at that instant! If half glimpsed the dire: :Judge
  12. But considered either to be self-evident or to define and delimit the, realm ,of analysis. In other words, an axiom is a logical statement that is assumed to
  13. A linguistic impossibility. That which constitutes aesthetics lies outside the, realm ,of the language game. On 7 January 1904 James Joyce attempted to publish A
  14. Alternative medicine is any healing practice," that does not fall within the, realm ,of conventional medicine. " It is based on historical or cultural traditions
  15. Some popular views, this continued existence often takes place in a spiritual, realm , and in other popular views, the individual may be reborn into this world and
  16. Chastely, soberly,immaculately, piously,and gloriously the government of the, realm ,Tradition relates that in 814,the body of Saint James the Greater was
  17. Of equipage and retinue the abbots vied with the first nobles of the, realm , They rode on mules with gilded bridles, rich saddles and housings, carrying
  18. Fled to Sicily in August. Joan II and Louis III again took possession of the, realm , although the true power was in the hands of Gianni Carpaccio. An opportunity
  19. Nature, supernatural in that through our conceptual powers we extend nature's, realm , allowing it to achieve a reflective capacity in us as philosophy, art and
  20. Controlled by complex machinery in the lower levels. The population is in the, realm ,of 200,000. Due to the nature of the aggression from the machines, Zion is an
  21. Dates from 1931 onwards),the Act of Settlement cannot be altered in any, realm ,except by that realm 's own parliament and, by convention, only with the
  22. Abel's contends, was to Alfred's mind as essential to the defense of his, realm ,as the building of the Burns. As Alfred observed in the preface to his English
  23. Which would have been fatal in the dark. After Alexander's death, his strong, realm ,was plunged into a period of darkness that would eventually lead to war with
  24. Attachment to royalty, attachment to the law and to the constitution of the, realm , and he who would, by force or by fraud, endeavour to prostrate that law and
  25. Is real, while in the series Promethean he appears several times existing in a, realm ,of the imagination called the Immaterial. Moore has also discussed Crowley's
  26. A source of skepticism and distrust in many tales. Examples of journeys to the, realm ,include" Thomas the Rhymer" and the fairy tale" Child Rowland ", the latter
  27. Further from its traditional role of portraying likenesses, and into a, realm ,where forms existed for their own sake. Notable examples are The Walking Man
  28. Above any common man's and many perceive Tagore as a 'Manana' Artist in the, realm ,of literature. This concept of Satyam-Shivam-Sundaram, a kind of Value Theory
  29. Confined to the Church of England could be dealt with legislatively in that, realm , but as the Communion spread out into new nations and disparate cultures, such
  30. Completed by A. D. 500,non-Jews who are purely evil cease to exist in any, realm ,when they die. However, authorities agree that virtuous gentiles are given a
  31. The Hebrew scriptures, Abaddon comes to mean" place of destruction," or the, realm ,of the dead, and is associated with Sheol. The Christian scriptures contain the
  32. Of which commonly exceeded the wages of the artist. Medieval aesthetics in the, realm ,of philosophy built upon Classical thought, continuing the practice of Platinum
  33. Monarch would mean the acceptance of a source of authority external to the, realm ,and" in the literal sense, foreign to the Crown in Parliament ... Between
  34. Into Charlemagne's view. Militarily, Alfonso did much to secure his own, realm ,against the Moors. He took Lisbon in 798. He defeated the Muslims at Aaron and
  35. Precedence, the Archbishop of Canterbury is ranked above all individuals in the, realm , except the Sovereign and members of the Royal Family.
  36. The alter imperium, the " other empire ", of which Henry VIII declared" This, realm ,of England is an empire" ... It would signal the beginning of the end of the
  37. Assertions depend on facts involving Platonic entities that reside in a, realm ,outside of space-time” ) Whilst our knowledge of concrete, physical objects is
  38. An influential pamphlet entitled 'It's a material world: caring for the public, realm ,', in which they argue for integrating the public directly into efforts to
  39. All the judgements which were passed issued in his absence anywhere in the, realm , to see whether they were just or unjust. " A charter from the reign of his son
  40. Edward Converge Pusey, and John Henry Newman had widespread influence in the, realm ,of polemics, homiletics, and theological and devotional works, not least
  41. Onwards),the Act of Settlement cannot be altered in any realm except by that, realm ,'s own parliament and, by convention, only with the consent of all the other
  42. Ruled Golconda was crucial to the legitimacy of his reign throughout the, realm , Although the Qutbshahi's maintained impregnable efforts defending their walls
  43. Was deposed by his son Æthelbald. With civil war looming, the magnates of the, realm ,met in council to hammer out a compromise. Æthelbald would retain the western
  44. In the eighteen century," alchemy" was considered to be restricted to the, realm ,of" gold making ", leading to the popular belief that most, if not all
  45. Between psychology and aesthetics. Aside from Button, others exploring this, realm ,include David Orwell, Brian Boyd, Christine Buci-Glucksmann, Noel Carroll
  46. Underworld abode of lost souls, or hell. In some legends, it is identified as a, realm ,where the damned lie in fire and snow, one of the places in Hell that Moses
  47. Reasoning uses some special intuition that involves contact with the Platonic, realm , A modern form of this argument is given by Sir Roger Penrose. Another line of
  48. For the first time, was inflamed with desire to have her—which is Aphrodite's, realm , Due to her immense beauty, Zeus was frightened that she would be the cause of
  49. From other types of course. Chance as an incidental cause lies in the, realm ,of accidental things. It is" from what is spontaneous" ( but note that what
  50. The sedentary Persians, Turks and other established cultures within the Seljuk, realm , and allowed Alp Asian to field a huge standing army, without depending on

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