Examples of the the word, vulnerability , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vulnerability ), is the 4382 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Bluetooth symmetric key establishment method to be vulnerable. To rectify this, vulnerability , they carried out an implementation which showed that stronger, asymmetric key
  2. Economies in 2001. Erratic growth rates in the 1990s reflected the economy's, vulnerability ,to swings in tourist arrivals, caused by political instability on the island
  3. Used. There are several ways of making the best use of this brief window of maximum, vulnerability ,: *ordering the guns to fire together, either by executive order or by a" fire
  4. But usually with only one table (i.e., not duplicated elsewhere) and with, vulnerability ,assigned in a very simple fashion. ) Part-scores are not carried forward from
  5. As are penalties for failure to make the contract. Methods for assigning, vulnerability ,differ between duplicate and rubber bridge. There are two important variations
  6. Below game level are called partial contracts or part scores. The concept of, vulnerability ,affects scoring and introduces a wider range of tactics in bidding and play.
  7. And * stream ciphers, which encrypt continuous streams of data Key size and, vulnerability ,In a pure mathematical attack (i.e., lacking any other information to help
  8. By the number of the board. In the rubber bridge game variant known as Chicago, vulnerability ,is predetermined (in rounds of four deals) but scoring is otherwise similar
  9. Prince of Wales and her escort, the battlecruiser HMS Repulse, demonstrated the, vulnerability ,of a battleship to air attack while at sea without sufficient air cover
  10. There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without, vulnerability ,; there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community. " A
  11. Has bipolar disorder whatever their current or future functioning and, vulnerability , This has been described as" an ethical and methodological issue ", as it
  12. To look at indicators that an algorithm or key length shows signs of potential, vulnerability , to move to longer key sizes or more difficult algorithms. For example, a 1039
  13. Vulnerabilities; and naturally, any bug in the library itself is a potential, vulnerability , " Safe" library implementations include" The Better String Library ", Vstr
  14. Annie Walker, and a number of the programme's female characters mirror the, vulnerability ,of Elsie Tanner and Bet Lynch. Other recurring archetypes include the war
  15. Virus to attach, it does not change across different strains and is a point of, vulnerability ,across the entire range of the HIV variant population. The enzyme does more
  16. 1995,1.9 % in 1996 and 2.3 % in 1997. This pattern underlined the economy's, vulnerability ,to swings in tourist arrivals (i.e., to economic and political conditions in
  17. Some cases, including where code is converted into Unicode, the threat of the, vulnerability ,have been misrepresented by the discloses as only Denial of Service when in
  18. The product of hazards and vulnerability . Hazards that strike in areas with low, vulnerability ,are not considered a disaster, as is the case in uninhabited regions.
  19. The attacker's code. When this technique is possible the severity of the, vulnerability ,increases considerably. This is because exploitation will work reliably enough
  20. Characteristic of many island endemics. These biological aspects have increased, vulnerability ,to extinction in the presence of introduced species, such as the domestic cat.
  21. On the body, and physical damage to the anus and the rectum due to their, vulnerability , It is generally understood that penetration can be painful. Experts say that
  22. Becoming much more challenging and interesting. Also, new was the concept of, vulnerability , making sacrifices to protect the lead in a rubber more expensive, and the
  23. Casualties amongst cruisers led to growing concern in the Royal Navy about the, vulnerability ,of battleships. By October 1916,the Royal Navy instructed the Grand Fleet not
  24. It) and the number of tricks taken during play. It may also be affected by the, vulnerability , The contract, a feature which distinguishes contract bridge from its
  25. Lack of modern weaponry and even metal-forged swords or pikes was a tactical, vulnerability , writing," I could conquer the whole of them with 50 men, and govern them as I
  26. Poverty, and an increasing danger of hydrologic shocks brought on by ecological, vulnerability ,to climate change. History Remnants of civilization in the greater Bengal
  27. Implemented—or, at least, no implementations were publicly acknowledged. The, vulnerability ,of DES was practically demonstrated in the late 1990s. In 1997,RSA Security
  28. Pointer exchange to overwrite a program function pointer. Microsoft's GDI+, vulnerability ,in handling JPEGs is an example of the danger a heap overflow can present.
  29. Devastating consequences. It results from a complex interplay of biological, vulnerability , environmental exposure, and developmental factors (e.g., stage of brain
  30. Was in support of the amphibious assault on Gladioli. The war illustrated the, vulnerability ,of battleships to cheaper weapons. In September 1914,the potential threat
  31. And producers. With these alterations in place, Brazil has reduced its, vulnerability ,: it doesn't import the oil it consumes; it has halved its domestic debt
  32. There is, therefore,much scientific work to be done in this area. Reduced, vulnerability ,of crops to environmental stresses Crops containing genes that will enable them
  33. With motor vehicles, longer travel time (except in densely populated areas), vulnerability , to weather conditions, difficulty in transporting passengers, and the skill and
  34. Line, the battleships of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries had significant, vulnerability ,to torpedoes and mines, weapons which could be used by relatively small and
  35. Characteristics in regard to error propagation, ease of random access and, vulnerability ,to certain types of attack. Typical key sizes (k) include 40,56,64,80,128
  36. Microsoft Windows computer worm distributed by e-mail. Because of a known, vulnerability ,in older versions of Internet Explorer, some e-mail programs, such as Microsoft
  37. Adaptive radiation of island fauna over evolutionary time appear to promote, vulnerability ,to non-native species in modern time. The susceptibility inherent of many
  38. Exploded with the loss of all but a handful of their crews. This was due to the, vulnerability ,of the working chamber, which the Germans had discovered after the near-loss of
  39. When a natural calamity affects humans and/or the built environment. Human, vulnerability , and often a lack of appropriate emergency management, leads to financial
  40. Four trump-suit honors (A, K,Q, J,10) or all four aces at no trump. * ", vulnerability ," (which affects the size of penalties and bonuses) is determined by previous
  41. 78.5 % of exports in 1997. This dependence on coffee has increased Burundi's, vulnerability ,to seasonal yields and international coffee prices. It generates about 90
  42. Low pH of the stomach normally kills ingested bacteria, antacids increase the, vulnerability ,to infection. It could also result in reduced bioavailability of some drugs.
  43. Humans. M. Scott Peck expresses this in the following way:" There can be no, vulnerability ,without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability ; there can be no
  44. Gun to counter opposing tanks, making it highly vulnerable to counterfire. This, vulnerability ,was later exploited by opposing tank forces. Even the largest and most powerful
  45. Of inappropriately managed risk. These risks are the product of hazards and, vulnerability , Hazards that strike in areas with low vulnerability are not considered a
  46. Sexual experience, between hedonism and responsibility, between confidence and, vulnerability , " Her vocal ability has also been criticized, often drawing unfavorable
  47. Walker's 1983 exit was answered in 1985 when Bet Lynch (who also mirrored the, vulnerability ,and strength of Elsie Tanner) was installed as landlady. In 1983,Shirley
  48. The process. Exploitation The techniques to exploit a buffer overflow, vulnerability ,vary per architecture, operating system and memory region. For example
  49. Full disclosure helps to ensure that when bugs are found the" window of, vulnerability ," is kept as short as possible. Security architecture can
  50. To a machine then the majority of worms are unable to spread to it. If a, vulnerability ,is disclosed before the security patch released by the vendor, a Zero-day

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