Examples of the the word, instruct , in a Sentence Context

The word ( instruct ), is the 4365 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Limitations were prevalent in earlier titles; Yamaguchi would sometimes, instruct ,Seats to only use specific notes. In June 2011,Square Enix announced that
  2. Used numerous foreign experts, to design new factories, supervise construction, instruct ,workers and improve manufacturing processes. The most notable foreign
  3. On their position. With sacrifice and priesthood established, chapters 11-15, instruct , the lay people on purity (or cleanliness). Eating certain animals produces
  4. For winning a round, losing a round, killing an enemy, being the first to, instruct ,a hostage to follow, rescuing a hostage or planting (Terrorist)/defusing (
  5. The family of Gershon (1 Chronicles 26:25) *A priest sent by Jehoshaphat to, instruct ,the people in Judah (2 Chronicles 17:8) In modern days, it is also the name
  6. Had been tortured by the KGB as a young man and one of his first acts was to, instruct ,the Israeli Secret Service to" use wisdom rather than violence" in
  7. In a short time, the disciples of Cyril and Methods managed to prepare and, instruct ,the future Bulgarian clergy into the biblical texts and in AD 893,proclaimed
  8. To provide feedback on the engine's level of noise and vibration and thus, instruct ,the ECU to inject the minimum amount of fuel that will produce quiet combustion
  9. Such as run-time type checking or array subscript boundary checking, or to, instruct ,the compiler to insert object code in lieu of a function call (as C/C++ does
  10. Allowed of electing from another convent, well instruct ed himself, and able to, instruct ,others, one also who had learned how to command by having practiced obedience.
  11. Outside of sermons during the celebration of the divine liturgy it could not, instruct ,or evangelize to the faithful or its youth. Catechism classes, religious
  12. In a short time the disciples of Cyril and Methods managed to prepare and, instruct ,the future Slavic clergy into the Glagolitic alphabet and the biblical texts.
  13. I never have to raise either my voice or my hopes. He even disobeys me when I, instruct ,him in something he wants to do. " They can have a loud bark. Some bark quite a
  14. Function: pastors to preach and to administer the sacraments; doctors to, instruct ,believers in the faith; elders to provide discipline; and deacons to care for
  15. It is desirable to keep periods of idling to a minimum. Many bus companies now, instruct ,drivers to switch off the engine when the bus is waiting at a terminus. In the
  16. Peter the Great went to Holland in 1716 (he was in Holland before in 1697 to, instruct ,himself in maritime affairs),he also took lessons from Behave. Linnaeus
  17. Year of his reign Jehoshaphat sent out priests and Levites over the land to, instruct ,the people in the Law (), an activity that was commanded for a Sabbatical year
  18. To produce offspring. Here, somatic cells respond to specific signals that, instruct ,them whether to grow, remain as they are, or die. If cells ignore these signals
  19. With the giving of the Ten Commandments. Heads of families are urged to, instruct ,those under their care in the law, warnings are made against serving gods other
  20. Of Earth-centred traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and, instruct ,us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature. Grateful for the religious
  21. To frighten, to deter) ** Docebo, docēre, docuī, doctus (to teach, to, instruct , ) ** Deleon, dēlēre, dēlēvī, dēlētus (to destroy, to efface) * perfect has the
  22. Typically holds a word of data (often 32 or 64 bits). CPU instruct ions, instruct ,the arithmetic and logic unit to perform various calculations or other
  23. And added some of their own. However, on 4 February the Commons decided to, instruct ,the committee to differentiate between" such of the general heads, as are
  24. Differs among different data models). They typically have commands to, instruct ,execution of the desired operations in the database. Each such command is
  25. And informed him of a prophet that he would meet, the abbot Ballard, who would, instruct ,him in what was to happen. In the vision, he searched for and found Ballard
  26. Determine which tape or disc contains the information. Next, the computer will, instruct ,a robotic arm to fetch the medium and place it in a drive. When the computer
  27. Command" drag with the right mouse button" instead of just" drag" when you, instruct ,a user to drag an object while holding the right mouse button down instead of
  28. Walk and turn, one leg stand or finger to nose test. It is standard practice to, instruct ,the arrested on how to perform the test and to demonstrate the test. An
  29. House of Lords, where Lords Commissioners (representatives of the Sovereign), instruct , them to elect a Speaker. The Commons perform the election; on the next day
  30. South, he later recalled –" … I went towards the nearest of these squadrons to, instruct ,their officer, but instead of being listened to I was immediately surrounded
  31. Acts. Its first teacher, Rev. Ralph Whee lock, was paid 20 pounds annually to, instruct ,the youth of the community. Descendants of these students would become
  32. Freedoms. Under the Charter, an arrested person has the right: *to retain and, instruct ,counsel without delay and be informed of that right; *to have the validity of
  33. Instruction guide and songbook for him. Using a tape recorder, Traum had McGhee, instruct ,and, between lessons, talk about his life and the blues. Guitar Styles of
  34. A dialogue between the pagan king of the Khazars and a Jew who was invited to, instruct ,him in the tenets of the Jewish religion. Originally written in Arabic, the
  35. Work, it is open to question how willing barristers are to criticize those who, instruct ,them to the client. *Barristers are sometimes criticized for being "
  36. Supermarkets has been pre-steamed and dried, the package directions usually, instruct ,to add 1.5 measures of boiling water or stock and butter to each measure of
  37. Appear even during their navigation, if they were not too far away, and would, instruct ,them as to which part of the island they would better anchor their ships ". (
  38. Cut off the heads of the tallest poppies in his garden as an allegory to, instruct ,his son Sexts to pacify a recently-conquered enemy city by executing its
  39. By using physical or psychological techniques. If desired the top can even, instruct ,the submissive partner to exercise temporary control. The Japanese words 'Semé
  40. Further decline of acupuncture, saying it was a lost art, with few experts to, instruct ,; its decline was attributed in part to the popularity of prescriptions and
  41. Of most votes is largely known beforehand, since political parties normally, instruct ,members on how to vote. A party normally entrusts some Members of Parliament
  42. Recipients; accordingly, a Mass High Tech article advised employers to, instruct ,employees against using company email networks for gossip. Low self-esteem and
  43. At this time to support this view. Some noted brass pedagogues prefer to, instruct ,the use of the embouchure from a less analytical point of view. Arnold Jacobs
  44. A journey to Crete and the establishment of new churches there, he wrote to, instruct ,the church leaders (i.e., Titus ). In order to see that these churches were
  45. Capra – he was Anita of the gladiators employed by the state circa 105 BCE to, instruct ,the legions and simultaneously entertain the public. Few other aristae are
  46. Walk and turn, one leg stand or finger to nose test. It is standard practice to, instruct ,the arrested on how to perform the test and to demonstrate the test. An
  47. Since 1999,the education laws have forbidden the public universities to, instruct ,students in languages other than Latvian (there are exclusions made for
  48. In a short time the disciples of Cyril and Methods managed to prepare and, instruct ,the future Slav Bulgarian clergy into the Glagolitic alphabet and the biblical
  49. Unlike the Waverley books, is entirely a romance. It is meant to please, not to, instruct , and is more an act of imagination than one of research. Despite this
  50. Difficult due to their relationship. In the aftermath, Pasternak began to, instruct ,her in translating poetry. In time, they began to refer to her apartment on

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