Examples of the the word, testament , in a Sentence Context

The word ( testament ), is the 4371 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Conferences. In 1982,the LDS Church subtitled the Book of Mormon" another, testament ,of Jesus Christ. " LDS leader Boyd K. Packer stated that the scripture now took
  2. The horrors of the rack,Fawkes's signature, little more than a scrawl, bears, testament , to the suffering he endured at the hands of his interrogators. Trial and
  3. In Rome. Possibly as a result of nervous disorders and depression, In his, testament , Borrowing wrote that he did not want any name on his burial and expressed the
  4. The shift that it represents in Japan's view of the Ainu people is a, testament ,to the importance of the Tibetan decision. In 2007 the 'Cultural Landscape
  5. Theory. Andrew Wiles's celebrated proof of Fermat's last theorem is a vivid, testament ,to the power of this approach. André Was, Grothendieck, and Design also
  6. Increase of 23.8 %. This is unheard of for a widely released film, which is a, testament ,to the movie's appeal. This was especially noteworthy, considering that the
  7. Egypt after 100 CE. It is also dependent on the Testament of Abraham. In this, testament , God sends the archangel Michael to Isaac in order to inform him of his
  8. Of the University of Manchester; Its development since its foundation is a, testament ,to the evolution of the Union's structures without one clear" master plan ".
  9. Of setting described above. According to Organ in his Introduction to the Old, testament , the authors were most likely writing to a patriarchal society with some
  10. Divisional commanders were wounded, nine brigadiers wounded, and one killed –, testament ,to their courage and their habit of leading from the front. Overall Guyot's
  11. His body was moved to the altar of Santa Catarina in the same church. In his, testament , Cortés asked for his body to be buried in the monastery he had ordered to be
  12. 20th century there were closes to four hundred manuscripts still surviving,a, testament ,to its former popularity. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is a 2000 Julia film.
  13. The end approaching, he spent the last days of his life dictating his spiritual, testament , He died on the evening of October 3,1226,singing Psalm 141. On July 16, 1228
  14. On April 29,the day before his suicide, Hitler prepared his final political, testament , That document specified that Speer was to be replaced by his subordinate
  15. To eliminate a political enemy. Hermann Was, a mathematician, said of this, testament ," This letter, if judged by the novelty and profundity of ideas it contains
  16. Conversations ever recorded on film ". Described as the" Maestro's spiritual, testament ,” by his biographer Julio Erich, excerpts culled from the conversations later
  17. A block) from the Reich Chancellery—prompted Hitler to write his last will and, testament , In the Testament, completed the day before he committed suicide, he declared
  18. Of Castile, for the Papacy would be bound to press the terms of such a pious, testament , Generous bequests to important churches and abbeys in Castile had the effect
  19. That they ate was his body, and the wine was his blood. " This cup is the new, testament ,in my blood, which is shed for you. " (). Various forms of Protestantism
  20. 1895,at the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris, Nobel signed his last will and, testament ,and set aside the bulk of his estate to establish the Nobel Prizes, to be
  21. Upon transformational faith in Jesus, which expresses itself in good works as a, testament ,(or witness) to one's faith for others to see (primarily Eastern Orthodox
  22. Borman ordered the SS in Berchtesgaden to arrest Göring. In his last will and, testament , Hitler dismissed Göring from all of his offices and expelled him from the Nazi
  23. The capital was moved by Casimir the Restorer from Gino to Kraków. In the, testament ,of Coleslaw III Krzywousty, which initiated the period of fragmentation of
  24. His successor if he died. Ironically, Göring did not know the contents of this, testament , which was marked" To be opened only by the Reichsmarschall ", until after
  25. That: ... this epistle is the principal and most excellent part of the new, testament , and most pure evangelist, that is to say glad tidings and what we call the
  26. 2 million cards by the end of 2010,issuing about 100,000 cards monthly is a, testament ,to the huge success of the Qi card solution. Parallel to this will be the
  27. Epistles, and other books collectively called the New Testament (the word, testament ,attributed to Tertullian is commonly interchanged with the word covenant). For
  28. Animal populations in control, like the squirrels and the mice. " In another, testament ,to the coyote's habitat adaptability, a coyote nicknamed" Hal" made his way
  29. Of benefits to be given by one party to another (e.g.," last will and, testament ," in secular use). Here it does not connote mutuality; rather, it is a
  30. Tomb is in the monastery of San Pedro in Hues ca. Death Will and testament His, testament ,was not honored: Aragon took his aged brother abbot-bishop Ramiro out of a
  31. Tip of the island, is the largest medieval fortress in Northern Europe, testament ,to the importance of its location. Language Many inhabitants speak Bornholm (
  32. By Charlemagne. That Off could summon the resources to build Offa's Dyke is, testament ,to his power. However, a rising Wessex, and challenges from smaller kingdoms
  33. Wild Hunt, a European folk myth **Lord of hosts, a common expression in the Old, testament ,Fictional military hosts * The Hosts of Rebecca, a 1960 novel by Alexander
  34. De BOM Jesus de Matosinhos in Congas. The soapstone sculptures of old, testament ,prophets around the terrace are considered amongst his finest work. The
  35. Death in which God's compassion to repentant sinners is emphasized. In this, testament , Isaac also talks with the crowds on the subjects of priesthood, asceticism
  36. Revolts, or as with the last Attain king of Hellenistic Bergamo by, testament ,leaving his realm to Rome to avoid a disastrous conquest. Under theocracy
  37. That the" contrapuntal episodes in the extended ensembles ... stand as, testament ,to his interest in Counterpoint. " Sondheim initially conceived Desiree as a
  38. To Abraham Industries, which is one of the few elements of his last will and, testament ,to never receive mention in any other Shadow run content. In the computer video
  39. Monopoly, and tradesmen might not belong to more than one. It is an impressive, testament ,to the strength of tradition how little these arrangements had changed since
  40. S Award for Outstanding Lifetime Contributions to Psychology (1993). As a, testament ,to his interdisciplinary approach, Simon was affiliated with such varied
  41. Later years Francis was a devoted family man, and a main point in the political, testament ,he left for his son and heir Ferdinand was," Preserve unity in the family and
  42. Did not reveal this cardinal's identity prior to his death, or in the 15-page, testament , he wrote during his papacy and which was released after his death. Consequently
  43. Provide instructions as to his funeral by means of a last will and, testament , These instructions can be given some legal effect if bequests are made
  44. The Holy Roman Empire, England and the Netherlands did not accept Charles II's, testament , *1701 September - England, the Netherlands and Austria signed the Treaty of
  45. Later come to be known as Emperor Diego. UDA left behind a hortatory will or, testament ,which offered general admonitions or precepts for his son's guidance (see
  46. Disliked it, due to the tough nature of Umar. Abu Bakr thus dictated his last, testament ,to Than In Afghan as follows: Abu Bakr next asked Aisha as to how many pieces
  47. Poem" Do not go gentle into that good night ". Of note," Rage Hard" was a, testament ,to the changing musical landscape in Britain at the time. It was not only the
  48. Given that he had not consulted them before making the will. In his one-page, testament , he stipulated that the money go to discoveries or inventions in the physical
  49. Militant. His tomb is in the monastery of San Pedro in Hues ca. Death Will and, testament ,His testament was not honored: Aragon took his aged brother abbot-bishop Ramiro
  50. Felt that he must suffer in silence and be true to the Master’s last will and, testament , Then Ruhr Effendi referred to Ahmad as being in the same plight as himself

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