Examples of the the word, shit , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shit ), is the 4364 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is Rae’s Jae-won man. He has been in the studio a few times while we’re doing, shit , He ain’t write shit . All ‘ Per contributed was a couple of lines that you
  2. And Beggars Banquet. I'd grown sick to death of the whole Maharishi guru, shit ,and the beads and bells. Who knows where these things come from, but I guess
  3. Scrape it off. So the boys started adding polystyrene - now it sticks like, shit ,to a blanket. But if the gooks jumped underwater it stopped burning, so they
  4. Singing the Mickey Mouse March. Joker states that despite being" in a world of, shit ," that he is glad to be alive, and is unafraid. Cast of characters * Matthew
  5. Wonderfully American about being a drunk. I ended up telling myself to cut that, shit ,out. " The album, which also included long-time fan favorite" Tom Traubert's
  6. All that. I just went along with the make-up and all of this crazy, stupid, shit , that they felt they needed to do. " The source used for the front cover of the
  7. But it was the main ideology for me: we don't care what you think—you're, shit ,anyway. It was the attitude that got people moving, as well as the music. The
  8. Debuted at number 47. Wes Borland stated that the release was" a piece of, shit ,and a waste of money. " After the release of Greatest Hit and the departure of
  9. In the direction of trying to prove ourselves. 'We'll do all this weird-ass, shit ,sideways to prove that we are capable musicians and songwriters. '" - and
  10. Perfective prefix; um (um, er ), from the indefinite/undefined suffix; few! (, shit , ), from FEI (to defecate). Word formation: Main article: Esperanto word
  11. Metal ", while Hatfield said" Sabbath got me started on all that evil-sounding, shit , and it's stuck with me. Tony Commit is the king of the heavy riff. " Ex-Guns N
  12. Compositions as" granny music ", dismissing " Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" as" granny, shit ,". Recalling the White Album sessions, Lennon gave a curiously foreshortened
  13. We all had a collective feeling like we'd had enough of this kind of, shit , It wasn't anything tangible anybody said to anyone else, it was just kind of
  14. Horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass kickers, shit ,kickers – and Methodists" ). In a scene where Lamar hires his villains, the
  15. From Gargantua and Pantagruel is" Christ, look ye, its Mere de ... mere ..., shit , Mother of God. " Research into swearing and cursing are modes of
  16. John Wayne toilet paper" because" it's rough, and it's tough and don't take, shit ,off no one," and C-ration crackers are called" John Wayne crackers" because
  17. Term bull shit itself generally means lies or nonsense, and not the literal ", shit ,of a bull ", making it a euphemism. ) What is currently known as a toilet, has
  18. Three people;:" Thank you very much! ";:" shit ";:" Damn it! " (literally ", shit ,then,"" well shit " ). Vulgar; non-vulgar equivalent is" but aloes. ";: a
  19. With hits such as" Stuck" ( Broken),and" DAT is Die Shit" ( That's the, shit ,), with other popular songs in the background such as" Non Stop" ft.
  20. Shoes and sneakers and pants, it was shoddy material. I never rocked that, shit , " A partnership between Wu Tang and the Life NYC clothing group took place in
  21. To shovels and picks to picks: On the North Melbourne ground you stick like, shit ,: Get up you dirty mug, or we'll hit you with a brick Between 2000 and 2004 the
  22. Referring to transgendered people, he asked," When did we start giving a, shit ,about these people? " The segment was in response to a proposed initiative to
  23. Shouts for the system to" Brake! Brake! Brake, now,you Mickey Mouse piece of, shit , " *In the 1996 Warner Bros. film Space Jam, Bugs Bunny derogatorily referred
  24. My phone calls. I don't give a fuck. In a few months ... I'll be leaving this, shit ,country that makes me sick. " He had already made a comment about sending a
  25. A Twix! "). " But Gary Oldman took me in, used to make me cups of tea and, shit ,like that. He's got a real deep soul. Y'know, he permitted me to hang out with
  26. A sexual arrangement between three people;:" Thank you very much! ";: ", shit ,";:" Damn it! " (literally" shit then,"" well shit " ). Vulgar; non-vulgar
  27. Of 'if you are not hurting anyone, and you're not fucking with someone else's, shit , and you are paying your taxes, you should be able to just do what you want to
  28. A really talented and knowledgeable musician. He Frustrate knows all the, shit ,I don't know. I basically know nothing about music theory, and he's studied it
  29. Of making Spartacus. Years later, Douglas referred to Kubrick as" a talented, shit , " Despite the on-set troubles, Spartacus was a critical and commercial success
  30. Me and Brian. He'd never forgive me for that, and I don't blame him, but hell, shit ,happens. " Richards and Wallenberg would remain a couple for twelve years.
  31. Else. Everyone's different. If everyone was the same, it would be boring as, shit , " The lyrics of Metallica (written by James Hatfield) were more personal and
  32. You very much! ";:" shit ";:" Damn it! " (literally" shit then,"" well, shit ,"). Vulgar; non-vulgar equivalent is" but aloes. ";: a field of work or other
  33. Keith, Eric,and I took on to try to put some kind of hip-hop-flavored R&B, shit ,down for them. Subsequently, what happened in the four weeks of December 1989
  34. With Mitchell" Divine" Riggs of the Wu-Tang management," Number 1 on my, shit ,list right now is Divine from Wu-Tang management. He took something major from
  35. In the Stonewall during the raid, remembered:" You've been treating us like, shit ,all these years? Uh-uh. Now it's our turn! ... It was one of the greatest
  36. Well he is Superb ain’t write that fucking’ album. I don’t even want to get into, shit ,like that, because it just makes me upset that muthafuckas be running they
  37. He had (which were for The Terminator). Schwarzenegger responded," Oh some, shit ,movie I'm doing, take a couple of weeks. " In preparation for the role
  38. Saying" ... all of them are Geschichtenscheissenschlopff, unhistorical, shit , "),and which provoked a book-length response from Perry Anderson, Arguments
  39. Home," They got this and sex tours,that's all they have over there. Get your, shit ,together Philippines. Jesus Christ. I mean, again,it's fine to be proud of
  40. The mixing of genes "; made attacks on modern art, which Bar dot equated with ", shit ,"; drew similarities between French politicians and weather vanes; and compared
  41. The Power ", by Public Enemy:" Elvis was a hero to most / But he never meant, shit ,to me / Straight-up racist that sucker was / Simple and plain ". The
  42. Blues stuff. We'd turn him onto Chuck Berry and say,'Look,it's all the same, shit , man, and you can do it. '" Jagger, recalling when he first heard the likes of
  43. The band had" fucking spent" its label advance and Rotten used the word ", shit ,". Host Bill Grundy, who had earlier claimed to be drunk, engaged in repartee
  44. To say it. Adolf said 'I'm going to tell Zanuck. ' I said 'I don't give a, shit ,what you tell him,I'm not going to say that line' ". They took the line out.
  45. The communists:" I have joined a family, and like all families,it's full of, shit ,". He was against the intervention of the United Nations and the United States
  46. Etiquette,they're just complete little raging bastards ". In which the word ", shit ," is said 162 times without being bleeped for censorship purposes, while also
  47. Speaks of coprophagia as a Christian gesture, saying that monks swallow the, shit ,of the world, that is the sins, and for this they are ostracized by society.
  48. Boxcar Bertha:" You’ve just spent a year of your life making a piece of, shit , " This inspired Scorsese to make a film about his own experiences. Mean
  49. Chastised the audience, stating " Isaac Stern doesn't have to put up with this, shit , " He once played a prank on a similar group of nightclub chatterers by
  50. Declared" Frankie Goes to Hollywood are coming... making Duran Duran lick the, shit ,off their shoes... Nineteen inches that must be taken always. " The second ad

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