Examples of the the word, comments , in a Sentence Context

The word ( comments ), is the 4381 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Anatolia and the Persian Empire, in contrast to Greece and Egypt. Herodotus, comments ,that he is puzzled as to why three women's names were" given to a tract which
  2. While serving in East Prussia, Solzhenitsyn was arrested for writing derogatory, comments ,in letters to a friend, Nikolai Vitkevich, about the conduct of the war by
  3. Be commented-out as even larger sections. All Unicode characters are allowed in, comments , such as for symbolic formulas (E0=m×c²). To the compiler, the double-dash is
  4. Clues. We know however from a combination of these sources, and especially from, comments ,in The Knights and The Clouds, that Aristophanes' first three plays were not
  5. Objects in the pool. Ada was designed to use the English language standard for, comments ,: the em-dash, as a double-dash (" --" ) to denote comment text. Comments stop
  6. The constitution entitles so. He also stated that he was not affected by Raj's, comments , Awards, honours and recognitions Apart from National Film Awards, Filmfare
  7. Known variously as directives, pseudo-instructions and pseudo-ops), comments , and data. Assembly language instructions usually consist of an opcode mnemonic
  8. Themes Working methods All biographical sources, as well as the filmmaker’s own, comments , confirm that Kurosawa was a completely“ hands-on” director, passionately
  9. Widdecombe vowed she would never appear on the show again because of, comments ,made by panelist Jimmy Carr. She wrote," His idea of wit is a barrage of
  10. The Golden Ass,2.2.8–9. When Lucius' aunt Barren meets him in Zapata, she, comments , on his physical appearance describing his hair as yellow and his eyes blue.
  11. Source code as generated by compilers or disassembles—code without any, comments , meaningful symbols, or data definitions—is quite difficult to read when
  12. Submerged in a glass of the artist's own urine. The resulting uproar led to, comments ,in the United States Senate about public funding of the arts. Art theories In
  13. I am. There's nothing behind it. " His Rorschach inkblots are intended as pop, comments ,on art and what art could be. His cow wallpaper (literally, wallpaper with a
  14. From Federalist 39,describes the change this way: Historian Ralph Ketch am, comments ,on the opinions of Patrick Henry, George Mason, and other antifederalists who
  15. Germany. The figures depict a nude male and a nude female. Hilda Ellis Davidson, comments ,that these figures may represent a" Lord and Lady" of the Vania, a group of
  16. Hours of freedom in over 20 years. However, Speer said little, reserving most, comments ,for a major interview published in Der Spiegel in November 1966,in which he
  17. JavaFX toolkit and NAFTA. Artistic License 2.0 In response to the Request for, comments ,process for improving the licensing position for Perl 6,Kuhn's draft was
  18. Introduction to his Collected Plays, his reflections on the theory of tragedy, comments ,on the McCarthy Era, and pieces arguing for a publicly supported theater.
  19. The Complete Graphics and 15 Drawings by Herbert Lust (Tudor 1970), comments , on their impact and gives details of the number of copies of each print. Some
  20. Declares procedures that correspond to the ADT operations, sometimes with, comments ,that describe the constraints. This information hiding strategy allows the
  21. The Qur'an. One of these texts included the Proof of Prophecies, in which he, comments ,on several Quranic verses and holds the Qur'an in high esteem. Avicenna argued
  22. On interpretation of the language in the plays. Inscriptions and summaries or, comments ,by Hellenistic and Byzantine scholars can also provide useful clues. We know
  23. Often portrays drug use in his novels, though in one of his journalism works he, comments ,on how drugs (including amphetamine) have become part of consumerism and how
  24. Election as well as South Australian parliamentary leader Sandra Kanck's, comments ,regarding the drug MDMA which he saw as damaging to the party. On 5 July 2006
  25. Order builds the Sangria, or Holy Grail, to defeat the ORI. Daniel Jackson also, comments ,that it would mean that Ambrosia was 74 at the Battle of Mount Baden. Notes
  26. Comment text. Comments stop at end of line, so there is no danger of unclosed, comments ,accidentally voiding whole sections of source code. Comments can be nested:
  27. Kat that eventually makes Paul careless about living. In the final chapter, he, comments , that peace is coming soon, but he does not see the future as bright and shining
  28. Associates led to a final falling out between the two when Paterson made, comments ,that Rand saw as rude to valued political allies. In 1947,during the Second
  29. Addresses. Assembly languages, like most other computer languages, allow, comments , to be added to assembly source code that are ignored by the assembler. Good use
  30. Summarizing its latest survey of meeting attendants. Additional published, comments ,and analysis for academics and professionals have supplemented the survey
  31. His central work, The World as Will and Representation. In occasional political, comments ,in his Pierre and Paralipomena and Manuscript Remains, Schopenhauer described
  32. This internal destruction can be found as early as the first chapter as Paul, comments ,that, although all the boys are young, their youth has left them. When on leave
  33. Design discussions, rules variants, write-ups of game sessions, reviews,and, comments ,on others contributions. It was a four-time winner of the Charles
  34. Replicate that of the sauce which he happens to like, HP Brown Sauce, as he, comments ,in Elephants Can Remember:" Ah yes, that is correct my initials do appear to
  35. 1746,before his scholarship ended. In Book V of The Wealth of Nations, Smith, comments , on the low quality of instruction and the meager intellectual activity at
  36. Bauer part ways when Bauer is recalled to his regiment after recovering. Paul, comments ,that saying farewell was" very hard, but it is something a soldier learns to
  37. From Dr. Room. He is a seventy-five-year-old Spaniard with a rugged face, who, comments , on events in Oran that he hears about on the radio and in the newspapers. *Dr.
  38. But still plead guilty in order to minimize his potential loss. " Ca plan, comments ,on the impact of the Supreme Court's decision-making it necessary for there to
  39. Samurai as the ultimate expression of the artist’s heroic ideal. Joan Ellen’s, comments ,are typical of this view:" Seven Samurai is above all a homage to the samurai
  40. Who does not even remonstrate with his interpreter for interpolating his own, comments ,in the lecturer's expositions. " When his wife reported to him that his
  41. A column of repeated" --" down the page. There is no limit to the nesting of, comments , thereby allowing prior code, with commented-out sections, to be commented-out
  42. Be added to assembly source code that are ignored by the assembler. Good use of, comments ,is even more important with assembly code than with higher-level languages, as
  43. Of geology at the University of Dublin that had sharply criticized Darwin’s, comments ,in the Origin on how hexagonal honey bee cells could have evolved through
  44. To a student of Magic) is clearly an anti-racist one. Even in private, comments ,on Mein Kampf, Crowley said that his own preferred" master class" was above
  45. To be aimed against ICBMs from Iran and North Korea. This caused harsh, comments ,by then-Russia's President Vladimir Putin at the OSCE security conference
  46. Plea. Commentary In his 1972 book American Criminal Justice, Jonathan D. Ca plan, comments ,on the Supreme Court decision, noting," The Alford decision recognizes the
  47. Flawlessly blends its great writing with strategy elements. " Was given mixed, comments ,; some reviewers thought it was efficient and logical, Alpha Centauri has the
  48. To civilian life after having experienced extreme combat situations. Remarque, comments ,in the preface that" All Quiet on the Western Front will try simply to tell of
  49. Each of whom refers the group to another department. Nora Tennessee, comments ,in her blog (which shows one example) that“ the wipe technique makes the
  50. Delimited by double quotes. Statements need not end with semicolons. Finally, comments ,can be added to programs by using # as the first character on a line.

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