Examples of the the word, diminish , in a Sentence Context

The word ( diminish ), is the 4380 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the Balkans and was particularly opposed. Serbia also feared this would, diminish ,its dominance in the region. In addition,Serbia's ruler Milan Obrenović IV
  2. Were later circulated under Fl avian rule as part of a propaganda campaign to, diminish ,success under the less reputable Emperors of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, and
  3. For about 160 km to About. Northward from About, the escarpments on both sides, diminish , and the valley widens to a maximum of 22 km. At Cairo, the Nile spreads out
  4. And harmful, and instead promotes a stateless society, or anarchy. It seeks to, diminish ,or even abolish authority in the conduct of human relations. For influential
  5. Alberta and B. C. We'd be buying our oil from the United States. It would, diminish ,our quality of life and range of careers, and our role in the world would have
  6. As lazy workers. The increase of European and Asian workers of that time would, diminish ,job opportunities even more and many black people would become marginalized.
  7. Permits is a fundamental threat to repressive political leaders and greatly, diminish ,power to coerce. Friedman's view was also shared by Friedrich Hayek and John
  8. That prevents lysis by complement. Many pathogens secrete compounds that, diminish ,or misdirect the host's immune response. Other bacteria generate surface
  9. Efficiency. They also expected democracy and laissez-faire economics to, diminish ,the frequency of war. Adam Smith argued in the Wealth of Nations that, as
  10. Properties of the substituent (alkyl groups enhance the basicity, aryl groups, diminish ,it). # Strict hindrance offered by the groups on nitrogen. # The degree of
  11. 13 %, developed world average 8 %). Costa Rica has successfully managed to, diminish ,deforestation from some of the worst rates in the world from 1973 to 1989, too
  12. Demand for water transport might, perhaps paradoxically, increase rather than, diminish , The infrastructure that supports water transport in Guyana is located along
  13. Expansion against Ethiopia becomes the real danger, this danger for a time will, diminish ,only after the start Second Boer War 1899-1902. The Ethiopian army became more
  14. By the late 17th century, Portuguese authority on the Swahili coast began to, diminish , With the help of Omani Arabs, by 1729 the Portuguese presence had been removed
  15. A few developed nations, possibly allowing national differences in IQ scores to, diminish ,if the Flynn effect continues in nations with lower average national IQs.
  16. Such as" Do Unto Me" by Core. After the popularity of Reggaeton began to, diminish ,interest in Freestyle began to increase, with some radio stations giving up
  17. Windows hidden from a viewer below, interlocking octagons, crosses and hexagons, diminish ,in size as the dome rises to a lantern with the symbol of the Trinity. Oratory
  18. Apogee of fame was being reached abroad, his influence in Vienna would begin to, diminish ,with the death of Joseph II in 1789. Joseph's death deprived Salary of his
  19. Resulting in disruptions of supply chains. Products available to consumers may, diminish ,or disappear as businesses no longer find it sufficiently profitable (or may
  20. Ca),an amount usually considered moderate and safe. Oral calcium supplements, diminish ,the absorption of thyroxine when taken within four to six hours of each other.
  21. United Kingdom, not based on colonialism. The constitution does not in any way, diminish ,British sovereignty of Gibraltar, and the United Kingdom retains its full
  22. Taylor accuses Popper of exploiting his worldwide fame as an epistemologist to, diminish ,the importance of philosophers of the 20th century continental tradition.
  23. Beneath them. After some time, this will reduce land above sea level and thus, diminish ,the amount of space on which ice sheets can form. This mitigates the albedo
  24. Is that it be inelastic, strong,and rigid; otherwise, it would greatly, diminish ,the efficiency. Some later ram designs in the UK called compound rams were
  25. Europe may not recognize IBAN, though as time passes this is expected to, diminish , Non-European banks typically accept IBANs as bank account numbers for accounts
  26. Locals, merchant and noble alike, envied the power of the League and tried to, diminish ,it. For example, in London the local merchants exerted continuing pressure for
  27. Land and its ownership by the Palestinian people is a right that does not, diminish ,over time. No military or legal measures will change that right. 3. The
  28. Nations, then this may allow national differences in IQ scores to, diminish ,if the Flynn effect continues in nations with lower average national IQs. Flynn
  29. Purchases are of member state debt. The risk of such a move is that it could, diminish ,the value of the currency. On the other hand, certain financial techniques can
  30. 1984:207). The exact date of her death is unknown. However, her death did not, diminish ,appreciation for her renowned literary works. Instead, her legacy continued on
  31. Other methods Magnetic flux from the surroundings (such as other wires) may, diminish ,or enhance the field the Hall probe intends to detect, rendering the results
  32. However, wary of new Basque uprisings, Charlemagne seems to have tried to, diminish ,duke Lupus’s power by appointing a certain Seguin as count of Bordeaux (778)
  33. On the one and the same account they glorify them, and they degrade and, diminish ,them; yes, further,they openly condemn them to disgrace and civil degradation;
  34. Which Octavian used to convince the Roman Senate that Antony had ambitions to, diminish ,the preeminence of Rome. Defecting consuls and senators rushed over to the side
  35. And radiation. The color temperature of the decoupled photons has continued to, diminish ,ever since; now down to 2.725 K, their temperature will continue to drop as the
  36. To an era of national affluence. In the 1870s,the church influence started to, diminish ,slightly with the passing of several laws that took some old roles of the
  37. A meaning much more general than in the language as a whole: essentially, to, diminish , ) In Spanish" substitute" means" replace" so that" substitute A POR B "
  38. More parliamentary votes are considered motions of confidence, which tends to, diminish ,the role of non-Cabinet Members of Parliament (MPs). Such members, in the
  39. Name" Kazan, pg. 1479" /> This measure, which was intended to, diminish ,opposition, was paralleled by the introduction of new courtly dignities, like
  40. Of Paris, whence they are sometimes known as" plaster stone. " In order to, diminish ,the translucency of the alabaster and to produce an opacity suggestive of true
  41. 1878 he was the principal Austrian plenipotentiary, and directed his efforts to, diminish ,the gains of Russia and aggrandize the Dual Monarchy. Before the Congress
  42. A one-sided point of view, as their parents may, even unwittingly, block or, diminish ,all points of view but their own in teaching. He also argues that homeschooling
  43. Which had been fixed at twenty-four, had overgrown to such an extent as to, diminish ,considerably the individual remuneration, and,as a consequence, able and
  44. But the idea was short-lived. The various state Grand Lodges did not wish to, diminish ,their own authority by agreeing to such a body. Although there are no reais
  45. Some proponents of market economies believe that governments should not, diminish ,market freedom because they disagree on what is a market externality and what
  46. To market forces in the airline industry. The Act, however,did not remove or, diminish ,the FAA's regulatory powers over all aspects of airline safety. U. S. Boycott
  47. Competition Act section 10 prohibits cooperation which may prevent, limit or, diminish ,the competition. This may also apply to vertical co-operation such as
  48. To award to the winning team of each series from 1998 to 99. This did little to, diminish ,the status of the Darnley urn as the most important icon in cricket, the symbol
  49. Discrimination designed to harm others, humiliation of people designed to, diminish ,their psychological needs and dignity, destructiveness,and acts of
  50. One. Each time you double the number of processors the speedup ratio will, diminish , as the total throughput heads toward the limit of 1 / (1 - P). This analysis

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