Examples of the the word, cotton , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cotton ), is the 4367 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. They prohibited leather because animals were killed for it, as well as, cotton , silk, and wool, because they were products of slave labor. The experimental
  2. Steel, iron ore, cement; chemicals, petrochemicals,textiles, machinery, cotton , foodstuffs.; Reserves of foreign exchange and gold –; Debt - external –;
  3. Of DDT as a pesticide and also from toxic defoliants used in the production of, cotton ,.; Environment - international agreements:: * Party to: Climate Change
  4. Faded in the border states and urban areas but expanded in highly profitable, cotton ,states of the Deep South. Despite compromises in 1820 and 1850,the slavery
  5. Later added to the plantation, which eventually grew to. The primary crop was, cotton , grown by enslaved workers. Starting with nine slaves, Jackson held as many as
  6. Rate (consumer prices) – 21.6 % (2008 est. ); Agriculture – * crops:, cotton , grain, rice,grapes, fruit,vegetables, tea,tobacco * livestock products:
  7. This could be of particular concern to cotton farmers using Roundup Ready, cotton , The species Amaranths Palmer (Palmer amaranth) causes the greatest
  8. Orange" sweet potato" used in the United States),Chile, guava,tobacco and, cotton , The indigenous West Indians made excellent sea-going vessels which they used
  9. Of the world economy led to bad diplomacy, such as the refusal to ship, cotton ,before the blockade started. The Emancipation
  10. Slave trade in the Constitutional Convention of 1787. The 1793 invention of the, cotton ,gin by Eli Whitney increased by fifty fold the quantity of cotton that could be
  11. One such crop is Starlink. Another is cotton , which accounts for 63 % of US, cotton ,acreage. Some believe that similar or better pest-resistance traits can be
  12. Usually white. Both thick (" judo-style" ), and thin (" karate-style" ), cotton ,tops are used. Aikido-specific tops are available with
  13. Import trade to almost half. Name "/IN"> mcpherson72"/> When Britain did face a, cotton ,shortage, it was temporary, being replaced by increased cultivation in Egypt
  14. However, for another 300 years. Vespucci returned to Spain with stocks of, cotton ,and Braidwood from the island and described houses built into the ocean.
  15. Used for the production of the culturally important chichi. Currently, tobacco, cotton , and coffee are the main export crops. Coca, despite eradication programs in
  16. Racial discrimination, agricultural depression, and the failure of the, cotton ,crops due to boll weevil infestation led tens of thousands of African Americans
  17. Almanac, amber,arsenal, assassin,banana, candy,carat, cipher,coffee, cotton , hazard, jar,jasmine, lemon,loofah, magazine,mattress, sherbet,sofa, sugar
  18. Depression in Europe that would force Britain to enter the war in order to get, cotton , Cotton diplomacy proved a failure as Europe had a
  19. The Confederate States of America. In 1861,Southerners voluntarily embargoed, cotton ,shipments, hoping to start an economic depression in Europe that would force
  20. The income tax to help finance the war. The Confederacy Seven Deep South, cotton ,states seceded by February 1861,starting with South Carolina, Mississippi
  21. Outputs include poultry and eggs, cattle,plant nursery items, peanuts, cotton , grains such as corn and sorghum, vegetables,milk, soybeans,and peaches.
  22. And exports to the South declined significantly. The abundance of European, cotton ,and the United Kingdom's hostility to the institution of slavery, along with
  23. Abdulhamid I in appreciation for his services and advice on the raising of, cotton , The fleece taken from an Angora goat is called mohair. A single goat produces
  24. Planters and traders from the Upper South brought slaves with them as the, cotton ,plantations expanded. The economy of the central" Black Belt" ( named for its
  25. Black Belt" ( named for its dark, productive soil) was built around large, cotton ,plantations whose owners' wealth grew largely from slave labor. On January 11
  26. Late. " King Cotton" was dead, as the South could export less than 10 % of its, cotton , Name "/JJ"> international"/> British investors built small, fast blockade
  27. Nowadays. Oil remains the most prominent product of Azerbaijan's economy with, cotton , natural gas and agriculture products contributing to its economic growth over
  28. When reactants are added. Textile Liquid ammonia is used for treatment of, cotton ,materials, give a properties like mercerization using alkalies. In particular
  29. Soil throughout the region was contaminated by DDT and toxic defoliants used in, cotton ,production during the Soviet era. Caspian petroleum and petrochemicals
  30. Arkansas. Cash and his family sang it to themselves while they worked in the, cotton ,fields following Jack's death. Cash often included the song when he toured
  31. And Italian. Among them are commonly used words like" sugar" ( Sukkur),", cotton ," () and" magazine" (). English words more recognizably of Arabic origin
  32. Underground water is available. Important irrigated crops include barley, corn, cotton , various fruits, grapes,opium poppies, sugar beets, roses,and tobacco. There
  33. Victory, but before the new administration took office on March 4,1861,seven, cotton ,states declared their secession and joined to form the Confederate States of
  34. Of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney increased by fifty fold the quantity of, cotton ,that could be processed in a day and greatly increased the demand for slave
  35. Specific foods include cereals, vegetables,fruits, and meat. Fibers include, cotton , wool, hemp,silk and flax. Raw materials include lumber and bamboo. Other
  36. M³. In some lands it is profitable to grow grain, potatoes,sugar beets, cotton ,and tobacco. Livestock, dairy products, and wine and spirits are also important
  37. Brought in from Bermuda, Cuba and the Bahamas in return for high-priced, cotton ,and tobacco. Name "/IN"> mcpherson33"/> When the Union Navy seized a blockade
  38. Rich in limestone and marl formations, especially adapted to the production of, cotton ,; hence the region is also called the Cotton Belt. Between the Cotton Belt and
  39. On slavery was rural and non-industrial. On the other hand, as the demand for, cotton ,grew the price of slaves soared. Historians have debated whether economic
  40. Plant can survive in tough conditions. This could be of particular concern to, cotton ,farmers using Roundup Ready cotton . The species Amaranths Palmer (Palmer
  41. Together with Benguela) palm and peanut oil, wax,coal, timber,ivory, cotton , coffee, and cocoa, among many other products. Maize, tobacco,dried meat and
  42. From the Bank to invest it in other banks, land sales, canal construction, cotton ,production, and manufacturing boomed. Then, in 1836,Jackson issued the Specie
  43. Civil War, the state was still chiefly agricultural, with an economy tied to, cotton , Planters resisted working with free labor during Reconstruction and sought to
  44. Not get insurance and regular traffic ended. The South blundered in embargoing, cotton ,exports in 1861 before the blockade was effective; by the time they realized
  45. state's agriculture outputs are poultry and eggs, soybeans,sorghum, cattle, cotton , rice, hogs,and milk. Its industrial outputs are food processing, electric
  46. US farmer is not forced to reduce his output, making it difficult for, cotton ,prices to rebound, but his Mali counterpart may go broke in the meantime. A
  47. As" The Cotton State ", Alabama ranks between eighth and tenth in national, cotton ,production, according to various reports, with Texas, Georgia and Mississippi
  48. Cotton diplomacy proved a failure as Europe had a surplus of, cotton , while the 1860–62 crop failures in Europe made the North's grain exports of
  49. Protect plants from damage by insects; one such crop is Starlink. Another is, cotton , which accounts for 63 % of US cotton acreage. Some believe that similar or
  50. Were formed into the first Regiment of Arkansas Cavalry. The state developed a, cotton ,culture in the east in lands of the Mississippi Delta. This was where enslaved

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