Examples of the the word, prize , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prize ), is the 4379 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In 427 BC with his first play The Banqueters (now lost). He won first, prize ,there with his next play, The Babylonians (also now lost). It was usual for
  2. Was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. He could not receive the, prize ,personally in Stockholm at that time, since he was afraid he would not be let
  3. To the rules of the Nobel Committee a maximum of three people may share the, prize , Fleming's Nobel Prize medal was acquired by the National Museums of Scotland
  4. Lincoln of having joined the abolitionists. The debates had an atmosphere of a, prize ,fight and drew crowds in the thousands. Lincoln stated Douglas's popular
  5. S Symposium, which describes the banquet given to celebrate his obtaining a, prize ,for his first tragedy at the Denied in (416). He is also a prominent
  6. Better! " As the pigs become more human. Characters Pigs; Old Major: An aged, prize ,Middle White boar provides the inspiration that fuels the Rebellion in the book
  7. Time in Australia. That same year, the group received its first international, prize , with" Fernando" being chosen as the" Best Studio Recording of 1975 ". In
  8. Bangladesh and India. Tagore is said to have named another Bengali Indian Nobel, prize ,winner, the 1998 laureate in Economics, Amartya Sen. Sen's work has centered
  9. Cannes Film Festival and won the Grand Prix Special Du Jury and the FIRES, prize ,and was nominated for the Palme d'Or. From 1973 to 1974,he shot the film The
  10. Competition, which is a none too subtle way for Aristophanes to request first, prize ,for the drama competition. *Self-mocking theater: Frequent parodying of tragedy
  11. Ideal" as" idealistic" () and used it as a reason not to give the, prize ,to important but less Romantic authors, such as Henrik Ibsen and Leo Tolstoy.
  12. A thimble, the Dodo requests it from her and then awards it to Alice as her, prize , The Caucus Race as depicted by Carroll is a satire on the political caucus
  13. Service to the cause of international. The formulation for the literary, prize ,being given for a work" in an ideal direction" ( in Swedish),is cryptic and
  14. Referenced scientific evaluations of the Alexander technique in his Nobel, prize ,acceptance speech. Andrea Alito (May 8,1492 – January 12, 1550),commonly
  15. And favored Odysseus, made him stumble and fall, so that he won only the second, prize , On his return from Troy, his vessel was wrecked on the Whirling Rocks (), but
  16. With 13/15. At Nice 1974,he advanced to board one and again won the board, prize ,with 12/14. At Valletta 1980,he was again board one and scored 9/12. At
  17. Merely responded to changes in audience expectations. Aristophanes won second, prize ,at the City Dionysian in 427 BC with his first play The Banqueters (now lost).
  18. A Day Off" ), included in the EMI compilation Frida 1967-1972. The first, prize ,was a recording contract with EMI Sweden and to perform live on the most
  19. Is believed that she was a major influence in his decision to include a peace, prize ,among those prize s provided in his will. Bertha von Suttner was awarded the
  20. Submit it. On September 10, 1951,Fashion was awarded the festival's highest, prize , the Golden Lion, shocking not only Data but the international film world
  21. The team gold medal. He played first reserve at Skopje 1972,winning the board, prize ,with 13/15. At Nice 1974,he advanced to board one and again won the board
  22. The fourth is for literary work" in an ideal direction" and the fifth, prize ,is to be given to the person or society that renders the greatest service to
  23. Last will, leaving much of his wealth for its establishment. Since 1901,the, prize ,has honored men and women for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry
  24. Published. In 1818, he wrote a memoir on diffraction for which he received the, prize ,of the Academic DES Sciences at Paris in the ensuing year. He was the first to
  25. Prize and the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury. Tchaikovsky also shared a special, prize ,called Grand Prix Du cinema de creation with Robert Reason. Soviet authorities
  26. Distributes comfits from her pocket to all as prize s. However, this leaves no, prize ,for herself. The Dodo inquires what else she has in her pocket. As she has only
  27. And named in honor of Alessandro Volta, with Bell receiving the third grand, prize ,in its history. Since Bell was becoming increasingly affluent, he used his
  28. Kind while residing in China. Sir C. V. Roman is the first Asian to get a Nobel, prize ,in Sciences. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics" for his work on the scattering
  29. Such an extent that it became a key reason cited for the awarding of his Nobel, prize , The problem referred to is that of how to distribute resources rationally in
  30. At the pyre of Patrols, he contended with Odysseus and Antioch for the, prize ,in the footrace; but Athena, who was hostile towards him and favored Odysseus
  31. To accommodate French artists, chiefly painters, and winners of the Abd-el-Tif, prize , among whom Maurice Hotel, for a while of two years. Nowadays, Algerian
  32. The arc hon baseless, sitting in the front row, and demands to be awarded first, prize ,for a drinking competition, which is a none too subtle way for Aristophanes to
  33. In succession. Bishop Assert ells the story of how as a child Alfred won a, prize ,of a volume of poetry in English, offered by his mother to the first of her
  34. 1983. Nostalgia was presented at the Cannes Film Festival and won the FIRES, prize ,and the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury. Tchaikovsky also shared a special prize
  35. Children. Bad is the first Iranian and the first Muslim woman to receive the, prize , Another Nobel Peace Prize winner is Sung San Sub FYI from Burma for her
  36. Cannes Film Festival and received the Grand Prix Special Du Jury, the FIRES, prize ,and the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury. As Tchaikovsky was unable to attend due to
  37. S view, an " old fossil ". The administration offered him the consolation, prize ,of secretary or governor of the Oregon Territory. This distant territory was a
  38. Ibsen and Leo Tolstoy. This interpretation has since been revised, and the, prize ,has been awarded to, for example, Dario FO and José Santiago, who do not belong
  39. The Golden Lion. At the Cannes Film Festival he won several times the FIRES, prize , the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury and the Grand Prix Special Du Jury. He was
  40. To the term" Stockholm syndrome ". *1977 – The Gossamer Condor wins the Kramer, prize ,for human powered flight. *1982 – Bashir Females is elected Lebanese President
  41. And 84 % were in conventional medical journals. Some have proposed adopting a, prize ,system to reward medical research. However, public funding for research exists.
  42. Provided in his will. Bertha von Suttner was awarded the 1905 Nobel Peace, prize , 'for her sincere peace activities '. Nobel's third and longest-lasting love
  43. And growth ". Michael Debate and nine other scientists received the, prize , a bronze statuette created for the event by the Italian artist C. Zola and
  44. In its history. Since Bell was becoming increasingly affluent, he used his, prize ,money to create endowment funds (the 'Volta Fund' ) and institutions in and
  45. Aeolosicon II and Vocals, and it is possible that the last of these won the, prize ,at the City Dionysian in 387. It appears that a second son, Philippus, was twice
  46. To pay for any supplies and spurred the boys on with the enticement of a" big, prize ," if they were successful. Intrigued by the results of the automaton, Bell
  47. And counter-sacrifice from Sax. It won the tournament's first brilliancy, prize , This was not the first time Karol used the sharp Years Attack (6. G4) – see
  48. To her father. Agamemnon consented, but then commanded that Achilles' battle, prize ,Crisis be brought to replace Chrysalis. Angry at the dishonor (and as he says
  49. Sweden's relations with the superpower. Instead, Solzhenitsyn received his, prize ,at the 1974 ceremony after he had been deported from the Soviet Union. The
  50. Let back into the Soviet Union. Instead, it was suggested he should receive the, prize ,in a special ceremony at the Swedish embassy in Moscow. The Swedish government

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