Examples of the the word, beneath , in a Sentence Context

The word ( beneath ), is the 4372 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The temperature of the surface waters varies seasonally from to. Directly, beneath ,the surface waters the Cold Intermediate Layer (CIL) is found. This layer is
  2. Disraeli became ill soon after and died in April 1881. He is buried in a vault, beneath ,St Michael's Church in the grounds of his home Defended Manor, accessed from
  3. Caught by his head in the boughs of an oak-tree as the mule he was riding ran, beneath ,it - an irony given that he was previously renowned for his abundant hair and
  4. Result of plate tectonics processes, caused by the subduction of oceanic crust, beneath ,the South American plate. The main cause of the rise of the Andes is the
  5. Has survived into the present day. Much of the royal and civic quarters sank, beneath ,the harbor due to earthquake subsidence, and the rest has been built over in
  6. Amputated his leg below the knee using his pocketknife after the leg got stuck, beneath ,a fallen tree he was cutting in California. * In 2003,27-year-old Aron Alston
  7. Pantheon, but a public letter-writing campaign led to the decision to bury him, beneath ,the Arc de Triomphe. The coffin was put in the chapel on the first floor of the
  8. Is a ship representing the Santa María of Christopher Columbus, shown sailing, beneath ,the sun. Along the bottom, below the shield appears a banner upon which is
  9. In the shape of three standing palm leaves which shelter the" Eternal Flame ", beneath , At the edge of each palm leaf stands a statue of a soldier, each representing
  10. Or misses entirely. *Bob and weave – Bobbing moves the head laterally and, beneath ,an incoming punch. As the opponent's punch arrives, the boxer bends the legs
  11. Designer stores. * Plaza, Monastiraki, and Mission - Plaza (), lying just, beneath ,the Acropolis, is famous for its plentiful neoclassical architecture, making up
  12. It is a private chapel in the sense that no one could say mass on the altar, beneath ,the statue (in 17th century and probably through the 19th) without permission
  13. Made of filigreed gold, enclosing a highly polished piece of quartz crystal, beneath ,which is set a cloisonné enamel plaque, with an enameled image of a man
  14. Lake it passes through Thun, and then flows through the city of Bern, passing, beneath , eighteen bridges and around the steeply-flanked peninsula on which the Old City
  15. Of these is the story about Ambrosia, Vortigern, and the two dragons, beneath ,Dina's Emmys," Fortress of Ambrosia" in Chapters 40–42. This story was later
  16. Announced discovery of what is believed to be the tomb of Guizot, beneath ,a sculpture of Tlaltecuhtli near the Local in Mexico City. Notes Albinism (
  17. In importance and use. During investitures, the Queen stands on the throne dais, beneath ,a giant, domed velvet canopy, which is known as a shaman or a Baldwin and
  18. America where the Nazca Plate and a part of the Antarctic Plate are sliding, beneath ,the South American Plate continue to produce an ongoing orogenic event
  19. The crumpled sheet the coordinates of the point of the flat sheet immediately, beneath ,it. Similarly: Take an ordinary map of a country, and suppose that that map is
  20. His siesta. The assassins left in terror, when a snake suddenly darted from, beneath ,Nero’s pillow—but it was only a sloughed-off snake-skin in his bed, near his
  21. System, that the whole temple of man's achievement must inevitably be buried, beneath ,the debris of a universe in ruins -- all these things, if not quite beyond
  22. About between Columbia Street and Boerum Place. It is the oldest railway tunnel, beneath ,a city street in North America. Some also claim it to be the oldest subway
  23. To grant. The officers were expected to grow food, but they considered this, beneath ,them. As a result scurvy broke out, and in October 1788 Phillip had to send
  24. The city of Sipper. Another theory is that the ruins of Akkad are to be found, beneath ,modern Baghdad. Reputedly it was destroyed by invading Guitars with the fall of
  25. The young animals are confined to a snow den and are relatively helpless. Fish, beneath ,the ice are also part of its diet. If there is an overabundance of food hunted
  26. Or produce a visibly red blush or set of parallel (sometimes squiggly) lines, beneath ,the eyes, especially as a manifestation of repressed romantic feelings.
  27. Is founded in the United States. *1958 – The nuclear submarine travels, beneath ,the Arctic ice cap. *1959 – Portugal's state police force SIDE fires upon
  28. Some managed to stand, others to crawl, still others tried to get out from, beneath ,bodies that had fallen on them. Through the snow, debris,and blood you could
  29. Celebrations a bishop should also wear a Dalmatia, which can always be white, beneath ,the chasuble, especially when administering the sacrament of holy orders
  30. Ocean of dust at the bottom, which hunts creatures called dust whales that live, beneath ,the surface. It is partially a science-fictional pastiche of Moby-Dick by
  31. Water is likely to be highly saline. As for Europa, liquid water likely exists, beneath ,the moon's icy outer crust. Another planetary body that could potentially
  32. South American and the Caribbean Plates. The shift of the South American plate, beneath ,the Caribbean plate scrapes sediment from the South American plate and deposits
  33. After they die and be reunited with their loved ones. *. It is the deeper level, beneath ,HEL, and those who break oaths, abduct and rape women, and commit other vile
  34. Claimed to have seen the fabulous IREM, or City of Pillars, and to have found, beneath ,the ruins of a certain nameless desert town the shocking annals and secrets of
  35. Displaying her thirst for revenge. Alboin's remains were allegedly buried, beneath ,the palace steps. Alboin's death had a lasting impact, as it deprived the
  36. However, her son is said to have been born on the way, at Plumbing, in a garden, beneath ,a Sal tree. The day of the Buddha's birth is widely celebrated in Theravada
  37. Avenue Tunnel) of the Long Island Rail Road is an abandoned railroad tunnel, beneath ,Atlantic Avenue in downtown Brooklyn, New York City. When open, it ran for
  38. Empire solvent. Water levels within the Tigris and Euphrates fell 1.5 meters, beneath ,the level of 2600 BC, and although they stabilized for a time during the
  39. And tears of a number of a people ... All you see is the three of us, but, beneath , the surface are thousands and thousands of others, and to all of those, I would
  40. To occupy the frontier, and thus there is no hiding the nature of capitalism, beneath ,the facade of gentlemanly conduct. In Mahagonny, the characters are prostitutes
  41. Which includes some of Bulgaria's best agricultural land. The groundwater, beneath ,the plain also was poisoned. Work has begun on a plan to drain toxic wastewater
  42. Calefactory ", ( H),the common sitting-room of the brethren, warmed by flues, beneath ,the floor. On this side in later monasteries we invariably find the chapter
  43. TV set for the long-running PBS program Austin City Limits, which is housed, beneath ,the new W Hotel. The new Austin City Limits location also presents national and
  44. Even in regions that get little or no sunlight in winter. It uses the ground, beneath ,a building for thermal mass. Precipitation can carry away the heat, so the
  45. Lay the flower where it had fallen ". She was buried in St. Mary's churchyard, beneath ,the castle walls, and overlooking the bay. Charlotte commissioned a stone to be
  46. Asgard (Section 14). The gods hold court there every day at the Well of URD, beneath ,an ash tree, Yggdrasil,debating the fates of men and gods. The more immediate
  47. Walls of Hadrian's temple have been found among the archaeological remains, beneath ,the Church. The Station Pool lay in the path of the northern documents, so
  48. To marry her in return. Freya is so wrathful that all the Æsir’s halls, beneath ,her are shaken and the necklace Brísingamen breaks off from her neck. Later
  49. Battle Martyrs, was aired on Al Jazeera on April 16, 2002. While the name, beneath ,the speaker read al-Ghamdi, the image is of Hawaii speaking.
  50. Sexual intercourse. Vines were used as a flammable wood, where they were placed, beneath ,a drill made of harder wood, resulting in fire. Further evidence of ritual

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