Examples of the the word, precaution , in a Sentence Context

The word ( precaution ), is the 6280 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Depicted as being so abundant that many ordinary criminals kept a supply as a, precaution ,against Superman's interference. In several accounts, it was explained that
  2. Meaning that any member of her crew was to be shot on sight if captured. As a, precaution ,to protect the ships against any reprisals against their crews, HMS Chandra was
  3. Short out. Electrical power and natural gas went down or were shut off as a, precaution ,in much of the area. Trading at both the Chicago Board of Trade Building and
  4. Of outer space. Space suits are often worn inside spacecraft as a safety, precaution ,in case of loss of cabin pressure, and are necessary for extra-vehicular
  5. Were banned in Geneva and elsewhere. " Rousseau, he wrote," has not had the, precaution ,to throw any veil over his sentiments; and, as he scorns to dissemble his
  6. Controlling computer. The relevant ITU-T recommendation is T.32. Fax paper As a, precaution , thermal fax paper is typically not accepted in archives or as documentary
  7. Refuge from Absalom's forces beyond the Jordan River. However, he took the, precaution ,of instructing a servant, Hushai, to infiltrate Absalom's court and subvert it
  8. Infections in wounds. Hospital wards were occasionally aired out at midday as a, precaution ,against the spread of infection via miasma, but facilities for washing hands or
  9. Enough. Prevention If a person is suspected as having died from anthrax, every, precaution , should be taken to avoid skin contact with the potentially contaminated body
  10. Upon King Features' trademarked character Mandrake the Magician. As a, precaution , MandrakeS oft renamed its products by removing the space between the brand name
  11. Nearly precipitated a conflict between Manuel and his guests. Manuel took the, precaution ,– which his grandfather had not taken – of making repairs to the city walls
  12. Used against Yggdrasil bugs (eight-legged rabbit-looking entities),as a, precaution ,wherever she goes. Yggdrasil bugs can cause adverse effects to the surrounding
  13. In December that year and started" a bit of radiation therapy … as a, precaution ,but the prognosis looks pretty good," as he reported in his video
  14. Now retained as a picturesque custom rather than as a serious anti-terrorism, precaution , The act remained in force until 1859. The tradition of marking the day with
  15. Are relatively inexpensive and unintrusive, and many consider them a reasonable, precaution ,for any urban space. Many cities will also have planned, built safety features
  16. Had obtained his degree in August 1665,the university temporarily closed as a, precaution ,against the Great Plague. Although he had been undistinguished as a Cambridge
  17. Network congestion and the congestion window size is reduced dramatically as a, precaution , However, wireless links are known to experience sporadic and usually temporary
  18. Not wear a mask, which implies to most that he has nothing to hide. As an added, precaution , Superman would vibrate his face slightly (like Jay Garrick, the Golden-Age
  19. Allows some manufacturers to provide secondary pressure containment as an extra, precaution ,for pressure equipment safety if the burst pressure of the primary pressure
  20. Pre-Collision System (PCS) integrates multiple safety systems. As a safety, precaution , Lexus GPS navigation systems in many regions feature a motion lockout when the
  21. Organizations forbid vaulters to use poles rated below their weight as a safety, precaution , The recommended weight corresponds to a flex rating that is determined by the
  22. S Mobile Launcher Platform that was pressurized with pure nitrogen as a, precaution ,against fire. The technicians would have been able to exit the room if they had
  23. Into the regional centers of Rail and As Sulaymaniyah. Also as a military, precaution , the government has cleared a broad strip of territory in the Kurdish region
  24. The Yeomen of the Guard before every State Opening of Parliament, a traditional, precaution ,against any similar attempts against the Sovereign. The previous Palace of
  25. Ionizing radiation, to which the fetus is particularly sensitive. However, as a, precaution , current guidelines recommend that pregnant women undergo MRI only when
  26. Like K4 are not cleaned for routine calibrations of other mass standards—a, precaution ,to minimize the potential for wear and handling damage—the BIPM's model of
  27. Or safety valves. The internal valve should in general only be used as a safety, precaution , an external relief valve installed in the discharge line with a return line
  28. The infant from polio infection during the first few months of life. As a, precaution ,against infection, public swimming pools were often closed in affected areas
  29. Negligence, since under the Learned Hand Rule it will not yield optimal, precaution ,levels. Illegality Ex Turpin cause non writer action is the illegality defense
  30. 12 or more hours/Vomiting; Special precaution s Benzodiazepines require special, precaution ,if used in the elderly, during pregnancy, in children, in alcohol-or
  31. Plant on rats has shown hepatoprotective and antimutagenic activities; however, precaution ,is necessary for those displaying allergic reaction or are prone to epileptic
  32. An ice axe is rarely able to effect a self-arrest. As an additional safety, precaution ,on steep ice slopes, the climbing rope is attached to ice screws buried into
  33. Such a device at the time. So, the patent application was most likely simply a, precaution ,in case someone else did find a use for the so-called Edison effect. About 20
  34. Ban quo, having had dreams about Macbeth's deeds, takes back his sword as a, precaution ,in this case. Macbeth eventually sees that Ban quo can no longer be trusted to
  35. This was also the place that Lucky Luciano was first arrested. As a further, precaution , Capone and his entourage would often show up suddenly at one of Chicago's
  36. Cannot execute JavaScript, * have JavaScript execution disabled as a security, precaution , * use a speech browser due to, for example, a visual disability. To support
  37. Opera La Cenerentola was as successful as Barbiere. The absence of a similar, precaution ,in construction of his More in Giotto led to disaster in the scene depicting
  38. Commerce which comes from this order, ought always to be listened to with great, precaution , and ought never be adopted till after having been long and carefully examined
  39. In July 1979,AC-130H crews deployed to Howard Air Force Base, Panama,as a, precaution ,against possible hostile actions against American personnel during the
  40. When a magnitude 6.5 earthquake damaged Managua in December 1972. As a, precaution , Hughes moved to the Nicaraguan National Palace and stayed there as a guest of
  41. The Williams team called his teammate Piqued in to change tires as a safety, precaution , handing the race victory — and Championship — to Post, who had already pitted
  42. Have been his practice to close with a few words in his own handwriting, as a, precaution ,against such forgeries ... In the present case he writes a whole paragraph
  43. Often sealed inside an additional layer of glass. The outer glass is a safety, precaution , reducing UV emission and because halogen bulbs can occasionally explode during
  44. A risk of asphyxiation. Oxygen deficiency monitors are usually used as a safety, precaution , Liquid helium, the most commonly used cryogenic in MRI, undergoes near explosive
  45. Are less likely to have to learn from your own. Also, when snowboarding alone, precaution ,should be taken to avoid tree wells, a particularly dangerous area of loose
  46. And teammate, Piquet made a pit stop shortly after Man sell’s retirement as a, precaution , This left Alain Post to defend his title successfully, despite being in an
  47. Settle in the city. The city is safe to travel by day and night; nevertheless, precaution ,and common sense should be considered in certain districts at night. There are
  48. To let in sunlight. Walls are usually sloped inwards at 10 degrees as a, precaution ,against the frequent earthquakes in this mountainous area. Standing at 117
  49. Is police corruption, which leaves many criminals unpunished. As a security, precaution , most large houses have a watch guard, burglar grills, and dogs to patrol their
  50. Garlic could be placed in the mouth, and as recently as the 19th century,the, precaution ,of shooting a bullet through the coffin was taken. For resistant cases, the

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