Examples of the the word, bizarre , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bizarre ), is the 6282 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. O'Rourke, now a Roman Catholic priest, who is sent on a mission to investigate, bizarre ,events in a European city. Another Summer of Night character,Dale's younger
  2. Banal of matters. Radio stings Morris included a series of 'radio stings ', bizarre ,sequences of sounds and prose as a parody of modern DJs' own soundbites and
  3. Lerner's addiction is believed to have been the result of Jacobson's, bizarre ,practice. He married eight times: Ruth Boyd (1940–1947),dancer Marion Bell (
  4. Is accepted as an extraordinary event. Carry once wrote, expressing some, bizarre ,logic of 'pataphysics," If you let a coin fall, and it falls, the next time it
  5. Left Baltimore under questionable circumstances in 1984). In one of the most, bizarre ,playoff games in NFL history, both Indianapolis and Baltimore were held to
  6. Lines,'Due to, or as a consequence Of" were blank. Haley made a succession of, bizarre , mostly monologue late-night phone calls to friends and relatives in which he
  7. Well-drawn strips of the 20th century. Featuring vividly outlandish characters, bizarre ,situations, and equal parts suspense, slapstick,irony, satire,black humor and
  8. Offers plausible, logically consistent science-based explanations for these, bizarre ,events. Very few of Koontz's novels involve the overtly supernatural, instead
  9. Comedy series Mr Bean, the title character uses children's toys to play out a, bizarre ,nativity scene in which a Dale exterminates a tiny lamb and a tyrannosaurus
  10. For comical or dramatic effect,Rosa's stories are rich with colorful and, bizarre ,facial renditions and physical slapstick. Barks had over 600 Duck stories to
  11. Twisting with distortions, exaggerations,an elastic elongation of the limbs, bizarre ,posturing on one hand, graceful posturing on the other hand, and a rendering of
  12. Contemporary reports depict a man whose behavior was becoming increasingly, bizarre , sleeping fully armed and in his clothes, ripping up a painting at a slight
  13. In a later play, Thesmophoriazusae, to be living in circumstances almost as, bizarre ,). Euripides's mother was a humble vendor of vegetables, according to the
  14. Which events form a continuous progression, which may however be interrupted by, bizarre ,or fantastic intrusions. Thought processes during the dream state frequently
  15. On what is going on in the scene. Often, Brecht will also have seemingly, bizarre ,events occur, seemingly just to keep the audience unable to guess what will
  16. La Danielle blue (1887–1888),which was criticized by the Academy as ", bizarre ,"; and the Fantasies for piano and orchestra. The third piece was the first in
  17. There, he witnesses the visitor, Frank Booth (Dennis Hopper),inflict his, bizarre ,sexual proclivities — which include inhaling an unidentified gas, dry humping
  18. Section in his 1993 textbook had the title Everett's interpretation and other, bizarre ,theories. In fact, Peres not only questioned whether MRI is really an "
  19. Almost tumorous, and either remains immobile or exhibits purposeless or even, bizarre ,movements. Catatonic symptoms also occur in schizophrenia or in manic episodes
  20. The conclusion of the National League season, in particular, involved a, bizarre ,chain of events, often referred to as the Merle Boner. On September 23, 1908
  21. Portrays management consultants in the comic strip, with an arrogant manner and, bizarre ,suggestions, such as comparing mission statements to broccoli soup. He
  22. Delivered by Morris) describing, in surreal, broken language, various, bizarre , feelings and situations, set to ambient music interspersed with short clips of
  23. British medical practice. However, he has a habit of treating his patients in, bizarre ,and often disturbing ways, such as prescribing heroin for a cold, making a man
  24. Both the prime suspect and the killer's next target. Elliott receives a, bizarre ,answering machine message from" Bobbi ", a transgender person he is treating.
  25. That Chelsea Went and Won the Cup ", the lyrics of which describe a series of, bizarre ,and improbable occurrences on the hypothetical day when Chelsea finally won a
  26. The weekend's gigs. *Longed Sex: Short clips of two lovers making increasingly, bizarre ,erotic requests of one another, such as" shitting your leg off" and" making
  27. Control—a socially-useful reduction of the paranoid, deluded,distressed, bizarre ,and odd into semi-vegetative zombies? " Use of this class of drugs has a
  28. Iteration of her word). Most Episcopizes have an assumed name and/or title of, bizarre ,nature and self-proclaimed 'mystic import ', such as Malaclypse the Younger
  29. Left a mystery and open to each readers' interpretation (be it 'alien' or a, bizarre ,genetic experiment),the image of an 'wok' is almost conjured in the mention
  30. Roger Brown, Leon Club, Robert Lost utter, Jim Nut, and Barbara Rossi produced, bizarre ,representational paintings. Today Robert Guinean paints gritty realistic
  31. Finally did begin wearing the belted plaid, it was not" in the rather, bizarre ,style depicted in the film. " In 2009,the film was second on a list of" most
  32. Which would normally have led to a promotion to Series C1. However, due to the, bizarre ,Case Catania (Catania Case) the club skipped Series C1 and was admitted into
  33. Three years, they went into the series riddled with injuries and plagued by, bizarre ,misfortunes. Otto Krueger, the team's only utility player, was beaned on
  34. Dandy, partner in crime (Ben is holding Dorothy's son) and drug dealer. In a, bizarre ,but now iconic scene, Ben lip-syncs a performance of Roy Orbison's" In Dreams
  35. Early 1990s. The film became hugely controversial and well-known because of its, bizarre , often graphic depiction of small town America and male-female relationships
  36. They became Courageous and her sisters Glorious and Furious, and there was a, bizarre ,imbalance between their main guns of 15 inches (or 18 inches in 'Furious' )
  37. One another out. The will has greatly puzzled historians, who have read it as a, bizarre ,gesture of extreme piety uncharacteristic of Alfonso's character, one that
  38. And auteurs. In fact, this eclipsing may sometimes be creditable for the, bizarre ,and innovative directions of the works of such auteurs as Atom Golan (The
  39. West Coast, followed in November. On December 21, 1970,Presley engineered a, bizarre ,meeting with President Richard Nixon at the White House, where he expressed his
  40. Revelation makes use of symbolism and visions, mentions angelic mediators, has, bizarre , imagery,declares divine judgment, emphasizes the kingdom of God, prophesies a
  41. As extras in sketches. The program comprised a series of sketches, often, bizarre , and surreal, frequently satirical with a disjointed style which was to become
  42. Was on the scale of a light cruiser. The design was generally regarded as a, bizarre ,failure (nicknamed in the Fleet Outrageous, Uproarious and Spurious),though
  43. Some of these signs and portents resemble lucid dreams, but many are quite, bizarre ,and" dreamlike," frequently in a spiritual context. Addiction Substance abuse
  44. Hofstadter, or Tom Lehrer's" Eating an orange/While making love/ Makes for, bizarre ,end/ Moment thereof ". Likewise, Stephen Sondheim rhymed silver with" will
  45. In their home. Many plots revolved around Dilbert's engineer nature or his, bizarre ,inventions. Also, prominent were plots based on Dogbert's megalomaniacal
  46. Were introduced. Batman's adventures often involved odd transformations or, bizarre ,space aliens. In 1960,Batman debuted as a member of the Justice League of
  47. Role-playing potential ", the concept of role-playing rabbits can be viewed as, bizarre , and as such at least one commentator believes that" most people thought it
  48. Yauco revealed their forthcoming new album has taken the band's sound in a ", bizarre ," new direction, saying " It's a combination of playing and sampling stuff as
  49. Friendship with a 12-year-old Swiss boy. One biographer called the friendship ", bizarre ," although not" improper" and a sign of" pitiful loneliness" Montgomery's
  50. The exotic nature of black holes, it may be natural to question if such, bizarre ,objects could exist in nature or to suggest that they are merely pathological

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