Examples of the the word, ellis , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ellis ), is the 7850 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. Loved his Owen brother sinfully --: Of twice cursed stories I SEY FY! --: Or, ellis , of Tyro Apollonian, : How that the cursed King Antioch us: Pirate his softer
  2. In the 1700s a few Jews had settled in the Anna dale area off, ellis , ave. (what is now Philipsburg avenue),Fairview, most of these Mariano Jews
  3. Till: 1975 color: USAF bar: Ellis from: 1975 till: 1977 color: general bar:, ellis , from: 1977 till: 1981 color: sac text:" Richard H. Ellis" bar: Dixon from:
  4. Bar: German bar: Clemens bar: reason bar: pilling bar: main bar: abbot bar:, ellis , bar: Blair bar: Clark bar: Fargo bar: natter bar: Fallon bar: gregoryjohnson
  5. Bar: abbot from: 1998 till: 2000 color: joint text:" Charles S. Abbot" bar:, ellis , from: 1999 till: 2001 color: general bar: Ellis from: 2001 till: 2004 color:
  6. To deliver to Arbuthnot ‘ with all possible diligence the were of the By bill, ellis , printed ’. It was therefore probably owing to undue dilatoriness on the part of
  7. Phillips from: 1973 till: 1975 color: general text:" Samuel C. Phillips" bar:, ellis , from: 1973 till: 1975 color: USAF bar: Ellis from: 1975 till: 1977 color:
  8. He received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor for business in 1993. Name ", ellis , award " /> He was inducted into RPI's Alumni Hall of Fame in 2003. Name "
  9. Text:" Samuel C. Phillips" bar: Ellis from: 1973 till: 1975 color: USAF bar:, ellis , from: 1975 till: 1977 color: general bar: Ellis from: 1977 till: 1981 color:
  10. Loved his Owen brother sinfully —: Of twice cursed stories I say FY! —: Or, ellis , of Tyro Apollonian, : How that the cursed King Antioch us: Pirate his softer
  11. http://www.capital.ro/index.php? Section articole&screen indexed 101440&cauta,Ellis, Reference (Romanian) Home Sweet Home is a 1980 Australian comedy television
  12. Partis of the world .... The third kind is mere than on race*, Reid Hewitt or, ellis , blak with small springs of sports, and AR Callie be the people sleuthoundis.
  13. The Profession of Arms ", was nominated for an Academy Award. Name ", ellis ," /> The series was broadcast to 45 countries. Name" Dearborn" />
  14. Text:" Charles S. Abbot" bar: Ellis from: 1999 till: 2001 color: general bar:, ellis , from: 2001 till: 2004 color: joint text:" James O. Ellis" bar: Blair from:
  15. Bar: Kern from: 2001 till: 2004 color: general text:" Paul J. Kern" bar:, ellis , from: 2001 till: 2004 color: general text:" Larry R. Ellis" bar: Byrnes from:
  16. Bar: Keane bar: cob urn bar: Hendrix bar: tommyfranks bar: Kernan bar: Kern bar:, ellis , bar: Byrnes bar: Lahore bar: hill bar: bell bar: bryanbrown bar: Abigail bar:
  17. Dougherty bar: simpler bar: Carlton bar: O'Keefe bar: made bar: Phillips bar:, ellis , bar: Dixon bar: Wilson bar: Smith bar: McBride bar: Evans bar: rogers bar:
  18. And his part-takaris to come Fürth to the faddish and fact with us, or,Ellis, we all Hungary that to death. " The brothers were duly summoned for treason by

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