Examples of the the word, diversion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( diversion ), is the 8288 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Drops sharply into long, wide spillway tunnels before connecting to the outer, diversion ,tunnels, and reentering the main river channel below the dam. This complex
  2. And the United States on questions related to water resources. Concerns over, diversion ,of Lake water are of concern to both Americans and Canadians. Some water is
  3. Material at these facilities is under IAEA safeguards to discourage any such, diversion , Due to its potential for use in nuclear weapons programs, the possession or
  4. Engineer William Will cocks and finished in 1913,was the first modern water, diversion ,structure built in the Tigris–Euphrates river system. The Hindi ya Barrage was
  5. Of these bodies of water have shrunk significantly in recent decades due to, diversion ,of water from rivers that feed them for irrigation and industrial purposes.
  6. As a vast French and Spanish invasion fleet approached England, he provided a, diversion ,by heading for Ireland at the head of a five ship squadron including the 36-gun
  7. Only, for I myself have already found great advantage from it, by the agreeable, diversion ,it has given me, in a season of trouble and public calamity. " George Long
  8. Computer role-playing game series, players can push over cattle as a fun game, diversion , In the 2006 animated movie Barnyard, a group of tough talking cattle from New
  9. Or Singapore and São Paulo (), all while maintaining a suitable, diversion ,airport within 180 minutes' flying time with one engine inoperable. Space
  10. Two as it had been in World War One. Such bombing campaigns were regarded as, diversion ,from the Luftwaffe's main operations; destruction of the enemy armed forces.
  11. These levels are associated with neurological abnormalities in babies. Illegal, diversion ,to agriculture is also a concern, as it is almost impossible to prevent, and
  12. Cited by the U. S. State Department for human rights abuses, corruption,and, diversion ,of oil revenues to government officials. Beginning in 1995 until 2004,Riggs
  13. The railroad workers, three miles east of Rock Ridge to build a fake town as a, diversion , The workers labor all night to complete their task. After the sun rises, the
  14. To eliminate entailed estates. O'Higgins's opponents also disapproved of his, diversion ,of Chilean resources to aid San Martín's liberation of Peru. O'Higgins
  15. Immediately followed by the VC10 as changeable weather conditions might make, diversion ,to another airfield necessary. The Hercules provides resupply missions through
  16. Said," People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and, diversion , but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some
  17. A second German force was sent into Belgium and the Netherlands to act as a, diversion ,to this main thrust. In six weeks of savage fighting the French lost 90,000 men
  18. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact that would prevent most future, diversion ,proposals and all long-distance ones. The agreements also strengthen protection
  19. Are equivalent: Entertainment consists of any activity which provides a, diversion ,or permits people to amuse themselves in their leisure time. Entertainment is
  20. The pay, but no money was forthcoming from Washington. The strike ended. River, diversion ,Before the dam could be built, the Colorado River needed to be diverted away
  21. And the entertainment industry. Entertainment – any activity which provides a, diversion ,or permits people to amuse themselves in their leisure time, and may also
  22. Of Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. is Beach Jumpers program, which launched small-unit, diversion ,operations against German-held islands in the Mediterranean. In 1944,wounded
  23. An active role in these improvements, overseeing the design of parterres,the, diversion ,the main road north of the river via a new bridge, and plans for farm buildings
  24. Of Baghdad, for example, was restricted by dikes on its eastern edge. The, diversion ,of water to the Mil hat ATH Tartar and the construction of a canal
  25. Listen to or watch musical entertainment. Game Games provide relaxation and, diversion , Games may be played by one person for their own entertainment, or by a group
  26. And some even interpreted the emphasis upon the story of the miracle oil as a, diversion ,away from the struggle with empires that had led to the disastrous downfall of
  27. Concerns In recent decades, the Dead Sea has been rapidly shrinking because of, diversion ,of incoming water from the Jordan River to the north. The southern end is fed
  28. As Suleiman the Magnificent),Selim I's successor, took advantage of the, diversion ,of Safavid focus to the Uzbeks on the eastern frontier and recaptured Baghdad
  29. Fountains and broken hydrants provide some health points) or simply provide, diversion ,(tipping strippers provokes a quote from Duke and a provocative reveal from
  30. S quiet struggle with the apparent meaninglessness of life and the use of, diversion ,to escape from boredom. Unlike Pascal, Kierkegaard and Nietzsche also
  31. Continent raise concerns. Under the U. S." Water Resources Development Act ", diversion ,of water from the Great Lakes Basin requires the approval of all eight Great
  32. Of Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. is Beach Jumpers program, which launched small-unit, diversion ,operations against German-held islands in the Mediterranean. Some of his
  33. Cause, no conclusive evidence has been found showing that he authorized the, diversion ,of the money raised by the Iranian arms sales to the Contrast. Handwritten notes
  34. The flow is limited by treaty. Possible schemes for bottled water plants and, diversion ,to dry regions of the continent raise concerns. Under the U. S." Water
  35. Production of this drug have increased significantly in recent years, as have, diversion ,and illicit use. In the U. S., formulations containing more than 15 mg per
  36. Europe. The Old French term ESBAB (Modern French eat) meant amusement or, diversion , with a connotation of frolicking. Notes An equal temperament is a musical
  37. Who prophesied that he would only reach Mecca by travelling through Syria. The, diversion ,held an added advantage; due to the holy places that lay along the way
  38. To the court and discovered that Yoga had arranged a bizarre scenario for his, diversion ,: He ordered some men to climb high into trees, and then he ordered others to
  39. Seeks to divert an opponent. A digression can, similarly,be a verbal tactic of, diversion , but has no place in a serious debate; and the diversion of digression may also
  40. And are considered to have never actually been Baha'is, given their fundamental, diversion ,from this core Bahá'í doctrine. Bábís are generally regarded as another
  41. Blocked. Following the completion of the dam, the entrances to the two outer, diversion ,tunnels were sealed at the opening and halfway through the tunnels with large
  42. Needed to be diverted away from the construction site. To accomplish this, four, diversion , tunnels were driven through the canyon walls, two on the Nevada side and two on
  43. Many that had better plot construction. " Although these stories were a form of, diversion ,for Delete, Ruber, who edited The Original Text Solar Pons Omnibus Edition (
  44. Products from the growing middle classes of countries such as China and India, diversion ,of food grain to biofuel production and trade restrictions imposed by several
  45. And/or credibility,Godwin's law itself can be abused as a distraction, diversion ,or even as censorship, fallaciously miscasting an opponent's argument as
  46. Using the Schlieffen Plan. But it failed due to Belgian resistance,Berlin's, diversion ,of troops, and very stiff French resistance on the Marne, north of Paris. The
  47. J. Casey, admitted to Woodward in February 1987 that he was aware of the, diversion ,of funds to the contrast confirming a number of encounters documented by
  48. In French, it means any kind of sports director.; advertisement: an amusing, diversion ,; entertainment; dossier: a file containing detailed information about a person;
  49. Monoxide poisoning, brought on by the use of gasoline-fueled vehicles in the, diversion ,tunnels, and a classification used by Six Companies to avoid paying
  50. Drop in Lake Sevan's water level because of draw downs for irrigation and the, diversion ,of water to hydroelectric plants to compensate for the electric power lost

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