Examples of the the word, blink , in a Sentence Context

The word ( blink ), is the 8174 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Volumes of water will not wash it off. Victims are generally encouraged to, blink ,vigorously in order to encourage tears, which will help flush the irritant from
  2. Does need to make a living, his offspring's childhood will come and go in a, blink ,of an eye, and he needs to be there for them while he can. The Banks children
  3. Difficult for Leigh, since the water splashing in her face made her want to, blink , and the cameraman had troubled as well since he had to manually focus while
  4. Extensions and adopted most of Netscape's visual markup tags. Netscape's, blink ,element and Microsoft's marquee element were omitted due to a mutual agreement
  5. For example in CD players. *Class II/2 is safe during normal use; the, blink ,reflex of the eye will prevent damage. Usually up to 1 mW power, for example
  6. Bacon in 1000 and 1267 AD, respectively. For reference *The average human eye, blink ,takes 350,000 microseconds. *Standard camera shutter speed opens the shutter
  7. Photographs of the same section of sky several nights apart. He then used a, blink ,comparator to compare the different images. When he shifted between the two
  8. Blink rates. He supports his data with statistics on the relation between the, blink ,rates of presidential candidates and their success in their races. Recce claims
  9. The significance of grasping the fundamentals of any situation in the ", blink ,of an eye" ( clan d'oil). In a military context the astute tactician can
  10. Plates was Phoebe in 1898. Pluto was discovered using photographic plates in a, blink ,comparator; its moon Charon was discovered 48 years later by carefully
  11. Energetic gamma rays lasting from less than a second to several minutes—the, blink ,of an eye on cosmological timescales. They are known to occur at huge distances
  12. Combinations this will lead to shut eyes in every picture taken. The, blink ,response time seems to be around 1/10 of a second. If the exposure flash is
  13. Detector detects a fire or smoke condition, then all lights in the house will, blink ,to alert any occupants of the house to the possible fire. If the house is
  14. Heads with rods inside which could move the eyes — though the puppets could not, blink ,— and wires which with a 12 volt current could move the mouths. The wires used
  15. Meditation. The screen goes black, and the power and disk-activity LEDs may, blink ,immediately before the alert appears. In AmigaOS 1. X, programmed in ROMs known
  16. Fast enough that many business-related processes could be completed" in the, blink ,of an eye" even using a" slow" language, as long as massive amounts of data
  17. Can only see their own synesthesia menus. It is controlled by hand gestures, blink ,patterns, where the user is looking, clicks of the tongue, etc. *In the Greg
  18. Up to 5 mW and involve a small risk of eye damage within the time of the, blink ,reflex. Staring into such a beam for several seconds is likely to cause damage
  19. It is a formidable undertaking, and one that will not be accomplished in the, blink ,of an eye just by the issuing of a few decrees from above. Only through the
  20. Your lingo, Ringo,so (repeat first line).: George’s guitar's on the, blink , I think, ( repeat),It shouldn't go likely link, no,(repeat first line
  21. Stars belonging to younger clusters is on the order of thousands of years—a, blink ,of the eye in cosmic terms. Several planetary nebulae have been shown to
  22. Attributes, including 8 foregrounds and 8 background colors, underline,and, blink , * New graphics resolutions of 160,256,320 or 640 pixels wide by 192 to 225
  23. Objects directly and by sensing air currents; they also trigger protective, blink ,reflexes to protect the eyes from damage. Health In captivity, an average life
  24. High energy demand and his warning light will usually turn red and/or begin to, blink ,as soon as he arrives at his destination. In the English-language dubbed
  25. Search in much the same way as Clyde Tombaugh and Charles Local had, with a, blink ,comparator. But the process was sped up with the arrival of electronic
  26. At the effect of blink ing: debris in the tear film will move quickly with a, blink , while floaters are largely unresponsive to it. Tear film debris is diagnosed
  27. Photos. This method halved the film consumption compared to method of ", blink ,comparing ", where plates get single exposures, and are compared by rapidly
  28. Unexpected volley directly into the faces of the fusiliers, killing 90 in the, blink ,of an eye and breaking their advance. The fusiliers retreated in panic. A
  29. Llama-related video game *Lou Monthly - creator of Lynx browser, cookies,the, blink ,tag, server push and client pull, HTTP proving, HTTP over SSL, browser
  30. To find that connection that I had seen between Janis and her audience. In a, blink ,of an eye she changed my life. " Joplin's body art, with a wrist let and a
  31. i. e.,'a' TTO IU ma; the space it takes to say 'a '; compare" in the, blink ,of an eye" ). It is used in music to describe a period of silence. In take
  32. Plausible and appropriate courses of action. Clausewitz' conceptual ", blink ," represents a tentative ontology which organizes a set of concepts within a
  33. Boston College professor Joe Recce suggests that stress levels are revealed by, blink ,rates. He supports his data with statistics on the relation between the blink
  34. Beauty after 2001:" Will it be possible ever again to watch the slow, amazed, blink , of a newborn gecko in the sun, or whisper back to the marmot who has just
  35. Pat" becomes papal" slap or clap once" and Pakistani" applaud "; IMO ", blink ," becomes Eskimo" close eyes firmly ". Australian Aboriginal languages
  36. Risk damage to the eye and may in many cases be difficult, in part due to the, blink ,reflex. If the lens is pushed off the cornea (by touching the lens with your
  37. Do harm, and can potentially do thousands of trial-and-error segments in the, blink ,of an eye. The Jayhawks are an American alternative country and rock band that
  38. Other words derived from the root *BAEL- include bleach, bleak,blind, blink , blank, blush,blaze, flame,fulminate, flagrant and phlegm). In the English
  39. Version) starts out at blue. At the 1-minute mark it starts to, blink , and then turns red and blink s faster at the two-minute mark. Some sources have
  40. In the end, Luthor becomes a permanent prisoner in his own body, unable to even, blink , and swearing vengeance on Superman. Aid comes in the form of the demon Nero;
  41. Is the only school located in Harmon County. As the saying goes," if you, blink , you will miss it! " Buffalo is a town in Harper County, Oklahoma,United
  42. Minute mark. Some sources have given 2:10 as the mark where the timer begins to, blink , If the Color Timer/warning light stops, Ultraman will" never rise again. "
  43. To identify abnormalities in the nerve-to-brainstem pathways. For example,the, blink ,reflex may be used to evaluate the integrity of the trigeminal nerve–poutine
  44. Having cut a deal with the Mi-Go in the belief that they are the Grey's. The, blink ,182 song Aliens Exist contains" 12 Majestic lies" as the last line to the
  45. In the past, searches for high proper motion objects were undertaken using, blink ,comparators to examine the images by eye, but modern efforts use techniques
  46. Rush hour, traffic signals are used with green lights to allow one car per, blink ,of the light to proceed on to the freeway. Preemption In some areas, emergency
  47. Having stronger nocturnal adaptations. Sharks have eyelids, but they do not, blink ,because the surrounding water cleans their eyes. To protect their eyes some
  48. And all one could do with the machine was make programs to make the lights, blink , Nevertheless, many were sold in this form. Roberts was already hard at work on
  49. Thus, if a new lawnmower could be magically conjured up out of nothing in the, blink ,of an eye, it would not be theft to steal one. Since ideas are not naturally
  50. Main excretory ducts into the space between the eyeball and lids. When the eyes, blink , the lacrimal fluid is spread across the surface of the eye. Lacrimal fluid

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