Examples of the the word, strawberry , in a Sentence Context
The word ( strawberry ), is the 8335 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Milk has been sold for many years and has been followed more recently by, strawberry ,milk and others. Some nutritionists have criticized flavored milk for adding
- Strawberry tree (Arbutus undo),not to be confused with the actual, strawberry ,(Frag aria) Modified berries The fruit of citrus, such as the orange, kumquat
- Create a very unusual" golden tabby" color variation, sometimes known as ", strawberry , " Golden tabby tigers have light gold fur, pale legs and faint orange stripes.
- Tropical fruit and more intense" wild" versions of the venerable, strawberry , raspberry and cherry. In 1966,the Jell-O" No-Bake" dessert line was
- Can be added to bubble tea. Some widely available fruit flavors include, strawberry , green apple, passion fruit, mango,lemon, watermelon,grape, lychee, peach
- File: Albania. JPG|Albania File: Slate frag aria Vesta smoke jag ode woodland, strawberry ,Vlasotince. JPG|Slate Sports in Serbia revolve mostly around team
- Betuloides. Fruits grow in open spaces in these forests, such as beach, strawberry ,(Frag aria chillness var. Chiloensis form chillness) and Carafate (
- Used. Banana cream, pistachio,or almond cream with cherry water and damson or, strawberry ,water are other options. The Neapolitan Ice Spoon has a double use; ice bowl is
- A Michelin (). A mead that contains fruit (such as raspberry, blackberry or, strawberry ,) is called a become, which was also used as a means of food preservation
- Part of the ripe fruit, making the blackberry an aggregate-accessory fruit. The, strawberry ,is also an aggregate-accessory fruit, only one in which the seeds are contained
- World, to create crops with other beneficial traits. New research on woodland, strawberry ,genome was found to be short and easy to manipulate. Researchers now have tools
- Flow — strawberry daiquiri and piña colada blended together * Miami Vice — 1/2, strawberry , daiquiri poured over 1/2 piña colada (use frozen versions of each, and do not
- Consists of three layers, each of a different color and flavor (chocolate, strawberry , and vanilla),molded into a block and cut into slices. Neapolitan ice-cream
- Bear. The coat of arms of Madrid depicts a bear reaching up into a madroño or, strawberry ,tree (Arbutus undo) to eat some of its fruit, whereas the Swiss city of Bern
- And some produce new plants out of rhizomes or stolon (for example in, strawberry ,). Other plants reproduce by forming bulbs or tubers (for example tulip bulbs
- Beulah, serves squabs, sweet potatoes, corn pudding, piping hot biscuits, and, strawberry , shortcake. " The mistress of the house waits until Beulah has left the room and
- But it often depends on the cook. Southern desserts include many dishes such as, strawberry ,shortcake, banana pudding, baked apple slices, sweet potato pie, apple pie
- Child to be killed. Traveling Armenian dignitaries recognize the condemned by a, strawberry ,shaped birthmark. Thus, his live is saved as well as Violente's in the last
- Cream * Caribou Lou - Malibu Rum, pineapple juice and 151 rum * Lava Flow —, strawberry ,daiquiri and piña colada blended together * Miami Vice — 1/2 strawberry
- The 10th. During the 19th century, its lower fringes were grubbed out to make, strawberry ,fields. Most of these have been allowed to revert to woodland. The wood was
- Dairies as well as from commercial producers like Ben & Jerry's *Rhubarb pie, strawberry ,rhubarb pie, and rhubarb jam *Toll House cookies (the original chocolate chip
- In the village. Since the 1880s,Cheddar's other main produce has been the, strawberry , which is grown on the south-facing lower slopes of the Men dip hills. The line
- By Nabisco under" Royal Gelatin" in three different flavors: orange, strawberry , and lime. Shred dies used to give out TMNT toys in their boxes when the cereal
- Perch is a shortcrust pastry dish filled with crushed almonds, nuts and, strawberry ,jam; the name (" Leipzig lark" ) comes from a lark Pate which was a Leipzig
- From the receptacle. * Gerber, Duchesnea indica - structured just like a, strawberry ,* Sea grape (Coccoloba Evidera; Polygonaceae) - the fruit is a dry capsule
- Examples of each, are: *achene - Most commonly seen in aggregate fruits (e.g., strawberry ,) *Closely - An achene-like fruit derived from the individual florets in a
- There is no forest, tall shrub communities of golden oak (Quercus Anatolia), strawberry , tree (Arbutus Arachne),Meredith (Pistachio terebinthus),olive (Flea
- Originally known as" Foster's Donuts" hence the name of the event) for, strawberry ,donuts. Upon return to the campus, the ritual of the" shakedown" takes place
- Arabia, Kuwait and Iran. They are often available with added flavors (apple, strawberry , and peach). How low-alcohol beer is made Low-alcohol beer starts out as
- Lambs and young people. In the sanctuary of Hermes Promos in Anagram is a, strawberry ,tree under which it was believed he had created, and in the hills Phone ran
- Still, the assignment is somewhat arbitrary, as " raspberry" is animate, but ", strawberry ," is inanimate. Athabaskan languages In Navajo (Southern Athabaskan) nouns
- Part in the formation of the fruit, e. g., the floral receptacle in the apple, strawberry , and others. The character of the seed-coat bears a definite relation to that
- Cultivation, including wild rice and maple sugar. The most common varieties of, strawberry ,were domesticated from Eastern North America. By 3500 BC, the simplest form of
- Few golden tabby tigers in captivity, around 30 in all. Like white tigers, strawberry ,tigers are invariably at least part Bengal. Some golden tabby tigers, called
- Together was a common denominator. More than likely chocolate, vanilla and, strawberry ,became the standard for the reason that they were the most popular flavors in
- Juice rather than fresh lime. *Fruit-flavoured vodkas or rums, such as mango, strawberry , lycée or mandarin, are often substituted. *A Mexican Mojito uses the Mexican
- And cough syrup manufacturer, Pearle B. Wait. He and his wife May added, strawberry , raspberry, orange and lemon flavoring to the powder and gave the product its
- Stir it in to taste. The soup is then normally followed by pancakes with jam (, strawberry , raspberry, blueberry,cloud berry or similar) which are regarded more than part
- Artificially turned red if they are marinated prior to roasting in a salt and, strawberry ,marinade, or salt and citrus salts. Like other members of the Anacardiaceae
- Raspberry or cherry or currant water; coffee or chocolate in the middle; the, strawberry ,cream, with lemon or orange or pineapple water to finish. A cream ice flavored
- The original Swedish title is Smultronstället, which literally means" the wild, strawberry ,patch ", but idiomatically means an underrated gem of a place (often with
- Found to be short and easy to manipulate. Researchers now have tools to improve, strawberry ,flavors and aromas of cultivated strawberries as stated in a publication by
- Quarries. The village gave its name to Cheddar cheese and has been a center for, strawberry ,growing, with the crop being transported on the Cheddar Valley line, which
- The most common strawberries grown commercially are cultivars of the garden, strawberry , a hybrid known as Frag aria × Vanessa. Strawberries have a taste that varies
- S mistress, Martha,Thorn returns to his apartment. When he presents Roth with, strawberry ,jam taken from Fielding's apartment, Roth declares it too great a luxury for
- Sometimes mistakenly called" seeds" are achenes. Key to the classification of, strawberry ,species is recognizing that they vary in the number of chromosomes. There are
- Theory. Neapolitan ice cream is made up of blocks of chocolate, vanilla and, strawberry ,ice cream side by side in the same container (typically with no packaging in
- Popularized many new types of fillings for sufganiyot besides the traditional, strawberry ,jelly filling, including chocolate cream, vanilla cream, cappucino and others.
- Jack Bess ant, the bass guitarist with the band Reef grew up on his parents ', strawberry ,farm, and Matt Loss and Luke Loss, former members of Bros, lived in Cheddar for
- In 20 years. During their meal at a restaurant, Alison notices Max eating a, strawberry ,and inquires about his allergy to them. Max grins and explains he's" gotten
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