Examples of the the word, tweak , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tweak ), is the 8333 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Audio processor, utilized microcode; it is possible to implement new effects or, tweak ,the processor to achieve the desired output. Some well-known examples of custom
  2. Additional adjustments to cancel a certain amount of reactance in order to ", tweak ," the match. When a transmission line is used in between the antenna and the
  3. In spokesman, Smith Barney's corporate advertising department decided to, tweak ,the format of the new commercials, the first of which aired in September 1987.
  4. Such as graphics or sound. This programmer may implement strategy tables, tweak ,input code, or adjust other factors that alter the game. Many of these aspects
  5. Artist ". Martin worked for Cracked for about six years, and the magazine, in a, tweak ,at its rival, billed him as" Cracked's Crackedest Artist ". Cracked's
  6. Simpler, and thus more readable. An experienced programmer will also be able to, tweak ,the program and use the compiler error messages to understand the program flow
  7. Influence its braking (e.g. electronic stability control),or its speed, tweak ,its suspension. Consequently, this usage is seen to be derived from the use of
  8. Input called the tweak along with its usual plaintext or ciphertext input. The, tweak , along with the key, selects the permutation computed by the cipher. If
  9. Built into the protocol, and every known mature client allows the user to, tweak ,file and user upload priorities. It is also possible to share metadata about a
  10. System, although understandably unpopular among most road users, has helped to, tweak ,road usage patterns since its implementation. The LTA reported that road
  11. Observers that he sometimes used the raw exercise of power to settle scores or, tweak ,noses. Full accountability In a distinct contrast to numerous examples of
  12. Scott Muller came from the Nova group in Australia, and the station saw another, tweak ,in style. The changes continued seeing Capital re-branded back to" London's
  13. The trio clicked as a unit,Durango's ability to rework arrangements and, tweak ,sounds helping to refine Albini's song ideas. According to Albino," He ended
  14. Re-enacting scenes, artists can then manipulate the demo files to add cameras, tweak ,timing and lighting, and change the surroundings. This technique is limited to
  15. Of pilot experience. When Bought technical representatives were available to ", tweak ," the inertial systems, the CEP was often less than five meters for experienced
  16. Method to replace that of Aristotle, and he was able to use his method to, tweak ,and update Galileo’s experimental method. The re-creation of Galileo’s method
  17. Dickens himself returned to the tale time and again during his life to, tweak ,the phrasing and punctuation, The Chimes, The Cricket on the Hearth, The Battle
  18. Is now playing them exclusively. He is so in love with them that he won't let me, tweak ,them. He is playing the first photo and has two others from the same batch.
  19. ZZ Top uses the sound they sketched out on their debut as a blueprint, yet they, tweak ,it in slight but important ways. " The album peaked at
  20. Better. When you have an idea you hope might work, and then to implement it, tweak ,it, and morph it, because other people show up and have ideas that are better
  21. A very interesting extension to the MSX BASIC 1.0/1.1 was Screen IV,a, tweak ,of MSX BASIC adding the mixed graphic/text mode Screen 4 (hence its name
  22. The theme tune was revamped for a more orchestral sound. It was given a slight, tweak ,in 2003. The end of part music was more akin to the 1972-1989 end of part music
  23. Members of the mailing list can download the parameters of existing sheep and, tweak ,them, or sheep can be mated together automatically by the server or manually by
  24. The playing of actual melodies, as well as the inventions of the crab scratch, tweak ,scratch, strobing,and furthering the development of flare scratching. In 1996
  25. The task of" fixing" the game, so it would appeal to gamers. Rather than, tweak ,a poor game, Miyamoto designed an entirely new game, Donkey Kong, using the
  26. Mary Poppins' all-purpose word" Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! " To, tweak ,Mr. Dawes. He gives Dawes the tuppence, tells the old man one of Bert's and
  27. Block ciphers. A tweak able block cipher accepts a second input called the, tweak ,along with its usual plaintext or ciphertext input. The tweak , along with the
  28. Color from the mid-1960s,ABC started using the new science of demographics to, tweak ,its programming and ad sales. ABC invested heavily in shows with wide appeal
  29. Facilitate third-party efforts, and some third parties have also learned to ", tweak ," the simulator in various ways by trial and error. Aircraft Individual aspects
  30. Antialiasing could be used on GeForce 6 GPUs by using some third party, tweak ,tools. As of Nvidia Force Ware drivers 175.16,GeForce 6 IntelliSample 4.0
  31. The titles and opening commercial roll. Star Trek writer David Jerrold, to, tweak , William Shatner on set, once joked he was writing a Star Trek episode in which
  32. Man who vandalized Michelangelo's Pietà in Rome). The letters, designed to, tweak ,the noses of politicians and corporations, were full of deliberate
  33. For her husband. As time went on, however,she found that she was able to, tweak ,his letters and still sign them in his name as he appreciated her input and
  34. Edition has carried two extra pages of TV listings per day as part of a slight, tweak ,in the publication's format, bringing it up to ten pages of listings per day
  35. Unstable and start to oscillate. The radio operator has to be prepared to, tweak ,the amount of feedback fairly continuously for good reception. Modern radio
  36. Inferior because it cannot be overclocked so highly. The kernel gained a vital, tweak ,to the Sharp proprietary SD/MMC module and allowed 4 GB SD cards to be used (
  37. OMAC1 and OMAC2) which are both essentially the same except for a small, tweak , OMAC1 is equivalent to MAC which became an NIST recommendation in May 2005.
  38. Further, to cause an attitude change, tiny photo thrusters (heated wire), tweak , the attitude of the kite; such thrusters do not propel the kite, but are only
  39. No difference in the opening titles apart from the title. The font was given a, tweak , 1992-1993 (REKINDLE LIFE MARK 2) In September 1992 when the theme tune was
  40. Signal flow limitation outlined above (VCO → VCF → VIA),there are ways to, tweak ,the sound. For example, in reality, the Minimum has six sound sources. Five of
  41. 160×100 16 color modes Technically, this mode is not a graphics mode, but a, tweak ,of the 80×25 text mode. The character cell height register is changed to
  42. Of the rail, the tenon shoulders, help to counteract lateral forces that might, tweak ,the tenon from the mortise, contributing to its strength. These also serve to
  43. To music that looked" like the blueprints for a plumber ... pieces that go, tweak , wonk, thump,snort—this doesn't inspire me. " — and was a regular presence
  44. Is basically an SL-C3100 but with the newer 6 GB Hitachi microdrive and another, tweak ,to the case colors. The Intel PXA270 CPU is a later variant, and some would
  45. Playback. By changing the wave patterns presented on a screen they could, tweak ,a sound into shape without singing or performing it all over again. Their
  46. At Cities 97's old slogan," true to the music" and a criticism of its recent, tweak ,in the direction of pop sounding KS95. During its first two years on the air
  47. Network may divide a large continuous IP address block into smaller blocks, and, tweak , the route announcement to make different blocks look optimal on different paths
  48. That" with games produced by NCL, the development teams continued to work and, tweak ,their projects that they knew would be localized and produced in other
  49. Is often used to refer to the Chain-4 256x256x256 colors VGA-compatible, tweak ,mode. This mode's advantage is the simplistic and fast method for addressing
  50. Of work, so the value setting had to be exposed to the user to allow them to, tweak ,the heap size to suit their own requirements. This exposure of a technical

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