Examples of the the word, censor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( censor ), is the 8336 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. York Times article in 2006 that his superiors at the agency were trying to ", censor ," information" going out to the public ". NASA denied this, saying that it was
  2. Senatus, or appointed a new one. The princes himself had to be a former, censor , After the lists had been completed, the number of citizens was counted up, and
  3. Tiberius Symphonies Gracchus, who was tribune of the plebs, praetor,consul and, censor , Their mother was the Patrician Cornelia African, daughter of Scipio Africanus
  4. Were a few exceptions. At first, there was no law to prevent a person being, censor ,twice, but the only person who was elected to the office twice was Gains
  5. The film ridiculed a crusader against vice who goes insane trying to, censor ,a billboard of Anita Berg espousing the virtues of milk. In an October 1960
  6. Along the way. Besides saving bandwidth, this also makes documents harder to, censor ,as there is no one" source node. " Effect Initially, the locations are
  7. Toga pretext, one who triumphed the embroidered toga dicta, and the, censor ,a purple toga peculiar to him; but other writers speak of their official dress
  8. It had been incorporated into China's Green Dam program, used by the state to, censor ,Chinese citizens' internet access. Bedsitter accused Green Dam creators as
  9. Laws required that one censor had to be a plebeian. Despite this, no plebeian, censor ,performed the solemn purification of the people (the" lust rum "; Livy
  10. Hold a census and determine the membership of the Senate. With the powers of a, censor , Augustus appealed to virtues of Roman patriotism by banning all other attire
  11. Play suppressed solely as a" precautionary" measure. When Grillparzer met the, censor ,responsible, he asked him what was objectionable about the work. The censor
  12. Sartorius, etc. The census was conducted according to the judgment of the, censor ,(ad arbitrary censor s),but the censor s laid down certain rules, sometimes
  13. His largest work to date, for a time. It was delayed again by the Austrian, censor , and finally premiered in November 1805 to houses that were nearly empty
  14. From the Latin alphabet somewhat earlier in the 3rd century BC by the Roman, censor ,Prius Claudius, who found it distasteful and foreign. Eventually, both velar
  15. 87-6 BC. His mother Julia was a daughter of Lucius Caesar (consul 90 BC, censor ,89 BC),another Marian victim murdered with Antonius Orator. His father died
  16. Protects the anonymity of participants, and also makes it very difficult to, censor ,specific content. Content is stored encrypted, making it difficult for even the
  17. Free muse released a report titled" Palestine: Taliban-like attempts to, censor ,music ", which said that Palestinian musicians feared that harsh religious laws
  18. As being the same as that of the other higher magistrates. The funeral of a, censor ,was always conducted with great pomp and splendor, and hence a" censor ial
  19. Within the Roman system for combining the powers of the tribune and the, censor ,into a single position, nor was Augustus ever elected to the office of censor .
  20. From 443 BC to 22 BC; but during this period many Austria passed by without any, censor ,being chosen at all. According to one statement, the office was abolished by
  21. He also was called upon to produce propaganda for the regime and to serve as a, censor , In October 1649 he published Eikonoklastes, an explicit defense of the
  22. Of sex and kissing scenes in them. Strangely, it was after Independence the, censor ,board came into being and so did all the strictures. " Plots now tend to
  23. The censor responsible, he asked him what was objectionable about the work. The, censor ,replied," Oh, nothing at all. But I thought to myself,'One can never tell '.
  24. Until 351 BC, when Gains Marcus Rutiles was appointed the first plebeian, censor , Twelve years afterwards in 339 BC, one of the Publican laws required that one
  25. To him for life by the Senate, including those of tribune of the plebs and, censor , He was consul until 23 BC. His substantive power stemmed from financial
  26. Critics argue that content-filtering software allows private companies to, censor ,as they please. (See Religious or political censor ship, below ). They further
  27. W siedemdziesiątą romance Rodin. Wrocław,2001. Andrea Doris as" perpetual, censor ," Andrea Doris, the famous 16th Century Genoese admiral, was rewarded for his
  28. Praetor 74 BC),grandson of the great Marcus Antonius Orator (consul 99 BC, censor ,97-6 BC) who had been murdered and decapitated in the Marian Terror of winter
  29. After a term as consul, the final step in the Cursus Honorum was the office of, censor , This was the only office in the Roman Republic whose term was a period of
  30. Prefect of the morals" ). Some emperors sometimes took the name of, censor ,when they held a census of the Roman people; this was the case with Claudius
  31. 265 BC. In that year, he originated a law stating that no one could be elected, censor ,twice. In consequence of this, he received the cognomen of Censorious.
  32. Movie studio executives agree to allow the Office of War Information to, censor ,movies. * 1943 – The Parachuting volcano begins to form in Parachuting, Mexico. *
  33. Had a colleague in his son Titus. Domitian assumed the title of" perpetual, censor ," ( censor perpetual),but this example was not imitated by succeeding
  34. For the average reader in his time, in a way the Spanish Inquisition would not, censor ,his work, as the reader would understand clearly his criticism, which would
  35. Twelve years afterwards in 339 BC, one of the Publican laws required that one, censor ,had to be a plebeian. Despite this, no plebeian censor performed the solemn
  36. Insubordination. When he nevertheless published a second edition in 1794,the, censor ,was so irate that he arranged for a royal order that required Kant never to
  37. In his son Titus. Domitian assumed the title of" perpetual censor " (, censor ,perpetual),but this example was not imitated by succeeding emperors. In the
  38. Stories. World War II During the Second World War Wyndham first served as a, censor ,in the Ministry of Information, then joined the army, serving as a Corporal
  39. Valerian nominated to the censor ship, but Valerian was never actually elected, censor , Duties The duties of the censor s may be divided into three classes, all of
  40. Propaganda fostered a cult of personality, and by nominating himself perpetual, censor , he sought to control public and private morals. As a consequence, Domitian was
  41. Of Denmark and Norway (d. 1775) *1754 – Thomas Bowler, English physician and, censor ,(d. 1825) *1767 – John Quincy Adams, American politician,8th United States
  42. Made several notable contributions to analysis. Works The, censor ,was an officer in ancient Rome who was responsible for maintaining the census
  43. Their office. As a general principle, the only ones eligible for the office of, censor ,were those who had previously been consuls, but there were a few exceptions. At
  44. The morals of the state, however this position did not extend to the, censor ,'s ability to hold a census and determine the Senate's roster. The office of
  45. S, the People's Republic of Poland instituted the martial law to vanquish and, censor ,all forms of opposition against the communist rule of the nation, including
  46. Of public morality is the origin of the modern meaning of the words ", censor ," and" censor ship. " Creation of the rank The census was first instituted by
  47. In Augustus' tribunician authority were powers usually reserved for the Roman, censor ,; these included the right to supervise public morals and scrutinize laws to
  48. Censor into a single position, nor was Augustus ever elected to the office of, censor , Julius Caesar had been granted similar powers, wherein he was charged with
  49. Composed entirely by him, Arsilda Regina DI Onto (RV 700),but the state, censor ,blocked the performance. The main character, Arsilda, falls in love with
  50. There is ongoing debate whether the FMS trust system makes it too easy to, censor ,people who post content that is merely objectionable, rather than simply spam.

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