Examples of the the word, palette , in a Sentence Context

The word ( palette ), is the 8337 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Supports up to 8 bits per pixel thus allowing a single image to reference a, palette ,of up to 256 distinct colors. The colors are chosen from the 24-bit RGB color
  2. To a continuous graphics mode part way down the display. By using the, palette ,to mask the top area of the display and taking care about when it changes mode
  3. Game console from the 1980s although the Game Boy Color has a much larger color, palette ,(56 simultaneous colors out of 32,768 possible). A major component of the
  4. Can be used for palette s smaller than the 256 colors in the example. If the, palette ,is only 64 colors (so color indexes are 6 bits wide),the symbols can range
  5. He adopted a monochromatic and neutral color palette in the belief that such a, palette ,would emphasize the subject. Although Braque began his career painting
  6. Space and movement in space ”. He adopted a monochromatic and neutral color, palette ,in the belief that such a palette would emphasize the subject. Although
  7. 32 bits commonly quoted) ***16 simultaneous colors (4 bits) from, palette ,per scan line (more than 16 colors can be displayed by changing palette s after
  8. In this format, the sprite is referenced to one of 8 palette s, where each, palette ,holds 3 assignable colors. There is also an assignable background color, which
  9. Is an interesting phenomenon which occurs when an artist uses a limited color, palette ,: the eye tends to compensate by seeing any gray or neutral color as the color
  10. With codes starting at 7 bits. In fact, the symbol width need not match the, palette ,size: as long as the values decoded are always less than the number of colors
  11. Bitplanes (four in hires) allowing 2,4,8,16,and 32 color screens, from a, palette ,of 4096 colors. Two special graphics modes are also available: Extra Halftime
  12. 3D design and animation. One paint program, Spectrum 512,used the ST's rapid, palette ,switching ability to expand the maximum number of colors to be displayed
  13. A single-sided one. STE As originally released in the 520STE/1040STE: *Extended, palette ,of 4,096 available colors to choose from *Bitter chip for copy/fill/clear
  14. File. No graphics use colors other than the Windows-standard 16-color, palette , plus transparency. They exist in monochrome versions as well, meaning that the
  15. Be feasible here to go into all these properties. Aramaic has a phonological, palette ,of 25 to 40 distinct phonemes. Some modern Aramaic pronunciations lack the
  16. Appearance, and to enhance support of cartridge media. The new model, palette ,includes three variants, the 464plus and 6128plus computers and the GX4000
  17. String → code Action #0 | 000h Initialize root table of 9-bit codes, palette ,|: colors |: #255 | 0FFh CLR | 100h end | 101h | 100h Clear Pixel Local | color
  18. 16 color), palette of 512 colors **Medium resolution - 640×200 (4 color), palette , of 512 colors *Sound: Yamaha YM2149 3-voice square wave plus 1-voice white noise
  19. On an Apple Macintosh, the diameter symbol can be entered via the character, palette ,(this is opened by pressing T in most applications),where it can be found in
  20. Also have none 64,128,256 and 262144 (HAM Mode) color modes and a, palette ,expanded from 4096 to 16.8 million colors. The Amiga chipset can gen lock —
  21. NTSC,50 Hz PAL,71.2 Hz monochrome): **Low resolution - 320×200 (16 color), palette , of 512 colors **Medium resolution - 640×200 (4 color), palette of 512 colors
  22. 4 in hires); this allowed 2,4,8,16 and 32 color screens, from a, palette ,of 4096 colors. Two special graphics modes were also included: Extra Halftime
  23. Possible to disable either the top 100 or bottom 156 lines of the display with, palette ,changes. Many games took advantage of this, gaining storage by leaving
  24. Using the lower 160 pixel modes. The 7800 features a broad (for its time), palette , of 256 colors. Depending on various parameters, each individual sprite can use
  25. Low-resolution film clips. * In view of the general limitation on the GIF image, palette ,to 256 colors, it is not usually used as a format for digital photography.
  26. Styles of clarinet playing available. The modern clarinetist has a diverse, palette ,of" acceptable" tone qualities to choose from. The bass clarinet has a
  27. Able to read older Game Boy cartridges and even play them in a selectable color, palette ,) (The only Black & White Game Boy games known incompatible are Road Rash and
  28. Video hardware allows for hardware sprites and soft scrolling, with a color, palette ,extended from 17 out of 27 to 32 out of 4096 colors. The enhanced sound
  29. Palette color Action 100h 000h | #0 Initialize root table of 9-bit codes: |, palette ,: | colors 0FFh | #255 100h | CLR 101h | end 028h | #40 BLACK Decode 1st pixel
  30. Change hardware registers at given screen positions) to reprogram the color, palette ,registers at each scan line. The advantage of SHM files was the ability to
  31. Written by Joe Esters. The film also demonstrates how neo-noir's poly chrome, palette ,can reproduce many of the expressionistic effects of classic black-and-white
  32. Versions for both screens. The NEW sprites are 26 pixels high and use a color, palette ,of 4 colors. 6 frames of animation are used to depict different character
  33. This specialty niche, one even going so far as to program the shifter chip to, palette ,shift at a rate enabling a display of 19200 colors). 3D computer graphics
  34. Introduced two completely new graphic modes sporting higher resolutions and a, palette ,of 4,096 colors; however, only 4 (at 640×200 resolution) or 16 (at 320×200
  35. Artists like Titian and Rembrandt. Her European training did influence her, palette , however, and she adopted more white and paler coloration in her oil painting
  36. The 24-bit RGB color space. It also supports animations and allows a separate, palette ,of 256 colors for each frame. The color limitation makes the GIF format
  37. Turned to this new style, where popular subjects could be part of the artist's, palette , His early paintings show images taken from cartoons and advertisements
  38. While in PAL, only 104 colors were available. Additionally, the SECAM, palette ,consisted of only 8 colors. Notable games During the console's lifetime, Atari
  39. A 520STFM/1040STFM with enhanced sound, the Bitter chip, and a 4096-color, palette , in the older 1040 style all-in-one case; 4160STE: as 1040STE but with 4 MB of
  40. Optionally have no delay after it is rendered, and could have its own 256-color, palette , Also, each image need not fill the entire logical screen, and the animation
  41. To 3200-color mode, which involved precisely swapping in a different 16-color, palette , for each of the screen's 200 scan lines as the monitor's electron beam traced
  42. Set aside, with the artist focusing on the creation of a bold, almost surreal, palette ,of primary colors, in order to reveal the toxic environment in which the
  43. 160×240 (160×288 PAL) resolution or 320×240/288 resolution ** 25 color, palette ,out of 256 colors (16 hues * 16 Lima),different graphics modes restricted
  44. As the color which is missing from the color wheel. For example, in a limited, palette ,consisting of red, yellow,black and white, a mixture of yellow and black will
  45. Codes is shown below. A local string accumulates pixel color numbers from the, palette , with no output action as long as the local string can be found in a code table
  46. The flavorist's job combines extensive scientific knowledge of the chemical, palette ,with artistic creativity to develop new and distinctive flavors. The flavor
  47. Can utilize 25 colors on a scan line at one time. The graphics resolution, color, palette , assignments,and background color can be adjusted in between scan lines.
  48. Taken out of circuit when not required. Effects units In the 1960s,the tonal, palette ,of the electric guitar was further modified by introducing an Effects unit in
  49. On the television signal format used. With the NTSC format, a 128-color, palette , was available, while in PAL, only 104 colors were available. Additionally, the
  50. Circles of London. By the mid-19th century, the English dandy, within the muted, palette ,of male fashion, exhibited minute refinements --" The quality of the fine

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