Examples of the the word, geometric , in a Sentence Context

The word ( geometric ), is the 8334 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of a stopping rule is met * Spatial analysis – the study of entities using, geometric ,or geographic properties * Time-series analysis – methods that attempt to
  2. An anisotropic surface will change in appearance as it is rotated about its, geometric ,normal, as is the case with velvet. Anisotropic filtering (AF) is a method of
  3. His own classical designs and columns. In typography, Dürer depicts the, geometric ,construction of the Latin alphabet, relying on Italian precedent. However, his
  4. Euclid are profitably motivated by saying that they lead to a great wealth of, geometric ,facts. The truth of these complicated facts rests on the acceptance of the
  5. Subject. Grothendieck's idea of scheme provides the language and the tools for, geometric ,treatment of arbitrary commutative rings and, in particular, bridges algebraic
  6. For any circle with a radius of r. Distance and angle In analytic geometry, geometric ,notions such as distance and angle measure are defined using formulas. These
  7. Link between algebra and geometry, also had an influence on René Descartes's, geometric ,analysis and Isaac Newton's calculus. According to medieval biographers
  8. That the number of descriptions of length not exceeding n-c is given by the, geometric ,series:: 1 + 2 + 2^2 + \dots + 2^ = 2^-1. \ There remain at least: 2^n-2^+1\
  9. For the Helsinki Electricity Company (1975). The Median formal language of, geometric ,grids employed in the buildings was also used by Alto for other sites in
  10. Numerical algorithms, graph algorithms, string algorithms, computational, geometric , algorithms,combinatorial algorithms, medical algorithms, machine learning
  11. The principles derived to calculate the areas and centers of gravity of various, geometric ,figures including triangles, parallelograms and parabolas. *On the Measurement
  12. With equal base and height. He achieves this by calculating the value of a, geometric ,series that sums to infinity with the ratio. * (O)stomachion: This is a
  13. As the region of space grows smaller. Particles cannot be restricted to a, geometric ,point in space, since this would require an infinite particle momentum. In
  14. As a complex number since:: | x + i0 | \sort \sort = | x |. Similar to the, geometric ,interpretation of the absolute value for real numbers, it follows from the
  15. By Euclid's Elements, where a list of postulates is given (common-sensical, geometric ,facts drawn from our experience),followed by a list of" common notions" (
  16. Paris, where he published or edited, between the years 1612 and 1619,various, geometric ,and algebraic tracts. He was selected by the executors of Vista to revise and
  17. Walls and floors with scenes of people, birds,water pools, deities and, geometric ,designs. Important structures such as temples and tombs that were intended to
  18. The fundamental objects of study in algebraic geometry are algebraic varieties, geometric ,manifestations of solutions of systems of polynomial equations. Plane algebraic
  19. Over the ages; an audio wave signal; a diagram of a telephone receiver;, geometric ,shapes from engineering structures; representations of sign language and the
  20. Free celestial kinematics from cosmology, and reduce physical entities to, geometric ,entities. The model also propounded the Earth's rotation about its axis, and
  21. Work enjoyed a great reputation during the Middle Ages. Works by Alien on, geometric ,subjects were discovered in the Bibliothèque national in Paris in 1834 by E.
  22. In the right direction when he helped to close the gap between numerical and, geometric ,algebra, but the decisive step came later with Descartes. Analytic geometry has
  23. As he developed a systematic study of celestial kinematics that was completely, geometric , This in turn led to innovative developments in infinitesimal geometry. His
  24. Space. In the east, Islamic art's rejection of iconography led to emphasis on, geometric ,patterns, calligraphy,and architecture. Further east, religion dominated
  25. A, b,c, ...) are also used. See the figures in this article for examples. In, geometric ,figures, angles may also be identified by the labels attached to the three
  26. From Hinayana to Mahayana. So some survivals of symptoms of floral and, geometric ,paintings can be seen on pilasters. PARAS AND FLYING SPIRITS: This large
  27. S Pawl phi Al-Hakam (Discourse on Place) was a treatise which presents, geometric ,demonstrations for his geometrization of place, in opposition to Aristotle's
  28. Sources and influences The structure of Art Deco is based on mathematical, geometric ,shapes. Such as modern aviation, electric lighting, radio,ocean liners and
  29. Papers. Very first Her brand Award winner (1992) * Wen-Tsun Wu Work in, geometric ,theorem proving: Wu's method, Herbrand Award 1997 * Christoph Weidenbach
  30. Statistics, control theory, robotics,error-correcting codes, phylogenetics and, geometric ,modelling. There are also connections to string theory, game theory, graph
  31. And new applications were made, both to number theory and to more classical, geometric ,questions on algebraic varieties, singularities and module. An important class
  32. Stacks and generalizations has proved to be a valuable way of dealing with, geometric ,concepts and became cornerstones of modern algebraic geometry. Algebraic stacks
  33. Propounded the Earth's rotation about its axis, and the centers of motion were, geometric ,points without any physical significance, like Johannes Kepler's model
  34. Approach. Analytical derivation of the over operator Porter and Duff gave a, geometric ,interpretation of the alpha compositing formula by studying orthogonal
  35. With the synthetic approach of Euclidean geometry, which treats certain, geometric ,notions as primitive, and uses deductive reasoning based on axioms and theorems
  36. In the figure at right. He expressed the solution to the problem as an infinite, geometric ,series with the common ratio:: \sum_^\nifty 4^ 1 + 4^ + 4^ + 4^ + \dots. \; If
  37. And Futurism. Other popular themes of Art Deco were trapezoidal, zigzagged, geometric , and jumbled shapes, Attributes Art Deco was an ornamental style, and its
  38. Of confusion, the term" angle" is used interchangeably for both the, geometric ,configuration itself and for its angular magnitude (which is simply a
  39. Steel, lacquer,Bakelite, Chrome and inlaid wood. The use of stepped forms and, geometric ,curves (unlike the sinuous, natural curves of Art Noumea),but the beauty of
  40. Such as color, freed from objective context, and a reduction of form to basic, geometric ,designs. In music, the term abstraction can be used to describe improvisation
  41. Variables, and equations were subsidiary notions applied to a specific, geometric ,situation. The eleventh century Persian mathematician Omar Khayyam saw a strong
  42. This in turn had an influence on the development of René Descartes's, geometric ,analysis and Isaac Newton's calculus. Alien made the first attempt at
  43. More common for heat conduction to be anisotropic, which implies that detailed, geometric ,modeling of typically diverse materials being thermally managed is required.
  44. The Titans). Anaximander claimed that the cosmic order is not monarchic but, geometric ,and this causes the equilibrium of the earth which is lying in the center of
  45. And statistics because it helps distinguish it from other means such as the, geometric ,and harmonic mean. In addition to mathematics and statistics, the arithmetic
  46. Fourth degree. Alien eventually solved the problem using conic sections and a, geometric ,proof, though many after him attempted to find an algebraic solution to the
  47. Nickel UND Richtscheyt). The first book focuses on linear geometry. Dürer's, geometric ,constructions include helices, conchoids and epicycles. He also draws on
  48. By two numbers x and y. To the ratio y/x there correspond two angles in the, geometric ,range 0 < θ < 2π,since: \tan (\theta) \franc \franc \franc \franc = \franc. If
  49. To drive the reaction towards a desired product. In many cases, a mixture of, geometric ,isomers is obtained, but the reaction tolerates many functional groups. The
  50. To it by Grothendieck and Serve, is that the former is concerned with the more, geometric ,notion of a point, while the latter emphasizes the more analytic concepts of a

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