Examples of the the word, damaging , in a Sentence Context

The word ( damaging ), is the 7847 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With the plaintiff's attorney to throw the case, in part by not disclosing, damaging ,evidence to the jury. The case, known as the Fen tress Case involved a Kentucky
  2. Something of the night about him ". The remark was considered to be extremely, damaging ,to Howard, who was frequently satirized as a vampire thereafter. He came last
  3. Edge to cut through one layer of corrugated fiberboard, to minimize chances of, damaging ,contents of cardboard boxes. Use as weapon Most utility knives are not well
  4. S call for help. But the robber's loss of reputation would be even more, damaging , Specialized companies would list aggressors so that anyone wishing to do
  5. And her destroyer escort. One of the destroyers (HMS Acosta) succeeded in, damaging ,the Scharnhorst with a torpedo, and later a submarine did the same to Gneisenau
  6. For a disaster caused when a natural disaster triggers a secondary, and more, damaging , failure of human technology. * In August 2004 he suggested a type of
  7. But it, too, was damaged by the SA, though it was not burnt down for fear of, damaging ,the neighboring buildings. It serves today as a" Symbolic House of God ". A
  8. By the dishonest goldsmith. Archimedes had to solve the problem without, damaging ,the crown, so he could not melt it down into a regularly shaped body in order
  9. Relationship of Jews and money have been characterized as underpinning the most, damaging ,and lasting antisemitic canards. Antisemitic have often promulgated myths
  10. Countries have been noted as protectionist, inefficient,and environmentally, damaging , In the past century agriculture has been characterized by enhanced
  11. The party's support for the Government's Goods and Services Tax (GST),was, damaging ,to the Democrats. Opposed by the Labor Party, the Australian Greens and
  12. Such as the hydroxyl radical formed from hydrogen peroxide. Such radicals are, damaging ,to animals and plants at the molecular level due to their possible interaction
  13. Damage Act 1971 it may be argued that the defendant has a lawful excuse to, damaging ,property during the defense and a defense under s3 Criminal Law Act 1967)
  14. Wave-like" or" boomerang" effect on economic activity is one of the most, damaging ,effects of monetary inflation. According to the Austrian Business Cycle Theory
  15. And pseudo-Greek styles. The poor quality of the entries began to prove, damaging ,to Goethe's reputation, so when Friedrich entered two sepia
  16. Am horrible, I am horrid," Ward said. " Alcohol was definitely one of the most, damaging ,things to Black Sabbath. We were destined to destroy each other. The band were
  17. Monopoly is not necessary for innovation and as a practical matter is, damaging ,to growth, prosperity,and liberty ". The court cases by 39 pharmaceutical
  18. Nectaries that provide food for ants, which in turn protect the plant from more, damaging ,herbivorous insects. Species like the bullhorn acacia (Acacia cornier) in
  19. Cause of most business cycles. Austrian economists assert that inherently, damaging ,and ineffective central bank policies are the predominant cause of most
  20. Of the ozone layer (ultraviolet radiation has shown to be especially, damaging ,to the skin, eyes,and eggs of amphibians),and diseases like chytridiomycosis
  21. Extensive left wing leading edge damage on 12 April 1971 and a 57 mm round, damaging ,the belly and injuring one crewman on 4 March 1972. " Ultimate End" was
  22. Certain demands. This information is usually of an embarrassing or socially, damaging ,nature. Ordinarily, such a threat is illegal. * If the black eight-ball, in
  23. Rule variations in the U. S., these altered payouts for blackjack are the most, damaging ,to the player, causing the greatest increase in house edge. Since blackjack
  24. War, the colony's economy again stagnated due to the pressures caused by its, damaging ,effect. Britain's decision to devalue the British Honduras dollar in 1949
  25. 4,1966 collapsed the embankment in Florence, killing at least 40 people and, damaging ,or destroying millions of works of art and rare books. New conservation
  26. By a pregnant woman can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome, an incurable and, damaging ,condition. Estimates of the economic costs of alcohol abuse, collected by the
  27. Anne's Revenge ran aground on a sandbar, cracking her main-mast and severely, damaging ,many of her timbers. Teach then ordered several sloops to throw ropes across
  28. A voltage source will cause a short circuit, at best blowing a fuse, possibly, damaging , the instrument and wiring, and exposing an observer to injury. In AC circuits
  29. For example, the knife can be used to cut the tape sealing a package without, damaging ,the contents of the package. When the blade becomes dull, it can be quickly
  30. A higher concentration of respiratory pigments without increasing viscosity or, damaging ,blood filtering organs like the kidneys. Giant tube worms have unusual
  31. That eventually doomed Serbia in the coming war a year later. But most, damaging , the new situation effectively trapped Russian foreign policy: After 1913
  32. Leader Sandra Kanck's comments regarding the drug MDMA which he saw as, damaging ,to the party. On 5 July 2006,Australian Democrats' senator for Western
  33. Intertwined as scientists such as Michael Faraday began to study the, damaging ,effects of the environment to works of art. Louis Pasteur carried out
  34. Although oxidation reactions are crucial for life, they can also be, damaging ,; hence, plants and animals maintain complex systems of multiple types of
  35. Growth of most terrestrial plant species, without appropriate management it is, damaging ,to the environment (see article on shrimp farms). Technically, brackish water
  36. Hawks with his" John for Canberra" campaign in 1987,which proved highly, damaging ,for the conservatives. Exploiting these divisions, Hawke led the Labor Party to
  37. Altered Britain's standing and prestige as an imperial power. Most, damaging ,of all was the fall of Singapore, which had previously been hailed as an
  38. Placements to circulate cooling water during the curing process to avoid, damaging ,overheating. Similar systems are still used; depending on volume of the pour
  39. Then normal fish waste concentrations. The waste collects on the ocean bottom, damaging ,or eliminating bottom-dwelling life. Waste can also decrease dissolved oxygen
  40. Destroyer U. S. S. Cole in a suicide attack, killing 17 U. S. servicemen and, damaging ,the vessel while it lay offshore. Inspired by the success of such a brazen
  41. Is known of the church under Alfred. The Danish attacks had been particularly, damaging ,to the monasteries, and though Alfred founded monasteries at Aphelia and
  42. More political than material. The brain drain of professionals had become so, damaging ,to the political credibility and economic viability of East Germany that the
  43. Contribute to immunity in three ways: they prevent pathogens from entering or, damaging ,cells by binding to them; they stimulate removal of pathogens by macrophages
  44. Were not always stable, being overclocked and not tested properly, and this was, damaging ,to AMD's reputation. Although the Athlon was multiplier locked, crafty
  45. And author, argues that all psychiatric medications are emotionally, damaging ,due to both the physical effects of the drugs, and because they detract from
  46. Air pollution (from metallurgical plants) and resulting acid rain is, damaging ,the forests: *coastal pollution from industrial and domestic waste;: *Landmine
  47. Remainder of the war. Other theaters equally showed the role of small craft in, damaging ,or destroying dreadnoughts: SMS Sent Ivan of the Austro-Hungarian Navy was
  48. Parts of the apoptosis pathway, so it follows that knock-outs made have varying, damaging ,results. A cascade 9 knock-out leads to a severe brain malformation. A cascade
  49. Most often taken in the wild. Issues Aquaculture can be more environmentally, damaging ,than exploiting wild fisheries on a local area basis but has considerably less
  50. Particular programming language; instead it states that the overuse of GOT is, damaging ,and gives technical reasons why this should be so. In a 1975 tongue-in-cheek

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