Examples of the the word, cookery , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cookery ), is the 9013 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Crispier ". Subsequent editions renamed this" Anzac Biscuits" and Australian, cookery ,books followed suit. Professor Leach also said that further research might
  2. To a daughter, Sitha, named after an experimental form of North Vietnamese, cookery , Shortly after, Pol Pot moved to China for medical treatment for cancer of the
  3. Used in building construction *BS 4960 for weighing instruments for domestic, cookery ,*BS 4962 for plastics pipes and fittings for use as subsoil field drains *BS
  4. Declarations of War. Cookery books Leighton also published a series of, cookery ,books and wrote and drew a weekly strip cartoon-style illustrated cooking guide
  5. Born 18 February 1929,Marlene, London ) is a British military historian, cookery ,writer, and novelist. He is perhaps most famous for his spy novel The PRESS
  6. Advantages. It is safe and simple, and it is appropriate for large-scale, cookery , Older, tougher,cheaper cuts of meat and poultry can be made digestible.
  7. Were used. The night began with Can't Meg,Won't Meg, a spoof of the, cookery ,program Can't Cook,Won't Cook, presented by that show's host Ainsley
  8. But flexible matrix from egg white provides an important component of much cake, cookery , and also underpins many desserts based on meringue. Carbohydrates
  9. Language Korean | access date 2008-08-09} } Vegetarian cuisine Vegetarian, cookery ,in Korea may be linked to the Buddhist traditions that influenced Korean
  10. Of the kings of France Charles V and Charles VI. He wrote the earliest French, cookery ,book named Le Handier. Configure de last was also made in Normandy around the
  11. Style that the early colonists brought with them. The style of New England, cookery ,originated from its colonial roots, that is to say practical, frugal and
  12. Alaska Panic can be sampled. Some Esperanto periodicals, such as MONACO include, cookery ,items from time to time. As regards clothing, at every Universal Congress
  13. Usually served with vinegar and olives. * Masada, a bean soup defined in many, cookery ,books as the traditional Greek dish, sometimes even called" the" national
  14. Long tradition and its flavors change with the season and its geography. Greek, cookery , historically a forerunner of Western cuisine, spread its culinary influence -
  15. Wood, which was released in April 2009. In March and April 2010,her six-part, cookery ,series entitled The Delicious Miss Dahl, which Dahl wrote and presented, was
  16. Long-term government health initiatives) is towards low-salt, low-fat healthy, cookery ,incorporating lean meat and lightly cooked, colourful, steamed or stir-fried
  17. Uses Cinnamon bark is widely used as a spice. It is principally employed in, cookery ,as a condiment and flavoring material. It is used in the preparation of
  18. Types Fusion cuisine is general term for the combination of various forms of, cookery , and the concept can take several forms. One approach is regional fusion that
  19. Years or more. There are recipes for lamb stews and fish stews in the Roman, cookery ,book Amicus, believed to date from the 4th century. Le Handier, one of the
  20. Brought to the New World as well. There was a general disdain for French, cookery , even with the French Huguenots in South Carolina and French-Canadians. One of
  21. Of the United Kingdom (b. 1782) * February 13 – Eliza Acton, English poet and, cookery ,writer (b. 1799) * February 27 – Philip Barton Key, U. S. District Attorney (
  22. Manner of cooking for the American colonists followed along the line of British, cookery ,up until the Revolution. The British sentiment followed in the cookbooks
  23. Heronry, nunnery ) or a trade or typical activity engaged in by a person (, cookery , midwifery, thievery ). In later usage it generally applied to any kind of
  24. Further education Leicester College offers, among others, courses in catering, cookery , hospitality and leisure, plumbing,electrician, carpentry and joinery
  25. Athens, Paulus and Dioscurides employ it as a technical term in contexts of, cookery , medicine, and botany. Additionally, some modern ethnomycologists, such as
  26. The cuisines of Italy, the Balkans, Turkey,and the Levant. Contemporary Greek, cookery ,makes wide use of olive oil, vegetables and herbs, grains and bread, wine,fish
  27. Approaches he has one preoccupation only: how to find a place which has good, cookery ,and from which he can make a quick bolt if danger comes too near. " In a
  28. Till: 0 color: quaternary text: Q. Cookery The most celebrated of the breams in, cookery ,are the gilt-head bream and the common dented. Clupeiformes is the order of
  29. In Plato’s opinion, is merely a form of flattery and functions similarly to, cookery , which masks the undesirability of unhealthy food by making it taste good. Thus
  30. F. Thistleton-Dyer thought Selden's explanation unlikely, as " in old English, cookery ,books the crust of a pie is generally called 'the coffin. The modern mince pie
  31. Spicy ethnic food. Any kind of beer may accompany a meal in a pub. English beer, cookery ,includes steak and ale pie and beer-battered fish and chips. Stout is a
  32. Rhode Island, and Vermont. The American Indians' cuisine became part of the, cookery ,style that the early colonists brought with them. The style of New England
  33. Cones, but the idea definitely predated that. Agnes Marshall was a celebrated, cookery ,writer of her day and helped to popularize ice cream. She patented and
  34. And Easy written by Hannah Glass, wrote of disdain for the French style of, cookery , stating“ the blind folly of this age that would rather be imposed on by a
  35. Anti-poverty fundraiser Comic Relief asked three best-selling British authors –, cookery ,writer and TV presenter Delia Smith, Bridget Jones creator Helen Fielding, and
  36. It in an iron pot called a sot (솥) or Muse sot (무쇠솥). This method of rice, cookery ,dates back at least to the Gorge period, and sot have even been found in tombs
  37. Georgie Simon King and Dave Myers. The duo's lifestyle TV show is a mixture of, cookery ,and travelogue. In 1974,Alan Price’s Narrow song reached number one in the old
  38. Significantly to Western cuisines and its criteria are used widely in Western, cookery ,school boards and culinary education. In November 2010 the French gastronomy
  39. World. Pizza and spaghetti, both associated with the Neapolitan traditions of, cookery , are especially popular abroad, but the varying geographical conditions of the
  40. Mixture of five spices endemic to Chinese cuisine, but also used in other Asian, cookery ,as well. Formulae The formulae are based on the Chinese philosophy of balancing
  41. Would agree. Like other people, Esperanto speakers who are interested in, cookery ,exchange and share recipes, both their own creations and their national and
  42. Larousse,1938. *Larousse gastronomic: the encyclopedia of food, wine &, cookery , Ed. Charlotte Surgeon and Nina Fraud. New York, Crown Publishers,1961. The
  43. Comic books and cartoons, pulp fiction, popular films, television programs, cookery , urban myths, conspiracy theories, and folk art. This blurring of the
  44. Were used to from their British roots. Much of the cuisine started with one-pot, cookery , which resulted in such dishes as succotash, chowder,baked beans, and others.
  45. Invented by spice wholesalers, and lavender has more recently become popular in, cookery , Lavender lends a floral and slightly sweet flavor to most dishes, and is
  46. To 19.2 US fluid ounces. On a larger scale, perhaps for institutional, cookery , it must be noted that an Imperial gallon is eight Imperial pints (160
  47. Swiss Federal Councilor (d. 1855) * April 17 – Eliza Acton, English poet and, cookery ,writer (d. 1859) * May 13 – Catherine Gore, English author (d. 1861) * May
  48. Shaw, stage,television and film actor, is based in Norfolk. * Delia Smith, cookery ,writer and major Norwich City Football Club shareholder:" Put amen" is also a
  49. The Waterloo, Ontario,region has a tradition of Mennonite and Germanic, cookery , Canadian Chinese cuisine is widespread across the country, with variation from
  50. The long journey from Portugal to England. Fortified wines are used in dessert, cookery , for instance sherry features as an ingredient in trifle. By the late,20th

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