Examples of the the word, diving , in a Sentence Context

The word ( diving ), is the 9048 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. There is a bag limit of 10 per day, and a total possession limit of 20. Scuba, diving ,for abalone is allowed, and has a rich history in Australia. (Scuba diving for
  2. Field hockey, tennis,track and rowing. The basketball, fencing,swimming &, diving , volleyball and wrestling programs are based at the Dodge Physical Fitness
  3. Reef-building rudest clams. The Hesperornithiformes were flightless, marine, diving , birds that swam like grebes. Globotruncanid Foraminifera and echinoderms such
  4. To visitors from North America. Unspoiled beaches, duty-free shopping, scuba, diving , and deep-sea fishing draw almost a million visitors to the islands each year.
  5. Include the negotiation of pitches, squeezes,and water (although actual cave, diving ,is a separate sub-specialty undertaken only by very few cavers). Climbing or
  6. Coefficient, a measure of air drag on a projectile * Buoyancy compensator (, diving ,), a piece of scuba diving equipment Transportation * Belarusian Chunk, the
  7. Insulation in energy efficient windows. Argon is also used in technical scuba, diving ,to inflate a dry suit, because it is inert and has low thermal conductivity.
  8. Abalone may only be taken using breath-hold techniques or shore picking; scuba, diving ,for abalone is strictly prohibited. Taking of abalone is not permitted south of
  9. 2001 * April 12 - Jeffrey Schilling is rescued, leaving Filipino scuba, diving ,instructor, Roland Ullah, in the gunmen's hands. * May 22 - Suspected Abu
  10. Problems continued to escalate, and on December 28, 1983,he drowned while, diving ,from a friend's boat, trying to recover items he had previously thrown
  11. Drops from firefighting aircraft, simulated helicopter rescues and sky, diving , Specialist aerobatic aircraft have powerful piston engines, light weight and
  12. Ques ado in memory of a group of divers that died here. Many of the scuba, diving ,tours come to this area as well, where there are sunken ships, sea mountains
  13. Italy. Clark Field Philippines attack survivor. Olympic bronze medalist in, diving ,(1932),1944–1945. Father of actress Swoosh Kurtz. * Gen. Curtis Le May (
  14. That American pilot George Welch broke the sound barrier before Yeager, while, diving , an XP-86 Sabre on October 1,1947,and again, just 30 minutes before Yeager's
  15. And endemic species. In recent years, the increasing popularity of both scuba, diving ,and underwater photography have provided biologists with much new information
  16. Taken illegally, often undersized. Convictions have resulted in seizure of, diving ,gear, boats,and motor vehicles as well as fines and in rare cases
  17. A number of services, such as boat rentals, boat tours, horseback riding, scuba, diving , and other aquatic sports. One popular cruise is from Castilla Beach to Croquet
  18. In 1956 and 1958. Commencing in 2010,the Nautilus Explorer will be running, diving ,expeditions from Cab San Lucas to Clipper ton Atoll via Socorro Island every
  19. Promoted for several decades by Elaine Morgan, proposed that swimming, diving ,and aquatic food sources exerted a strong influence on many aspects of human
  20. Quickly. The rich coral reefs around the coast, particularly around popular, diving ,spots such as Tulane, Amed, Menjangan or neighboring NASA Oneida, host a wide
  21. A high-risk sport (especially if it does not involve difficult climbs or, diving ,). As in all physical sports, knowing one's limitations is key. The risks are
  22. 1–0 against the Minnesota Twins for the American League playoff spot after a, diving ,catch from Brian Anderson. A game saving throw to home plate from
  23. Activity (except for a significant but as yet unquantified charter fishing and, diving ,industry),and only a staff of three or four people to run the meteorological
  24. Species coming ashore only to breed, and some penguins have been recorded, diving ,up to. Many bird species have established breeding populations in areas to
  25. Near Southampton. The Royal Engineers has had fleets since the introduction of, diving ,in 1838 and was granted an ensign following the foundation of the Royal
  26. Of Guernsey was arrested by a police officer in full diving gear when illegally, diving ,for orders. The mollusk Concholepas is often sold in the United
  27. Attributed by Abu SAAF 2000 * April 23 - Abu SAAF gunmen raid the Malaysian, diving ,resort of Ibadan, off Borneo and flee across the sea border to their Solo
  28. From the seafloor are cast up by the waves, and collected by hand, dredging,or, diving , Elsewhere, amber is mined, both in open works and underground galleries. Then
  29. Games. The World Series, however,saw Eric Davis severely bruise a kidney, diving ,for a fly ball in Game 4,and his play was greatly limited the next year. In
  30. Of air drag on a projectile * Buoyancy compensator ( diving ),a piece of scuba, diving ,equipment Transportation * Belarusian Chunk, the national railway company of
  31. men's,women's, and mixed badminton; women's golf; women's swimming and, diving ,; and baseball. The Sun Devils have played in the Fiesta Bowl five times, and in
  32. Spring Training, Toby Hall dislocated his shoulder while trying to make a, diving ,play at first base. This presented a problem as Hall was the backup to A. J.
  33. Have been affected as well. Concerns about safety have been expressed by, diving ,instructors and realtors have also expressed concerns. Others support the
  34. Been explored, and gaining access to new caves often requires digging or, diving , Naming issues Clay Perry, an American caver of the 1940s,wrote about a group
  35. When Mr. Kempthorne-Leigh of Guernsey was arrested by a police officer in full, diving ,gear when illegally diving for orders. The mollusk Concholepas is
  36. In French Polynesia to the Minister of Overseas France. A recreational scuba, diving ,expedition by the luxury live aboard safari boat M/V Nautilus Explorer dove the
  37. Exercise, as well as original exploration, similar to mountaineering or, diving , Physical or biological science is also an important goal for some cavers.
  38. Second baseman Clint Barnes, playing in, made a miraculous over the shoulder, diving ,catch after a long run, and doubled off Albert Pupils, who thought the ball
  39. Diving for abalone is allowed, and has a rich history in Australia. (Scuba, diving ,for abalone in the state of New South Wales is illegal; a free- diving catch
  40. A battlecruiser turret was enough to end a ship. During the summer of 2003,a, diving ,expedition examined the wrecks of Invincible, Queen Mary, Defence, and Luzon
  41. From the nutmeg tree. The islands are also popular destinations for scuba, diving ,and snorkeling. History Pre-European history Before the arrival of Europeans
  42. Boats, kayaks,tube floats or directly off the shore. There has been a trade in, diving ,to catch abalones off parts of the United States coast from before 1939. The
  43. At the 2004 Summer Olympics, Bermuda competed in sailing, athletics,swimming, diving , triathlon and equestrian events. In those Olympics,Bermuda's Natural
  44. Gap. Other attractions include wildlife reserves, jewelry stores, scuba, diving , helicopter rides, golf,festivals (the largest being the annual Crop Over
  45. Measurements such as maneuverability. When a plane is pushed, for instance by, diving ,it at high speeds, it is said to be flown" outside the envelope ", something
  46. And feeding methods result in the separation of ecological niches. Loons, diving ,ducks, penguins and auks pursue their prey underwater, using their wings or
  47. S and women's basketball,cross-country, fencing,men's soccer, swimming and, diving , men's and women's tennis, track and field,women's volleyball, and men's
  48. Weather generally has precluded a commercially successful recreational, diving ,industry. Population In 2006,the population was 2,701. The island's
  49. To extinction. The South Island Biopic, Chatham Islands Rail, and the common, diving ,petrel are a few from a long list, with the most extreme case being the
  50. Offshore Cases (islands),excellent fishing, safe waters for boating, scuba, diving , and snorkeling, numerous rivers for rafting, and kayaking, various jungle and

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