Examples of the the word, viability , in a Sentence Context
The word ( viability ), is the 9049 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- To 30,000 Telephone Exchanges out of their 36 Exchanges. Keeping in mind the, viability ,of providing services in rural areas, an attractive solution appears to be one
- The inability of participants in the electricity sector to establish financial, viability ,for the system. Three regional electricity distribution systems were privatized
- The initial vote, but approved it later that day. This greatly improves the, viability ,of the Galileo project:" The EU's executive had previously said that if
- Provides advanced radar components, with the aim of sustained operational, viability ,of the B-2 fleet into the future. The contract has a target value of some
- Network, and years after on Laser disc and DVD 1980s to present The commercial, viability ,of the sort of big-city art houses that launched outsider pictures for the
- Wool trade as the mainstay of the islands' economy. By the 1980s,the economic, viability ,of the islands was in doubt, but in the aftermath of the Falklands War there
- Thus theoretically feasible and would have immense advantages, but commercial, viability ,is many years in the future. The amounts of helium-3 needed as a replacement
- Based on inter-subjectivity instead of the classical objectivity, and on, viability ,instead of truth. Nigerian constructivism, however,believes in
- In the planning stages in northeastern Alberta. Another factor determining the, viability ,of oil extraction from the oil sands is the price of oil. The oil price
- Of Guadalcanal and still remains viable today. Regardless of the debate over, viability , the United States has made a major investment in the development of a new
- Marooning koala colonies in decreasing areas of bush. The long term, viability ,of the koala is therefore threatened by genetic weakness. The Australian Koala
- Of independent rating agencies provide information and rate the financial, viability ,of insurance companies. Across the world Global insurance premiums grew by 3.4
- Abortion originally meant premature birth, and came to mean birth before, viability , The term" abort" was extended to mean any kind of premature ending, such as
- And to cancel almost all ongoing projects, in order to review their continued, viability , In late July/early August, Tramiel representatives discovered the original
- Connectivity was the Nokia 9000 Communicator, launched in Finland in 1996. The, viability ,of Internet services access on mobile phones was limited until prices came down
- That were based on smaller, civilian-market GM platforms. By 2008,Hummer's, viability ,in the economic downturn was being questioned, and it was placed under review
- Would create adaptations to the local environment. Steward refuted the, viability ,of globally and universally applicable adaptive standards proposing that
- Large companies,e.g. Red Hat and IBM, which succeed in doing it. Commercial, viability ,and adoption Free software played a significant part in the development of the
- In disk space and data access speeds of HDDs have enabled the commercial, viability ,of consumer products that require large storage capacities, such as digital
- Professionals had become so damaging to the political credibility and economic, viability ,of East Germany that the re-securing of the German communist frontier was
- But the model was a great success in rallying. Prominent wins proved the, viability ,of all-wheel drive racecars, and the Audi name became associated with advances
- Cite such periods as the Middle Ages as examples of the historical long-term, viability ,of distribution. History Distributism's philosophical origins can be traced to
- A resew plan (Chinese New Year-screened film) which demonstrated the, viability ,of the commercial model in China's socialist market society. Fend has become
- As did their low-cost counterparts in many other countries. Their commercial, viability ,represented a serious competitive threat to the legacy carriers. However, of
- The use of four-wheel drive in competition racing. Many critics doubted the, viability ,of four-wheel drive racers, thinking them to be too heavy and complex, yet the
- Nearly as much oil as the entire world’s proven oil reserves; the economic, viability ,of the oil shale, however,has not been demonstrated. Substantial deposits of
- End. They are to enter service in spring 2012. And sought initial views on the, viability ,of a number of extensions by summer 2002. An initial review of potential
- Staff and cancel almost all ongoing projects in order to review their continued, viability , It was during this time in late July/early August that his representatives
- But as things played out, post-holiday sales figures questioned the, viability ,of Atari's business; Atari failed to attract many third-party developers
- And thus turning it into a more open, grassy environment might reduce the, viability ,of a large browser (an animal that eats leaves and shoots rather than grasses
- By the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo before fetal, viability , Forty percent of the world's women are able to access therapeutic and
- Of a trend at TSR in mid-1980s. After 1984's Marvel Super-Heroes proved the, viability ,of the concept, TSR revised Gamma World, Star Frontiers, and Top Secret to use
- Humid, erotically charged Florida setting; its success confirmed the commercial, viability ,of neo-noir, at a time when the major Hollywood studios were becoming
- Of" copyleft ", designed to ensure software freedom for all. The economic, viability ,of free software has been recognized by large corporations such as IBM, Red Hat
- Of the United States–Mexico barrier as currently proposed will reduce the, viability ,of any population currently residing in the United States, by reducing gene
- Simultaneously allowed banks to compete and may have undermined the long run, viability ,of mutuality. A more cynical approach is that some societies may have adopted
- In the planning stages in northeastern Alberta. Another factor determining the, viability ,of oil extraction from the Tar Sands is the price of oil. The oil price
- Age profile has triggered concerns about the nation's economic future and the, viability ,of its welfare state. In 1989,only 11.6 % of the population was 65 years or
- Speed 2 has been completed. Has been set up to investigate the feasibility and, viability ,of a new line likely serving a similar route to the West Coast Main Line. LGA
- A" premature birth" or a" preterm birth ". When a fetus dies in uteri after, viability , or during delivery, it is usually termed" stillborn ". Premature births and
- On lunar phenomena and Copernican theory (particularly its theological, viability ,). But without the significantly more accurate data of Tycho's observatory
- Faced when he started years ago. " Later, in efforts to maintain his commercial, viability , Sinatra recorded Presley's hit" Love Me Tender" as well as works by Paul
- Is widely considered to be the defining moment for digital cinema's commercial, viability , The film was transmitted and then shown digitally in theaters both in Para mus
- The Corsair's payload and range in the attack role and to help evaluate future, viability ,of single-versus twin-engine fighter design for Bought. Lindbergh managed to
- Were established hastily without adequate regard for the new nation's economic, viability , Even the minimal requirements of a working central government—skilled
- Time that fuelling hoses and lines are delivering other goods. Debate on future, viability ,There is debate in naval warfare circles as to the viability of carrier battle
- Debate on future viability There is debate in naval warfare circles as to the, viability ,of carrier battle groups in 21st century naval warfare. Proponents of the CVBG
- To examine the inside of the reactor, and there is still uncertainty about the, viability ,of the invention. Peer-reviewed journals have not published papers on this
- An aircraft carrier group. Underway replenishment Since its origins,the, viability ,of the carrier battle group has been dependent on its ability to remain at sea
- For losses that might arise many years in the future. For that reason,the, viability ,of the insurance carrier is very important. In recent years, a number of
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