Examples of the the word, chairperson , in a Sentence Context

The word ( chairperson ), is the 7728 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. System for elections, and the elected members elect one of their number to be, chairperson , They set their own levels of rates (tax),though the mechanism for
  2. Was established on 25 May 1963. It was disbanded on 9 July 2002 by its last, chairperson , South African President Thabo Mbeki, and replaced by the African Union (AU).
  3. At Hyderabad has been named after Rajiv Gandhi and was inaugurated by UPA, chairperson ,Sonia Gandhi. Further reading * Sachs Sri Kant ha; Prabhakar Phenomenon
  4. Of her inauguration she survived two unsuccessful coups and in October 1983,as, chairperson ,of the Organization of East Caribbean States, endorsed the US Invasion of
  5. Slaves were also present. In 1992,Gangsta was asked and chosen to be the, chairperson ,for the environmental organization" Artistes for Milton" ( Artists for the
  6. Selectmen, board of supervisors, board of commissioners. The board may have a, chairperson ,or president who functions as chief executive officer, or there may be an
  7. Thomas Becket and Reginald Pole. The title is also used for the president, chairperson , or head of a trade guild in Scotland; and likewise to two officers of a
  8. Spokesperson for the World War II Memorial Campaign, for being the honorary, chairperson ,of the D-Day Museum Capital Campaign, and for his role in writing and helping
  9. Invasive alien species and biodiversity and climate change. The current, chairperson ,of the SBS TTA is Dr. Affair Mohammadi Hazel. Country implementation National
  10. And then obstructing a federal investigation. Stewart also resigns as, chairperson ,and chief executive officer of Martha Stewart Living. * June 5 – A female
  11. Is seat of the Roman Catholic archbishop of Berlin and also EKBO's elected, chairperson ,is titled bishop of EK BO. Furthermore, Berlin is seat of Orthodox cathedrals
  12. Seeing the poverty of his people, he decided to stay to help. Martin served as, chairperson ,in various Choctaw committees up until 1977. Martin was then elected as Chief
  13. Air Pollution Control, etc.). For contempt in front of these boards,the, chairperson ,will certify the act of contempt to the Court of First Instance who will then
  14. William Howland, suggested that the committee's staff consultant and, chairperson ,agree on a specific proposal and bring it back to the committee: that meant
  15. Rulers. For example, Augusto Pinochet of Chile initially came to power as the, chairperson ,of a military junta, which briefly made him de facto leader of Chile, but he
  16. Can from going to university. Political Activities In 1967,Flynn served as a, chairperson ,for the Congress for Racial Equality (CORE),a civil rights organization in
  17. Functioning of public authorities),supreme commander of the Armed Forces and, chairperson ,of the Supreme Council of National Defense. According to the constitution’s/he
  18. But they all have a general administrative body, an executive board and a, chairperson , The general administrative body consists of people representing the various
  19. An 80 % Hindu country, yet its prime minister is a Sikh (Manson Singh),the, chairperson ,of the ruling alliance is a Catholic woman of Italian birth (Sonia Gandhi)
  20. An author, two publishers, a literary agent, a bookseller, a librarian, and a, chairperson ,appointed by the Booker Prize Foundation. The advisory committee then selects
  21. Serves a four-year term from one World Congress to the next, and is also the, chairperson ,of the World Sub Council. The World Sub Council is responsible for ensuring
  22. Consisted of Sheila-Marie Cook, secretary to the Governor General (the, chairperson ,); Canadian Secretary to the Queen and Usher of the Black Rod Kevin MacLeod;
  23. Satinwood; she subsequently became a leading independent producer and deputy, chairperson ,of the Robert Satinwood Group. Television Milligan made several forays into
  24. Up for election in each election. The board elects from within its ranks a town, chairperson ,and town clerk. While more powerful than Town Advisory Boards and Citizens
  25. American pornographic actor, director (b. 1943) *2010 – Laura Spur, American, chairperson , of the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Pottawatomie (b. 1945) *2011 – Ollie Mason
  26. For Public Broadcasting signed on to sponsor the program, the organization's, chairperson ,was Frank Pace. Pace warned strongly against the broad curriculum Sesame Street
  27. Foreign affairs of the participating State which holds the chairmanship. The, chairperson ,of the Permanent Council is the ambassador to Austria of the participating
  28. 16 area districts (Ortsbezirke),which each have a district committee and, chairperson , The largest city district by population and area is Sachsenhausen, the
  29. Pokela, co-founder and former chairman of the PAC * Joe Sere mane, current, chairperson , of the Democratic Alliance. * Tokyo Sex wale, businessman and aspirant leader of
  30. Officials. Direct elections are held for each union (or ward),electing a, chairperson ,and a number of members. In 1997,a parliamentary act was passed to reserve
  31. Elects the executive board from among its members. The government appoints the, chairperson ,(Dijkgraaf) for a period of six years. The general administrative body is
  32. Members. The Board of Governors also elect the bank's President who is the, chairperson ,of the Board of Directors and manages ADB. The president has a term of office
  33. Working in international diplomacy and as the director of private companies and, chairperson ,of interest groups; while Pierre Trudeau and Jean Chrétien returned to legal
  34. Involved. Committees Most Sub groups have a committee, typically including a, chairperson , vice-chair, treasurer and secretary. This committee is responsible for making
  35. Councils may use a first past the post or single transferable vote system. The, chairperson ,of a regional council is selected by the elected council members. Predecessors
  36. Support of affiliates, it organizes a World Congress every four years. The ISC, chairperson ,sits on the World Sub Council. For purposes of a practical organizational
  37. Volunteers a four-year term like helpers. They are selected at Zone Meetings. A, chairperson ,for the World Sub Association serves a four-year term from one World Congress
  38. With 28 counties. Counties in Wisconsin are run by county boards, headed by a, chairperson , Counties with a population of 500,000 or more must have a county executive as
  39. Is usually funded by their employers or sponsors; for instance, the current, chairperson ,is funded by Version and the U. S. government's National Security Agency.
  40. Of 2005,the government structure of the New Delhi Municipal Council includes a, chairperson , three members of New Delhi's Legislative Assembly, two members nominated by
  41. Mescaline). Notable Chihuahua Apache people *Mildred Leghorn, first tribal, chairperson ,at the Fort Sill Reservation, elected in 1976 John Abbott (1821–1893) was a
  42. By the Sinn Féin ARD Chooseable (National Executive) and also includes the, chairperson ,of each huge. The Sinn Féin ARD Chooseable meets at least once a month. It
  43. Frederick Fun Kinked, chairman ) * Citizens Party (Alex Chan Taichung, chairperson ,) The Alliance for Universal Suffrage is a grouping of 11 democratic parties
  44. Work on that topic and then disband. Each working group has an appointed, chairperson ,(or sometimes several co-chairs),along with a charter that describes its
  45. These cities have mayoral elections, while other municipalities elect a, chairperson , Mayors and chairperson s are elected for a span of five years. Geography and
  46. Also set policies and rules by which the city is operated. One is named, chairperson ,of the body and is often called the mayor, although his or her power is
  47. government's continuity of government plan in a letter signed by him and the, chairperson ,of the House Homeland Committee, which is supposed to have access to
  48. Of those age 65 or over. The Neighborhoods of Rockland Paul W. Adler,the, chairperson ,of the Rockland County's Jewish Community Relations Council said in a 1997 The
  49. Faction loyal to Megawatt Sukarnoputri, the daughter of Sukarno and the PDI's, chairperson , After the Surya faction announced a party congress to sack Megawatt would be
  50. The capital of India, New Delhi, falls under the administration of NDMC. The, chairperson ,of the NDMC is appointed by the Government of India in consultation with the

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