Examples of the the word, cavalry , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cavalry ), is the 8699 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 20th century. From their introduction, muskets could pierce plate armor, so, cavalry , had to be far more mindful of the fire. In Japan armor continued to be used
  2. Became bigger and armor was made thicker, necessitating breeding of larger, cavalry ,horses. If during the 14–15th centuries armor seldom weighed more than 15 kg
  3. Tanks and infantry fighting vehicles serve the historic role of both the battle, cavalry , light cavalry and dragoons, and belong to the armored branch. History Ships
  4. His signet ring to Predicts, one of his bodyguard and leader of the companion, cavalry , in front of witnesses, thereby possibly nominating Predicts as his successor.
  5. His advisors advised him to use diplomacy, Alexander mustered the Macedonian, cavalry ,of 3,000 men and rode south towards Thessaly,Macedon's neighbor to the south.
  6. Of the Romans with the Serbia River between them, and placed a strong force of, cavalry ,and infantry in concealment, near the battle zone. He had noticed, says
  7. To rescue Leonidas, but they could not keep the field against the superior, cavalry ,of Alexander, who,aided by auxiliaries from Athens, pursued them with great
  8. The river at night, he forced the Getafe army to retreat after the first, cavalry ,skirmish, leaving their town to the Macedonian army. News then reached
  9. Exposes numerous objects from the time of Roman occupation. The ruin of the, cavalry ,fort located beside the museum is open to the museum visitors. Every other year
  10. Greece, Rome and Macedon * Alexander (3rd century BC general),commanded the, cavalry ,under Antigens III Dodson * Alexander Lancaster, a contemporary of Alexander
  11. Of the vehicle. The light tanks that were the last descendants of the light, cavalry ,during the Second World War have almost completely disappeared from the world
  12. Organ in Organ Province, consisting of an infantry battalion with attached, cavalry , engineer and artillery force elements. Other forces include the Special
  13. The Assyrians were also innovative in military technology with the use of heavy, cavalry , sappers, siege engines etc. Legacy and rediscovery Achaemenid Assyria (539 BC
  14. With his gunboats on May 7. Later in the day Banks reached Alexandria with his, cavalry , whose members had marched 25 miles to reach the city. According to the
  15. With an array of genes for other domains of the antibody generates a large, cavalry ,of antibodies with a high degree of variability. This combination is called V (
  16. Troops were able to recover the corps (provinces) of Jaén and Elvira, while a, cavalry ,detachment was sent to free Málaga from in Hafsun's siege. He also obtained
  17. Also, the date of Confederate Memorial Day for most states. *1865 – Union, cavalry ,troopers corner and shoot dead John Wilkes Booth, assassin of President Lincoln
  18. S service and was promoted from a personal attendant (basal) to command a, cavalry ,of Abdul tribesmen. He quickly rose to command a cavalry contingent estimated
  19. And making effective use of cavalry . By the end of the novel, the elite, cavalry ,wing is led by a dashing young warrior prince named Arts, whom Cliff
  20. To the British Army. *1819 – Seventeen people die and over 600 are injured in, cavalry ,charges at a public meeting at St. Peter's Field, Manchester,England. *1841 –
  21. Civil War: Major General J. E. B. Stuart is assigned command of all the, cavalry ,of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. *1863 – American Civil War: In
  22. Conquest. By late 14th Century AD, Chinese rebels used organized artillery and, cavalry ,to push Mongols out. As small smooth bore tubes these were initially cast in
  23. To command a cavalry of Abdul tribesmen. He quickly rose to command a, cavalry ,contingent estimated at four thousand strong, composed chiefly of Alkalis, in
  24. Was considered a fertile area, and the Namibians were known for their fine, cavalry , The indigenous peoples of northern Africa are a distinct native population
  25. Raids against Lucia and Militia contrasted with effective resistance by Lydian, cavalry ,against the invaders (Strabo 5.504; Nicholas Damascus). Gaels Compass
  26. Their armor was meant to protect only against sabers and light lances. The, cavalry ,had to beware of high velocity rifles and machine guns like the foot soldiers
  27. Multan or Heart. * 1739: At the age of 16,Ahmad Shah commands a 4,000-strong, cavalry , contingent in support of Nader Shah's invasion of India. * 1762: Ahmad Shah
  28. Were also devastated. The Umayyad army then moved to Boasts, while the, cavalry ,was sent to the castle of Sent Batik, which was abandoned by the defenders
  29. Of the 18th century and through Napoleonic times, in many European (heavy), cavalry , units,until the early 20th century. From their introduction, muskets could
  30. First formed as regular units in late 18th century, with the role of supporting, cavalry , they were distinguished by the entire crew being mounted. *Field or" foot "
  31. Maraca, the capital of Cappadocia, he placed himself at the head of the Turkish, cavalry , crossed the Euphrates and entered and invaded the city. He then marched into
  32. To go as far as they could. After the three-day deadline was over, the Muslim, cavalry ,under Khalid's command attacked the Roman army, catching up to them using an
  33. Political support. Jezebel has been identified as Ahab's fortified chariot and, cavalry ,base. 1 Kings chapters 16-22 tells the story of Ahab and Jezebel, and indicates
  34. By training his British army with Roman techniques and making effective use of, cavalry , By the end of the novel, the elite cavalry wing is led by a dashing young
  35. Fighting vehicles serve the historic role of both the battle cavalry , light, cavalry , and dragoons, and belong to the armored branch. History Ships The first ships
  36. Museum” ( Limes museum Allen) is located at the place of the largest Roman, cavalry ,fort north of the Alps until about 1,800 years ago. The museum exposes numerous
  37. Surrounding him from all sides; Khalid reached the arena with his advance guard, cavalry ,and saved the day for Shurhabil. The combined forces of Khalid, Shurhabil and
  38. Al-Rahman was greeted by clients Abu Than and In Khalid and an escort of 300, cavalry , Both Al-Fihri and al-Sumayl managed to escape the field (probably) with
  39. The walls of Bald (identified with today's Cuevas de San Marcos). His, cavalry ,ravaged the nearby woods and the countryside, while the rest of the troops
  40. After which he began to raid deeper into Iraq. Using the mobility of his light, cavalry ,he could easily raid any town near the desert and within moments could
  41. In four infantry brigades (in Sofia, Pleven, Ruse and Human) and one, cavalry ,brigade. Serbo-Bulgarian war The Serbo-Bulgarian War was the first armed
  42. Upon a critical point in his enemies' line as prelude to infantry and, cavalry ,assault and, more often than not, victory. Rifling had been tried on small arms
  43. Army crossed the Hellespont in 334 BC with approximately 48,100 soldiers,6100, cavalry , and a fleet of 120 ships with crews numbering 38,000,After an initial victory
  44. Day, they found Alexander in their rear, and promptly surrendered, adding their, cavalry ,to Alexander's force, as he rode down towards the Peloponnese. Alexander
  45. Many points of resemblance to the solid masses of pike men and the squadrons of, cavalry ,of the Spanish and Dutch systems, and the translations made in the 16th century
  46. Military could not fill effectively, such as light skirmish troops and heavy, cavalry , After their service in the army they were made citizens of Rome and then their
  47. Full harness of plate armor had been developed in armories of Lombardy Heavy, cavalry ,dominated the battlefield for centuries in part because of their armor. In the
  48. S. Drew issued a proclamation calling on the state to furnish one regiment of, cavalry ,and one battalion of infantry to join the United States Army. Ten companies of
  49. That the region had three fortified towns and an army of 100,000 infantry,200, cavalry , and 1,000 elephants. Buddhist books reveal that Andhra established their huts
  50. Medieval and Renaissance knights, and breast and backplates worn by heavy, cavalry ,in several European countries until the first year of World War I (1914–15).

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