Examples of the the word, bride , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bride ), is the 6138 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Such as Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. However, after the marriage the, bride ,uses her husband's first name instead. *Muslim surnames generally follow the
  2. And of the Holy Spirit” three times. It is then repeated three times as the, bride ,is crowned to the groom. We witness the groom and bride being crowned (visibly
  3. II. The choice of The Marriage of Figaro was considered improper for a new, bride ,by many observers, and the couple left the opera theater early without seeing
  4. As the fully armored autochthonous Sparta. To propitiate Ares, Cadmus took as a, bride ,Harmonic, daughter of Ares' union with Aphrodite, thus harmonizing all strife
  5. Its type in the English language. It was written for his wedding to his young, bride , Elizabeth Boyle. The poem consists of 365 long lines, corresponding to the
  6. And the relationship between God and Israel. He analogized the church as a, bride ,and Christ as the bride groom─drawing parallels between Christian marriage and
  7. Handmade clothes. According to some books, many camera marriages, in which a, bride ,went to the house of a bride groom with her belongings to become a member of his
  8. Particularly the book of Hosea – Israel is figured as Yahweh's wife or, bride , Malachi's discussion of divorce may also be understood to conform to this
  9. S elder brother Nicholas is said to have expressed the wish that his affianced, bride , Princess Dagmar of Denmark, should marry his successor. This wish was swiftly
  10. Statue. Aphrodite told him that could not be, and asked him again to choose a, bride , Pygmalion put his arms around the statue, and asked Aphrodite to turn him into
  11. Lancastrians and those who were loyalists to Edward IV. Anxious to secure his, bride , Henry assembled approximately 2,000 men and set sail from France on 1 August.
  12. Took two years and, in 1810,when Napoleon entered Paris from the west with his, bride ,Archduchess Marie-Louise of Austria, he had a wooden mock-up of the completed
  13. And with opposite expression, the sculptor has represented Cupid with his, bride ,; in the one they are standing, in the other recumbent. These and other works
  14. Daughter of Buchanan, the Cohen Adolf. There was a decree that every espoused, bride ,should submit to the dignitary first before the consummation of her marriage.
  15. God and not a scam. Finally, Gunnar had to flee back to Norway with his young, bride ,and had her baptized at the court of Olaf Tryggvason. Other Icelandic sources
  16. And gospel, the Blessing of the Common Cup, and the Dance of Isaiah (the, bride ,and groom are led around the table 3 times),and then the Removal of the
  17. Celibacy, which makes little sense when John's true church is symbolized as a, bride ,of the Lamb. Most importantly, the editor has completely rewritten John's
  18. To anthropomorphize the stamen (male) and pistil (female) sexual organs, as, bride , and groom. In this stanza on the flower Curium (also Flax and Turmeric) the
  19. Newly married Scottish woman into his bed and spend the wedding night with the, bride , When William Wallace returns home, he falls in love with his childhood
  20. For an annulment. " It is normal procedure for a priest to ask the prospective, bride ,and groom about their plans to have children before officiating at their
  21. It was his conservative powerbase's disapproval of his foreign, non-Orthodox, bride , more so than her appearance, that caused Alexei to spurn Charlotte. Another
  22. Told his parents that he was immensely happy to" behold the face of his lovely, bride ,". Unfortunately, the couple found that they were unable to speak to each other
  23. A similar tradition called Ru Hui (入贅) is common among Chinese when the, bride ,'s family is wealthy and has no son but wants the heir to pass on their assets
  24. Away from the finished sculpture Aphrodite appeared and told him to choose his, bride , Pygmalion chose the statue. Aphrodite told him that could not be, and asked
  25. About my daughter's allowance' and that Derby had promised to assure his new, bride ,£1000 a year, but was now about to leave for Lancashire without having made any
  26. Countess of Poitier's at the age of fifteen, and thus became the most eligible, bride ,in Europe. Three months after her accession she married Louis VII, son and
  27. Asia manages to recapture Ghana through treachery. She offers Ghana as, bride ,to Farad'n. Ghana agrees to this wedding, but only so she can get close
  28. S work in it. The glowing reviews brought an offer for both Kaye and his new, bride , Sylvia, to work at La Martinique, an upscale New York City nightclub. Kaye
  29. Young William),Andrew Weir (Young Amish),Julie Austin (the young, bride ,) and There Calves (Young Murrow). Academy Awards The movie was nominated
  30. The act of marriage appears mainly to have consisted of the groom fetching the, bride , although among the Israelites (unlike the Arabs) the procession was a
  31. Council of Wales and the Marches, as was his duty as Prince of Wales, and his, bride ,accompanied him. The couple stayed in Castle Lodge, Ludlow. A few months later
  32. Indecorous. The King, however,was madly in love with his beautiful and worldly, bride ,and granted her every whim, even though her behavior baffled and vexed him to
  33. Or Spanish sauce. According to the story, the Spanish cooks of Louis XIII's, bride , Anne, helped to prepare their wedding feast, and insisted upon improving the
  34. Of her marriage was around 19–25 years old, a relatively advanced age for a, bride ,according to the customs of the Middle Ages. The chronicle of Cosmos does not
  35. It is their understanding of the Bible that the followers of Christ are his, bride , called to love and serve him with the fervor of a wife. They took bridal
  36. That he be allowed to make a sculpture of Aphrodite before he had to choose his, bride , Flattered, she accepted. Pygmalion spent a lot of time making small clay
  37. Those within its walls, for its roads were a labyrinth, like the curls of a, bride , From a learned traveler Asian once inquired:" Didst thou ever, in thy
  38. The holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a, bride ,adorned for her husband. " Rev 21:2 In the New Jerusalem, God " will dwell with
  39. His father found it high time for his son to marry; he found him a suitable, bride , Eloise de Bure, five years his junior. She was a close relative of the
  40. King Edward I of England, was arranged. However, Alfonso died before meeting his, bride , He died at the age of 27 in 1291,and was buried in Franciscan convent at
  41. Rulers, Corum has become despondent and alone since the death of his Maiden, bride ,Whaling. Plagued by voices at night, Corum believe he has gone insane until old
  42. Of the Couple. At the Sacrament of Marriage the crowns are placed on the, bride ,and groom’s heads as the following prayer is recited three times,“ The servant
  43. At the Hubbard estate in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His wedding present to his, bride ,was to turn over 1,487 of his 1,497 shares in the newly created Bell Telephone
  44. Intelligence, marriage patterns, promiscuity,perception of beauty, bride ,price and parental investment. The theories and findings of EP are applied in
  45. Marriage itself, it was a failure from the very start. Alexei pronounced his, bride ," pock-marked" and" too thin ". He insisted on separate apartments and
  46. Children usually receive the paternal surname, though in rare cases, if the, bride ,and groom have agreed before the marriage, the children can receive the
  47. Thing that Thor says to Freya is that she should dress herself and put on a, bride ,'s head-dress, for they shall drive to Jötunheimr. At that, Freyja is
  48. Three times as the bride is crowned to the groom. We witness the groom and, bride ,being crowned (visibly proclaimed) as the king and queen, respectively,of a
  49. The opera The Marriage of Figaro was substituted on the express orders of the, bride ,'s uncle, Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II. The choice of The Marriage of Figaro
  50. Sat, sitting,and seated: I've been sat here waiting for half an hour. The, bride ,'s family will be sat on the right-hand side of the church. This construction

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