Examples of the the word, lan , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lan ), is the 8377 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Or he as the captain of the Tarawa and Coventry. On the TCS Mjöllnir, Jorkad, lan , Mraal helped Sparks set up Strata simulator modules so the humans could train
  2. Ran – problem i presence Cancer – the Problem and the Solution, Omega,LAN, d. o. o., Zagreb; (2007) ISBN 978-9539573605 * Uljno-proteinska sharia The
  3. 2006 movie by RIC Burns. *Andy Warhol: Double Denied is a 52-minute movie by, lan , Yentob about the difficulties in authenticating Warhol's work. Alp Asian (
  4. Waters *1986 Roger Akin in - The Day of Atonement, Scapegoat and Apostate *1987,LAN, Grant - The Monks Cloak & A lan Oldfield - A High and perpetual shewing of
  5. Slim Ta slam (أسلِم تسلَم):" Submit to Islam" ( See away) (See:, lan , astaslem); (أسماء الله الحسنى): List of God's 99 names. According to a
  6. Chinese cuisine. Occasionally western broccoli is also referred to as SAI, lan , fa (in Cantonese) in order not to confuse the two styles of broccoli. Among
  7. Used in China. One such example is the common use of western broccoli (xi, lan , 西蘭) instead of Chinese broccoli (gas LAN, 芥蘭 ) in American Chinese cuisine.
  8. The word" bògò lan fini" is a composite of BOGO, meaning " earth" or" mud ";, lan , meaning" with" or" by means of "; and fine, meaning " cloth ". Traditional
  9. George and is his constant companion. He dreams of" living off the fatty' the, lan ,'" and being able to tend to rabbit. His love for soft things conspires
  10. Angaturana Sir sang rajaputri, adulurana anti, mangkana raw Kareem, pada, lan , Nusantara deed Sunday ski, durung-durung gong ski and ring Yuma.: Abase Mali
  11. A young Perth solicitor. The Green estate, eighty square miles of priceless, lan , in Western Australia, has been left to Captain Strut who lives on the other
  12. Readings from the 1549 Book of Common Prayer: Jennifer Lilith a ban or yscrythur, lan , ac a d’dollar yr meccas prod common, y Julie a’r milieu try’r Floyd’in: o
  13. To give names to IP and MAC addresses (people remember names like“ nm., lan ,” better than they remember numbers like“” ), and DHCP to
  14. Because Po lan d can be broken down into three Hebrew words: PO (" here" ), lan , ( " dwells" ), ya (" God" ), and Colin into two words of: PO (" here" )
  15. Of PUB. Most of the computers available in offices only are equipped with wireless, lan , card. Students, researchers,staff and teachers of library can use this
  16. South No lan , Queens lan d,Australia - No lan ," LAN" pronounced like the ", lan ," in" Land" * Strain, Tasmanian,Australia pronounced" strain" never "
  17. The Vietnam War. Although his name is sometimes mispronounced like the French ", lan , WAH ", Lenoir himself pronounced his name a" la NOR ". The initials" J. B. "
  18. Ten million is sip LAN, and a trillion (1012,a long scale a billion) is LAN, lan , Decimal and fractional numbers Colloquially, decimal numbers are formed by
  19. LAN Game @ The House was opened and today is the 1st,LAN, house of Brazil in activity. Today it is seen as the country as a way to test
  20. Ten million is sip LAN, and a trillion (1012,a long scale a billion) is, lan , lan . Decimal and fractional numbers Colloquially, decimal numbers are formed by
  21. Numbers above a million Numbers above a million are constructed by prefixing, lan , with a multiplier. For example, ten million is sip LAN, and a trillion (1012
  22. Occur. Despite this, Anno 1602 is still occasionally played by small groups of, lan , PC gamers, or by players over the internet. The game is also playable via null
  23. S Le bourgeois gentilhomme, published in 1934. His most famous poem was Bad, lan , ( The Hyacinth's Way) that traces a journey through life's ups and downs
  24. 1945 July 1954) and with a task of writing on seaport lan d such as 'not, lan , Dang lies COI sung CHO Dang Beau Haiphong '. On November 19, 1994,VU Quo UY
  25. Last sound is an oral consonant and is preceded by a nasal vowel, it becomes, lan , : If the last sound is an oral vowel and is preceded by an oral consonant, it
  26. Prompt ('>' ): $ nslookup Default Server: device., lan , Address: > server Default Server: google-public-dns-a.
  27. In this capacity he made a sensation by his L'Eat de la France à la fin de, lan , VIII (1800),which he had been commissioned by Napoleon Bonaparte to draw up
  28. Links *http://cardicis.org CARDIES website (http://cardicis.org/cv.php?, lan ,en&pg cvMiembros list of participants,http://cardicis.org/fase1.php? Lan ESPN
  29. His death to a stroke, but also says that Grappa is" just' staying' with the, lan ,'. He couldn't leave it. " * Grandma Road — The religious wife of Grappa Road
  30. Constructed by prefixing LAN with a multiplier. For example, ten million is sip, lan , and a trillion (1012,a long scale a billion) is lan . Decimal and
  31. An: If the last sound is a nasal consonant, it becomes Nan, but may also be ", lan ,"" This" and" that" There is a single word sat hat corresponds to French
  32. Done à la Langley en la Terry de Euros Melrose LE quarter de September en, lan , de grace MCCC et disease. " Above the burgh of Lauder, abutting Lauder Moor
  33. Names in British Columbia – * South No lan , Queens lan d,Australia - No lan ,", lan ," pronounced like the" LAN" in" Land" * Strain, Tasmanian,Australia
  34. Olympiad open division detailed results *http://chess-results.com/tnr1881.aspx?, lan ,1&m -1 Olympiad women's division detailed results
  35. Best of all, my life No Sikh la’y avenge'NG When it's you that I see Kaunas, lan , amin All are wiped away So mermen ya akbibiten The sorrows that I bear No
  36. Since 1985,Starting had been developing http://starling.rinet.ru/program.php?, lan ,en STARLING, a linguist's workplace software. He was
  37. By the Takata Seed Company of Yokohama, Japan with the name Chinese kale or gas, lan , Broccolini's flavor is sweet, with notes of both broccoli and asparagus.
  38. 978-9539573605 * Uljno-proteinska sharia The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook, Omega,LAN, d. o. o., Zagreb; (2009) ISBN 978-9539573674 (together with Lane no use key
  39. Is a constructed lan guage, mostly based on Romance lan guages. ) * Anna Donald, lan , libre a Maria. (Anna gave her Maria's book to Maria. ) * Anna Donald sen Libra
  40. Lan EPG cvMiembros list of participants,http://cardicis.org/fase1.php?, lan ,es&pg f1DocT documents for the organization and output of the conference)
  41. Mathias (editor). 1998. http://www.koeppe.de/katalog/katalog_detail.php?, lan ,en&ISBN 3-89645-143-X Language, Identity,and Conceptualization among the
  42. London: I. B. Taurus,2006 (hardcover, ISBN 1-86064-286-1). *"Taylor, A (, lan , ) J (on) P (Percival) " pages 389–392 from Current Biography 1983 edited
  43. Laverne: Eastern European country in the film Another Meltdown (Bi die, lan , tian) *Least: a country appearing in Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception.
  44. Laverne: Eastern European country in the movie Another Meltdown (Bi die, lan , tian). * Estonia: Eastern European home of the Happy Wanderers (Josh & Stan
  45. The Statue: The Exploratory Imagination of D. H. Lawrence, in Maynard Mack and, lan , Gregor (eds. ), Imagined Worlds: Essays in Honor of John Butt (London:
  46. Because Po lan d can be broken down into three Hebrew words: PO (" here" ), lan , ( " dwells" ), ya (" God" ), and Colin into two words of: PO (" here" )
  47. Statue: The Exploratory Imagination of D. H. Lawrence, pp. 371–418. In Gregor, lan , and Maynard Mack (eds. ), Imagined Worlds: Essays in Honor of John Butt (
  48. Common use of western broccoli (xi LAN, 西蘭 ) instead of Chinese broccoli (gas, lan , 芥蘭) in American Chinese cuisine. Occasionally western broccoli is also
  49. Interrogative pronouns are: matey" what? ", manţ" which ", manay" who? ", mi,LAN," whose? ", miked̠" with whom? ", mid̠eg" in what? ", mizeg" with what? "
  50. English title to be announced). In September, she filmed romantic movie, lan , se Shi Che JU starring with Alex Long and Chang Chen in Hainan. Both of them

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