Examples of the the word, alas , in a Sentence Context

The word ( alas ), is the 8087 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Mathematical by Whitehead and Russell is similar to Richard's original version, alas ,not quite as exact. Here only the digit 9 is replaced by the digit 0,such that
  2. Dawn. Even earlier I would take my coffee at Martin's, at 54th Street–now, alas , vanished–where I would see creatures of the night-life before they disappeared
  3. Word & little quarrel I ever had with him & I long to ask his forgiveness, but, alas , it is too late now! " George took Albert Victor's place in the line of
  4. Ja see old kitten krässännyt totaalisesti. Run site a LTU jetty hallitusti, alas , site old käyttispartitio korruptoitunut aka see EAA butternut. MA fission
  5. Metal cow emerged, with golden horns and the sun and the stars on its brow. But, alas , it was ill-tempered, and so the magical heifer was broken into pieces and
  6. Wickedness and pride of a people, as in Revelation 18:16. " And saying, Alas, alas , that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, in purple and scarlet, and
  7. He did once write," There are my 'Poe' pieces and my 'Duns any pieces' – but, alas ,– where are any Lovecraft pieces? " * Cthulhu Mythos/Lovecraft Mythos stories (
  8. God relying-- no matter how little-- on ourselves or some other creature, then, alas , we would be swallowed up.: Therefore everyone must say with David:" Lord, do
  9. On the banal canvas of our pitiable destinies, : It's because our souls, alas , are not bold enough! The preface concludes with the following malediction:
  10. Of Hungarian loanwords in the standard language is small: biting (битанга), alas , ( алас),Azov (ашов) ). However, they are present in some vernaculars of
  11. The images on the surface of a stream into which a stone has been cast, but, alas , Without the after restoration of the latter! " The person from Pollock later
  12. His misconduct, writing,“ I am prevented from returning to my atelier, which, alas , I should never have left. I believed that in accepting the most honorable
  13. On a cricket team). " The Eleven Cricketers" at Torrington in Sussex (, alas ,now shut down) was the closest example of this and scored 22 runs since the
  14. In Connemara, may have been inspired by a line in Lucky's monologue (" alas , alas ,abandoned unfinished the skull in Connemara ..." ). *An unauthorized
  15. Shed tears that marked the new flower's petals with the letters" AAI" ( ", alas ,") as a sign of his grief. Other common names for common bluebell include AFLD
  16. By Lang try to another widow reads in part," I too have lost a husband, but, alas , It was no great loss. " In 1888 Lang try purchased a winery with an area of in
  17. Will called it" eugenics by abortion ". British peer Lord RIX stated that ", alas , the birth of a child with Down's syndrome is still considered by many to be
  18. He later became responsible for the fall of Gummy Glen. Thorn has a big - and, alas ,unrequited - crush on Lady Bane. We also discover that he has a brother named
  19. Every general with reason to know, and all those phrases that one has to use, alas , by necessity, I say,'Who is it? What's his interest? ' We talk it through. "
  20. Regarding the completed manuscript," This is, alas ,the last Bond and, again, alas , I mean it, for I really have run out of both puff and zest. " Dissatisfied
  21. Self-penned title track and featured the unique glass harmonica instrument. But, alas , it was Linda's first commercial failure since 1972,and peaked at a
  22. All these the enemies to our poor baroque? Say you can swim;, alas ,'tis but a while. Tread on the sand; why, there you quickly sink;
  23. Will be no word uncertain plundered. Alas, for Scotland, through the youth;, alas ,for their books, alas for their bequests.131. He will be nine years in the
  24. Who looks like Robin Williams in a funny hat," as Alderman notes," But, alas , not all the changes got in, and the book has some internal contradictions
  25. By the swells, and floundering. " (with progressive aspect) *"Although, alas , it's not such an exclusive club. I've sent them to everyone who has been
  26. Skull in Connemara, may have been inspired by a line in Lucky's monologue (", alas , alas abandoned unfinished the skull in Connemara ..." ). *An
  27. Son Remains:" I was held a greater goddess and the queen of Nymph. Where, alas , Is that late crowd of courtiers round thy mother’s halls, where are the
  28. Not through Annamaria though, only the US LP had Poland dopamine, alas ,the Pahlavi wrongly split!) Ashtapadi-s on a Super Seven discs, Bhagavad Gita
  29. To his death, and his tears stained the flower petals with άί, meaning, alas , The Festival of Hyacinths was a celebration of Sparta. Another male lover was
  30. Norm. Some later authors abuse terminology by omitting the quotation marks, alas , Don oho suggested the terminology p-"norm" locally, by taking the limit of the
  31. The bright moon, : For her, with my shadow, will make three people.: The moon, alas , is no drinker of wine;: Listless, my shadow creeps about at my side.: Yet with
  32. Cast doubt on these and other assertions, writing," this book turns out to be, alas , more about the deficiencies of investigative journalism than about the
  33. Ja see old kitten meant Ivan jumping. Run site a LTU jetty hallitusti, alas , site old käyttisosio finally aka see EAA käynnistynyt. MA holding lichen
  34. An end itself was nothing more than a misguided dream:: The end of history is, alas , also the end of the dustbins of history. There are no longer any dustbins for
  35. Unplundered. Alas, for Scotland, through the youth; alas for their books, alas ,for their bequests.131. He will be nine years in the kingdom. I shall tell
  36. In their hearts for the remarkable algebraic properties of quatrains but, alas , such enthusiasm means little to the harder-headed physical scientist. " —
  37. The other wives to give their jewels. They agree out of love for Krishna but, alas , it is of no use. Krishna remains a mute witness to all this drama and rubs
  38. Good statesmanship. Yet there are Liberal members to cheer on the maniac. Alas, alas ,for Liberalism! ... Must I give you six months notice to withdraw my loans to
  39. Style of violin playing). Schiller still publish his Violin Method Op.102 (, alas ,only part 1) and His" First 30 Concert Studies" Op.123. Also, Peters Edition
  40. One (his first wife),has now a new and beautiful wife, whose character, alas , Does not bear inspection. ” As this review states, the virginal maiden
  41. Of our policy toward Pakistan, more guarantees to it, more arms aid, and, alas , a decision that our security policy toward Pakistan cannot be dictated by our
  42. This alienated admirers and scared off potential new readers. " There are, alas , an infinite number of ways for a writer to destroy himself," Swan wick wrote.
  43. To his editor William Plover regarding the completed manuscript," This is, alas , the last Bond and, again alas , I mean it, for I really have run out of both
  44. Kids ','Scrubbier ','Scrubs without JD' is no more. It was worth a try, but, alas , ... it didn't work. " Crossovers Sam Lloyd reprised his role as Ted Buckland
  45. Madrigal by Guarani # Aldo e scorer, ahi lasso, io non disco (I burn and, alas , I do not have the courage to reveal that burning which I bear hidden in my
  46. Of Earl comes Gunwale, whom he imagined being his most assured friend. But, alas , It was otherwise; for the earl betrayed him, and Only, in a detestable manner
  47. Its little soul was free from sin --: He was looking in the water, : When, alas , this child fell in.: Beneath the raft the water took him, : For the current was
  48. A diligent search failed to turn up any of these recordings, which are, alas , presumed lost forever. Hardy died in New Orleans shortly after his 22nd
  49. Bad Gauge! Weep ye, en masse! We're suffering most excruciating pain; For ah!, alas , The Prince of Wales has ceased to carry a cane, Bai Gauge! Till we learn
  50. Have been manic-depressives. That made it, to me, a fascinating subject that, alas , did not come out in the film. " Casting Fights encouraged the lead actors to

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