Examples of the the word, sons , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sons ), is the 8620 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Addition to the ceremonial arrival of the god, a parade in full armor of the, sons ,of warriors who died fighting for the Polish and, until the end of the
  2. Patterned after the Baker Street Irregulars. In 1946,Conan Doyle's two, sons ,made some attempts to force Delete to cease publishing the Solar Pons series
  3. Of the Malthusians and Cistercians, the king (St Louis),and three of his, sons , the queen mother, Baldwin,count of Flanders and emperor of Constantinople
  4. Bell's father encouraged Aleck's interested in speech and, in 1863,took his, sons ,to see a unique automaton, developed by Sir Charles Wheatstone based on the
  5. Embodies the deepest respect which the Jewish people can repose in any of its, sons ,". Death On 17 April 1955,Albert Einstein experienced internal bleeding caused
  6. Influenced his military recruitment, as younger sons went to war and older, sons ,took charge of the farm. A person's family responsibilities and the prevalent
  7. The King historians might refer to her as his concubine. They had at least two, sons , one of whom, Nithard, became a notable figure in the mid-9th century. Control
  8. Capital of Samaria was said to follow Canaanite gods. Ahab was succeeded by his, sons , Shariah and Jehovah. Legacy While the above passages from 1 Kings do not view
  9. Duties (Exodus 28,Exodus 29). On the very day of his consecration, his, sons , Na dab and Abide, were consumed by fire from the Lord for having offered
  10. At this time was the West car Papyrus, a set of stories told to Khufu by his, sons ,relating the marvels performed by priests. The Instruction of Penelope is
  11. The pain of seeing Esau's wicked deeds. The Bible says he was buried by his, sons ,Isaac and Ishmael in the Cave of the Patriarchs. Narrative in the Qur'an This
  12. A man's birth order often influenced his military recruitment, as younger, sons ,went to war and older sons took charge of the farm. A person's family
  13. VIII, that his house was a kind of well-ordered court,whereas many as 300, sons , of noblemen and gentlemen, who had been sent to him for virtuous education, had
  14. The most disadvantaged Romans. Faustino bore Antoninus four children, two, sons , and two daughters. They were: * Marcus Aurelius Julius Antoninus (died before
  15. As at Delphi the oracle at Panama was a woman. Oracles were also given by, sons ,of Apollo. * In Or opus, north of Athens, the oracle Amphibious, was said to be
  16. Sarah, he took another wife, or concubine, named Return, who bore Abraham six, sons ,: Imran, Jokshan, Medan,Median, Ishbak, and Shah. Abraham is said to have
  17. The riverbedand then were killed to keep the exact location a secret. His, sons ,Ella (his appointed successor),Dengizich, and Erna fought over the
  18. Earth. Solomon states in the book of Ecclesiastes:" For what happens to the, sons ,of men also happens to animals; one thing befalls them: as one dies, so dies
  19. Kingship The death of Regina (also known as RUA or Riga) in 434 left the, sons ,of his brother Mundane, Attila and Bled (Bud),in control of the united Hun
  20. Been suggested that at least a few pharaohs, such as Sequence Tao II and his, sons , did do so. Although it has also been argued that" kings of this period did
  21. The Niobium were spared (Ch loris, usually ). Amnion, at the sight of his dead, sons , either killed himself or was killed by Apollo after swearing revenge. A
  22. Later in life, Mary struggled with the stresses of losing her husband and, sons , and Robert Lincoln committed her temporarily to a mental health asylum in
  23. Watch. Einstein later gave his impressions of the Japanese in a letter to his, sons ,: On his return voyage, he also visited Palestine for 12 days in what would
  24. Stumble" onto the truth. Hastings marries and has four children – two, sons ,and two daughters. Hastings is a man who is capable of great bravery and
  25. The altars, with their tenths and oblations, and assigning even these to their, sons ,and relations in the church. Such defenders, or rather destroyers, of the
  26. His fortitude and silent submission to the will of God on the loss of his two, sons ,are referred to as an excellent example to men how to glorify God in the midst
  27. King. " Alaric had made no provision for a successor, and although he had two, sons , one was of age but illegitimate and the other the offspring of a legal
  28. Darius III of Persia, as a matter of political interest. He apparently had two, sons , Alexander IV of Macedon of Roxana and, possibly,Heracles of Macedon from his
  29. 29),and repeated these rites for seven days, during which Aaron and his, sons ,were entirely separated from the rest of the people. When, on the eighth day
  30. Marian Hubbard Bell (1880–1962) who was referred to as" Daisy ", and two, sons ,who died in infancy. The Bell family home was located in Cambridge
  31. Foolishly banishing his one loyal son, surrenders his kingdom to his other two, sons , who then betray him, thus plunging the entire kingdom into war. As Japanese
  32. All are from the dust, and all return to dust. Who knows the spirit of the, sons ,of men, which goes upward, and the spirit of the animal, which goes down to the
  33. His parents travelled between Hastings, England and India, leaving their two, sons ,to stay with a retired Army couple. Very early in life, Turing showed signs of
  34. In Mannheim, into a wealthy middle class family. He was the second of three, sons ,of Albert and Loose Speer. In 1918,the family moved permanently to their
  35. Seven male and seven female, while Let had only two. Apollo killed her, sons ,as they practiced athletics, with the last begging for his life, and Artemis
  36. Youngest of King Priam's (or sometimes Apollo) and Hecuba's five legitimate, sons , Despite his youth, he was one of the main Trojan war leaders. Prophecies
  37. Must be performed by a male relative have led to a cultural preference for, sons , The widespread availability of diagnostic testing, during the 1970s and '80s
  38. Descended from Abraham, Isaac,and Jacob Great-grandfather: Levi, third of 12, sons , and tribes of Israel Grandfather: Oath Father: Abram Mother: Jockeyed Sister:
  39. Term may have been vague in the Mecca religion. Allah was thought to have had, sons ,and that the local deities of, Manāt and Allan were His daughters. The Meccas
  40. Illinois, contains his remains and those of his wife and three of his four, sons , Within a year of this death, his image began to be disseminated throughout the
  41. A relentless chronicle of base lust for power, betrayal of the father by his, sons , and pervasive wars and murders. " The historical setting of the film is used
  42. In 1914,Einstein moved to Berlin, while his wife remained in Zurich with their, sons , Magic and Einstein divorced on 14 February 1919,having lived apart for five
  43. 27:21. A more formal calling soon followed (Exodus 28:1). Aaron and his, sons , distinguished from the commoners by their sacred functions, were also to
  44. More beloved for his kindly ways than was Moses. Moses was bewailed by“ the, sons ,of Israel” only (). His fortitude and silent submission to the will of God on
  45. Which would have given away Roman-conquered territories as kingdoms for his, sons ,to rule, alongside plans to build a tomb in Alexandria for him and his queen to
  46. His servants to murder Anon at a feast to which he had invited all the king's, sons , () After this deed he fled to Talkie, the king of Gesture () (see also or)
  47. Of Turbines businessmen Roberto FOA and Filippo Giordano, in memory of their, sons , This led to renewed interest in Vivaldi by, among others, Mario Rinaldi
  48. Elisha, daughter of Amminadab and sister of Neilson (Exon 6:23). The, sons ,of Aaron were Eleazar, Ithamar, Nadab and Abide. A descendant of Aaron is an
  49. Allah was not considered the sole divinity, having associates and companions, sons ,and daughters–a concept that was deleted under the process of Islamization. In
  50. And died of heart failure at the age of 18 on July 16, 1871. The death of their, sons ,had profound effects on both parents. Later in life, Mary struggled with the

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