Examples of the the word, nile , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nile ), is the 8619 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Opened in early 2011,with new exhibits for pygmy hippos, red river hogs, nile , softshell turtle, and lemurs instead of the mandrills, as well as a variety of
  2. Such as Tasmania, rabies,Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus and West, nile , virus are also present in Colombia. Different forms of malnutrition severely
  3. Egyptian league like: modern sport, modern Korea, channel 2,always 2,dream, nile , sport,Almeria, channel 3 and ally TV. Every channel from this channels
  4. Subtriquetra Riley Junker, Boomker & Books,1998 – Africa; primary host:, nile , crocodiles?; intermediate host: fish **** Subtriquetra Shirley Heat,1924 –
  5. Nile by developing and reclaiming new lands to live in away from the river, nile , valley. * His specialty in Planning pushed him to make a plan of which how
  6. Parini ", and 'Jodi Jane' composed by Sail Chowdhury," Mayor Months Rater, nile ," and" Taxi Charité JE Rekhechhi Mon Shone More by Sudhir Disrupt ",'Jodi
  7. Projects that was supposed to help to move Egypt from the valley of the river, nile , by developing and reclaiming new lands to live in away from the river Nile
  8. In all terrain. He wears the number 24 in all Merrill and number 17 in the, nile , crocodiles Sudan national team. He sometimes the captain of all terrain. He is
  9. Hollidaysburg, Pa.; Iota, Atlantic City; Lambda, Toronto. The colors were, nile , green and pink (L'Agenda 1895). Delta Chi Alpha Delta Chi Alpha was one of
  10. Bank, and coming from the White Nile, is clearer. The blue river is part of the, nile , river with the white river. The much shorter Barbara River, which also
  11. Preferences (lowland birds). Egg color may range from plain blue to, nile , blue with pale brownish speckling, most heavy on blunt half. Gives rattle call
  12. Should prompt consideration of other diagnoses, such as HIV, CMV,West, nile , virus infection (in appropriate setting, Lyme disease (neuroborreliose),or
  13. The Egyptians were already familiar with. Name" aloni-1" /> name ", nile ," /> While a morale boosting achievement, Rimon 20 did not
  14. Horns, and very little poly-rhythms. Music from the eastern Sahel and along the, nile , among the Nilo-Saharan, made extensive use of strings and horns in ancient
  15. Of sport like Beach sports; swimming competitions which involve crossing the, nile , from Damietta to Ra's El Bar. * Many clubs and gyms for sports like football
  16. An accountant and the engineer Sofa Yo unis. IFTA, is the location of one of, nile , barrages built during 1881-1952 to control the Nile flow. IFTA, is the birth
  17. PNG|2002 Image:2003_west_Nile_map. PNG|2003 Image:2004 November west, nile , map. PNG|2004 Image:2005_west_Nile_map. PNG|2005 Image:2006_west_Nile_map.
  18. Then themselves in they're the mouth while they climb vertically. Occasionally, nile , crocodiles may predate on leopards. Leopards co-exist alongside these other
  19. Used to kill mosquitoes that can transmit potentially deadly diseases like west, nile , virus,yellow fever, and malaria. They can also kill bees, wasps or ants that
  20. Known as Missouri battle it tokes place at the recent Missouri city on the river, nile , and the king of France at that time was imprisoned at DAR In Woman. Modern
  21. IGI Pelee NI Han be semi low NI mile baba Wei Fair own NI Han mu SA token or, nile , Asanlu. Iranian Mimi FINRA mo JE bi AWA logo IGI Kan Gogol, Omo IGI Kan
  22. Want anyone but you) *" Ma Shares Mn Nelda" ( Didn't you drink from its, nile , ) External links * http://www.groodo.com/s/36-sherien.html Sherin's Music
  23. Of the floods of the Nile river),and Amulet (the Goddess of the, nile , river ). ** the sun god Ra, whose form in the morning was Keeper, at noon
  24. Rainy seasons destroying crops, killing people and animals. The havoc that this, nile , tributory caused to the people of the area made them perceive it as the mother
  25. JPG | Skyline. File: SohagGaziratZuhur. JPG | Habitat Al Hour. File: Shag, nile , JPG | Nile view (east bank) File: Shag courts complex. JPG | Courts
  26. Grains began to be collected as source of food in the cataract region of the, nile , south of Egypt. The collecting of wild grains as source of food spread to
  27. Policy Implementation, presented President Robert Mugabe with a present of a, nile , crocodile,to be part of the museum being built for the president. Shame is
  28. Horns, and very little poly-rhythms. Music from the eastern Sahel and along the, nile , among the Nilo-Saharan, made extensive use of strings and horns in ancient
  29. Virus: QI05AA08 Equine paradox virus: QI05AA09 Equine rotavirus: QI05AA10 West, nile , virus: QI05AA11 Equine rhinopneumonitis virus + equine abortion virus QI05AB
  30. Of Sudan. It is located at around. Geography The city is, the capital of white, nile , state in Sudan, located on the eastern bank of the White Nile river
  31. Crocodile (C. intermedius) both reported, but not verified, to and the, nile , crocodile,verified up to and a weight of. However, extinct crocodiles were
  32. Students. The Seniors wear white graduation gowns, and the 6th graders wear, nile , green graduation gowns. Throughout the whole school year (June to March)
  33. Wheat and barley after the notion of collecting wild grains was spread from the, nile , The donkey was domesticated in the Red Sea Hill and the Horn of Africa in 4000
  34. To transfer the Egyptian league except the Egyptian television (channel 2,Nile, sport,and Almeria) which had his own deal. Clubs The five most popular
  35. Society was based on a system of clans. A total of 15 clans existed, called,Nile, ; each one of them was formed by diverse familiar communities. Each clan divided
  36. Conveyed to her that the old woman was planning to cast the baby into the great, nile , river after they left. At the thought of this Lillian could not leave this baby
  37. Afinran mo JE bi AWA logo IGI Kan Gogol, Omo IGI Kan Gadara yoga Dina Lesa, nile , Asanlu EE Jedi era Elena lo ko Jedi to fa Elena NASA Tokyo Beau; Oahu Idaho
  38. And appalled, chopped off the sons' semen-covered hand and threw it in the, nile , (She later makes him a new one. ) Somewhat later Isis aroused Horus and
  39. Town in the Nile delta, belongs to Garcia governorate. It is across the, nile , from MIT Game city of Ad Aaliyah governorate. History IFTA is well known
  40. The fraternity's official flower because it contains the fraternity's colors;, nile , green and white. The publications of the fraternity are often named after its

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