Examples of the the word, retinal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( retinal ), is the 12766 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And defects of the eye (juvenile cataracts, corneal dystrophy, and progressive, retinal ,atrophy). Hip dysplasia is not often found in this breed; however, as with
  2. Seizures and allergies; very rarely, one will see atonal dystrophy, cataract, retinal , dysplasia and deafness in the breed. Ibiza Hound owners should have their dogs
  3. Two theories were synthesized in 1957 by Zurich and Jameson, who showed that, retinal ,processing corresponds to the trichromatic theory, while processing at the
  4. Aged from 18 months to 91 years and were able to develop them into all types of, retinal ,neurons. They were able to grow them easily in the lab. The stem cells
  5. To which children are more vulnerable. Cerebral malaria is associated with, retinal ,whitening, which may be a useful clinical sign in distinguishing malaria from
  6. For retinal problems include a cybernetic replacement and transplant of fetal, retinal ,cells. Adaptive techniques and aids Mobility Many people with serious visual
  7. Nephronophthisis, Alstrom syndrome, Meckel-Gruber syndrome and some forms of, retinal ,degeneration. Diagnosis A definite diagnosis of AD PKD relies on imaging or
  8. Has pointed out that species of Archie do use another light-absorbing molecule, retinal , to extract power from the green spectrum. He described the view of some
  9. Brain. These cells could be injected in the eye to treat diseases that damage, retinal ,neurons—nearly every disease of the eye, including macular degeneration
  10. Some types of cortical inhibitory interneurons, cells in globes pallid us, retinal ,ganglion cells. Classification by neurotransmitter production Neurons differ in
  11. Over 500 times as much energy to the retina as using the naked eye, killing, retinal , cells almost instantly. Even brief glances at the midday Sun through unfiltered
  12. Seen in some individuals, usually active dogs, which differs from progressive, retinal ,atrophy in several ways. First, it is unilateral, and rarely seen in animals
  13. Sites. Introduced light can also cause developmental irregularities, such as, retinal ,damage, reduced sperm production, and genetic mutation. In September 2009,the
  14. B6 (pyridoxine phosphate) is FMN dependent * FAD is required to convert, retinal ,(vitamin A) to retinoid acid * Synthesis of an active form of folate (
  15. Originate spontaneously at a random point and then propagate slowly across the, retinal ,layer. These waves are useful because they cause neighboring neurons to be
  16. Of life for afflicted dogs. The breed can also fall victim to progressive, retinal ,atrophy (a degeneration of the retina causing blindness) and several less
  17. Pupils and yellow irises (except for the blue eyes of white tigers). Due to a, retinal ,adaptation that reflects light back to the retina, the night vision of tigers
  18. A 2004 UK Kennel Club survey. Many baseness suffer from PRA (progressive, retinal ,atrophy),which causes blindness, and Marconi syndrome, which can cause kidney
  19. Called dichromats and monochromatic respectively. A distinction is made between, retinal ,tetrachromat (having four pigments in cone cells in the retina, compared to
  20. Joint pain),vomiting, anemia (caused by hemolysis),hemoglobinuria, retinal ,damage, and convulsions. The classic symptom of malaria is cyclical occurrence
  21. Zebrafish have also been found to regenerate photoreceptor cells and, retinal ,neurons following injury. The mechanisms of this regeneration are unknown.
  22. Of Gallery prompts the Time Lords to code their security locks to the, retinal ,patterns of the Sixth Doctor's companion Evelyn Smythe. The PARIS came with
  23. Of the eye, such as age-related macular degeneration, and as part of the, retinal ,damage caused by diabetes. Types There are many types of color blindness. The
  24. Vitamin A. β-Carotene can be stored in the liver and body fat and converted to, retinal ,as needed, thus making it a form of vitamin A for humans and some other mammals
  25. The mucosa of the human small intestine by β-carotene 15,15'-monooxygenase to, retinal , a form of vitamin A. β-Carotene can be stored in the liver and body fat and
  26. Arrhythmia disorders. A controversy exists as to the presence of progressive, retinal ,atrophy in the breed. A condition identified as Borzoi Retinopathy is seen in
  27. Animal appear red because the color of the red blood cells in the underlying, retinal ,blood vessels shows through where there is no pigment to obscure it. File:
  28. Locks take advantage of technologies such as fingerprint scanning, iris or, retinal ,scanning, and voiceprint identification to authenticate users. Employers of
  29. Union match at his old school he received a kick to the head and suffered a, retinal ,detachment. This left him blind in his left eye, despite treatment including
  30. In other blind or partially blind individuals. Two experimental treatments for, retinal ,problems include a cybernetic replacement and transplant of fetal retinal cells
  31. Atopies, and various eye conditions including cataracts, glaucoma,progressive, retinal ,atrophy, have theorized that the early roots of the dachshund go back to
  32. Of Ophthalmology announced the world's first gene therapy trial for inherited, retinal ,disease. The first operation was carried out on a 23-year-old British male
  33. Or just 0.25 %. Other causes of color blindness include brain or, retinal ,damage caused by shaken baby syndrome, accidents and other trauma which produce
  34. Protanopia (1 % of males): Lacking the long-wavelength sensitive, retinal ,cones, those with this condition are unable to distinguish between colors in
  35. Having the ability to make enhanced color discriminations based on that, retinal ,difference). As many as half of all women are retinal tetrachromats.
  36. Few genetic conditions have been noted in the breed, in particular Progressive, retinal ,atrophy (PRA). Fortunately the Slough is one of the breeds in whom this
  37. Blindness but there is a fault in the development of either or both sets of, retinal ,cones that perceive color in light and transmit that information to the optic
  38. Drug discovery programs, hence helping to identify new treatments. Repairing, retinal ,damage In 2007,researchers at University College London grew a type of
  39. Spawned such ventures as Operand, a unique method of tracking livestock with, retinal ,scans, and Revolution Donuts, a donut/pastry shop with a new approach – late
  40. The back of the eye and is located behind the retina. The blood in the, retinal ,circulation is far less than in the choroid, and plays virtually no role. The
  41. Patterns of electrical activity that correspond closely to the layout of the, retinal ,image (this is known as retinoscopy). How or whether these become conscious
  42. Most ultraviolet light damage is caused during childhood and this form of, retinal ,degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in the world. Damage often
  43. Cells, though this term is also sometimes used to refer specifically to, retinal ,ganglion cells. A less common usage of ganglion is ganglion cyst, a small lump
  44. To that formed by light passing through a pinhole into a camera obscure. The, retinal ,cells next send impulses through the optic nerve and thereafter they form a
  45. This pigment is located exclusively in the tiny over. Melanin, located in the, retinal ,pigment epithelium (RPE) and the choroid, shows a gradually increasing
  46. For him, even more so than normally. In March 2008 Rosa suffered a severe, retinal ,detachment and underwent emergency eye surgery that ultimately proved to be not
  47. Few genetically linked problems. In particular, there is no evidence of the, retinal ,eye problems found in other breeds, nor is there dwarfism or hereditary blood
  48. Based on that retinal difference). As many as half of all women are, retinal ,tetrachromats. Synesthesia In certain forms of synesthesia, perceiving letters
  49. Day. In the overall gloom, the pupil expands from ~2 mm to ~6 mm, and each, retinal ,cell exposed to the solar image receives about ten times more light than it
  50. Between their energy levels. A classic example is the molecular transition of, retinal ,C20H28O,which is responsible for vision, as discovered in 1958 by Nobel

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