Examples of the the word, perfection , in a Sentence Context

The word ( perfection ), is the 6938 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That the pure intellect can be from the dictates of will; here we contemplate, perfection ,of form without any kind of worldly agenda, and thus any intrusion of utility
  2. Train to become a brilliant scientist and train his body into absolute physical, perfection ,The origin is the source of the character's traits and attributes, which play
  3. The 'purpose of creation' and how the will of God was to bring creation into, perfection ,and adhesion with this upper force. Modern Kabbalah developed by Rabbi Neruda
  4. Or possesses features widely attributed to beauty in a particular culture, for, perfection , The experience of" beauty" often involves the interpretation of some entity
  5. Too near the infancy of science, to see such an art brought in our time to its, perfection , (Extended excerpt also online. ) His death is described in the book The Life
  6. Spirit" coming to be manifest to itself, stage by stage, changing to a, perfection ,that only philosophy can approach. Art is the first stage in which the absolute
  7. Isolated from all. The body is unnecessary; in relation to it, the soul is its, perfection , In itself, the soul is an immaterial substance. Other contributions Astronomy
  8. The medieval Christian sect known as the Fathers viewed black as a color of, perfection , * In the Japanese culture, Black is associated with honor, not death with the
  9. And in a single take, something almost unheard-of with Scott whose drive for, perfection ,resulted at times in double-digit takes. Production Interest in adapting Philip
  10. Fashion, Aristotle believed that creatures were arranged in a graded scale of, perfection ,rising from plants on up to man, the Scala natural or Great Chain of Being. His
  11. Beings respond negatively, both of which are difficult to do. The emphasized, perfection ,is meditative concentration (Dayana). #Obviously Transcendent: By depending on
  12. Team in mission control be" tough and competent ", requiring nothing less than, perfection ,throughout NASA's programs. It was decided that remaining Block I spacecraft
  13. Of immorality, therefore,this Bhūmi is named" stainless ". The emphasized, perfection ,is moral discipline (silk). #Luminous: The third Bhūmi is named" luminous "
  14. They were known, implemented far-reaching innovations in design, including the, perfection ,of the shape of the f-holes. They are also thought to have pioneered the modern
  15. Perfection is wisdom (prank). #Gone afar: Particular emphasis is on the, perfection ,of skillful means (pay),to help others. #Immovable: The emphasized virtue
  16. According to Wesley's teaching, Christians could attain a state of practical, perfection , meaning a lack of all voluntary sin by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, in
  17. The heavenly, fifth element, manifested in the stars and planets, moves in the, perfection ,of circles. Motion Aristotle defined motion as the actuality of a potentiality
  18. Gold is presented as an analogy for personal transmutation, purification,and, perfection , This approach is often termed 'spiritual ','esoteric ', or 'internal '
  19. Awesome choreography, fabulous clothes, marvelous bodies. And the same level of, perfection ,is expected to extend beyond the video set to the concert stage. So if Britney
  20. Words, when they died, they had not yet attained full sanctification and moral, perfection , a requirement for entrance into Heaven. This sanctification is carried out
  21. The fullness of God ". Wesley was clear that Christian perfection did not imply, perfection ,of bodily health or an infallibility of judgment. It also does not mean we no
  22. But a perfection in love. Furthermore, Wesley did not teach a salvation by, perfection , but rather says that," Even perfect holiness is acceptable to God only
  23. Are heavily criticized for being incoherent. Based on his ideas for human, perfection , Alcott founded Fruit lands, a transcendentalist experiment in community living.
  24. Things in nature proceed from certain definite necessity and with the utmost, perfection , " Nothing happens by chance in Spinoza's world, and nothing is contingent.
  25. And connected physical well-being to mental improvement. He further viewed a, perfection ,of nature to the spirit and, in a sense, predicted modern environmentalism by
  26. Indian alchemy like every other Indian science is focused on finding Marsha:, perfection , immortality, liberation. As such it focuses its efforts on transmutation of
  27. Voluntary sin by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, in this life. Christian, perfection ,(or entire sanctification),according to Wesley, is " purity of intention
  28. To pray for forgiveness and holiness. It is not an absolute perfection but a, perfection ,in love. Furthermore, Wesley did not teach a salvation by perfection , but
  29. Essential nature of objects, or of God/Nature. According to Spinoza, reality is, perfection , If circumstances are seen as unfortunate it is only because of our inadequate
  30. A Scribner's' novel of which The Chicago Sun wrote:" Structurally it has the, perfection ,of a carved jewel ... A psychological novel of the first order, and an
  31. Dry, and in thick eggs. Aristotle also held that the level of a creature's, perfection ,was reflected in its form, but not preordained by that form. Ideas like this
  32. Of Dharma is said to radiate for others from the Bodhisattva. The emphasized, perfection ,is patience (). #Radiant: This Bhūmi is called" radiant ", because it is said
  33. To the highest class of citizens ”, connoting superiority, authority,and, perfection , The first“ Classic” writer was Zulus Genius, a 2nd-century Roman writer who
  34. Like" thee. " Williams hated the poems. He told Ginsberg later," In this mode, perfection ,is basic, and these poems are not perfect. " Opiates, alcohol,and psychedelics
  35. Concentration (Dayana). #Obviously Transcendent: By depending on the, perfection ,of wisdom, the Bodhisattva does not abide in either or, so this state is "
  36. The duration of self and selfishness, and obedience was seen as a path to that, perfection , It was sacred duty to execute the abbot's orders, and even to act without his
  37. Plateau; the sciences of ballistics and explosive chemistry had achieved near, perfection ,given the available technology of the age. Arguably the only new developments
  38. The instances ... of those who had fallen but now stand upright. " * Christian, perfection ,– According to Wesley's teaching, Christians could attain a state of practical
  39. Producing works regarded for centuries as embodying the classical notion of, perfection , Renaissance architects included Alberti, Brunelleschi and Diamante. Many of
  40. Of prevent grace and preached the ability of Christians to attain to, perfection , While Wesley freely made use of the term" Arminian," he did not
  41. Mind due to overconsumptions and increasing with fasting would help maintain, perfection , ". The paper published by Dr Sudhir Shah makes it clear that dozens of people
  42. Abide in either or, so this state is" obviously transcendent ". The emphasized, perfection ,is wisdom (prank). #Gone afar: Particular emphasis is on the perfection of
  43. In a way idiosyncratic to these surreys; the" true self" is described as the, perfection ,of the wisdom of not-self in the Buddha-Nature Treatise, for example.
  44. Her view, what Revelation has to teach is patience. Patience is the closest to, perfection ,the human condition allows. Her book, which is largely written in prose
  45. Idea of Confucianism is the cultivation of virtue and the development of moral, perfection , Confucianism holds that one should give up one's life, if necessary, either
  46. Was confined to well water. Alcott believed that diet held the key to human, perfection ,and connected physical well-being to mental improvement. He further viewed a
  47. Have continued to need to pray for forgiveness and holiness. It is not an absolute, perfection ,but a perfection in love. Furthermore, Wesley did not teach a salvation by
  48. Purging of the impure; illumination leading to contemplation; and nourishing, perfection ,through contemplation. Of particular interest to 20th century music theorists
  49. Light that fully burns that which opposes enlightenment. The emphasized, perfection ,is vigor (very). #Very difficult to train: Bodhisattva's who attain this
  50. Our" being filled with the fullness of God ". Wesley was clear that Christian, perfection ,did not imply perfection of bodily health or an infallibility of judgment. It

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