Examples of the the word, utilization , in a Sentence Context

The word ( utilization ), is the 6008 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Theory behind this technology. Packet-switching provides better bandwidth, utilization ,and response times than the traditional circuit-switching technology used for
  2. Implications of GIS. It has been argued that the production, distribution, utilization , and representation of geographic information are largely related with the
  3. It. Through it not only a 'division of labor' but also a coordinated, utilization ,of resources based on an equally divided knowledge has become possible. The
  4. Is still going on - with first promising results particularly for FGF-1 and, utilization ,of endothelial progenitor cells. Cesium or cesium () is the chemical element
  5. Economic growth, as measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP),capacity, utilization ,or standard of living. This argument was central, for example, to Adam Smith's
  6. Like manufacturing, human-resources,stock, banking,etc.). For effective, utilization ,and handling it is desired that a data model is relatively simple and intuitive
  7. With an average value determined by the number of users times the percentage of, utilization , Suppose there are 2 N users that only talk half of the time, then 2 N users can
  8. When disputes arise from mutually agreed terms *Take measures to monitor the, utilization ,of genetic resources after they leave a country including by designating
  9. Industries such as the aerospace industry. Another example of this is the, utilization ,of dirigible, both of which were practiced in France and Great Britain after
  10. Reduce the probability that adjacent channels will interfere, but decrease the, utilization ,of the spectrum. Flexible Allocation of Resources Asynchronous CDMA offers a
  11. And power outages resulted. In 2004 plans called for increased domestic, utilization ,of natural gas to replace oil and for use in the petrochemical industry.
  12. Genetic resources that are covered by the CBD and the benefits arising from its, utilization ,Obligations The Nagoya Protocol sets out core obligations for its contracting
  13. With the facts. Although Hacker is proven right about the allantois,the, utilization ,of Krause’s embryo as justification turns out to be problematic, for the embryo
  14. 1200 BC and 1000 BC, diffusion in the understanding of iron metallurgy and, utilization ,of iron objects was fast and far-flung. In the history of ferrous metallurgy
  15. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) meeting in Bonn. Historically, utilization ,of forest products, including timber and fuel wood, has played a key role in
  16. Nine months as a start to ‘ touch the Universe ’. In the first phase of kilo, utilization ,from 2008 to mid-2010,researchers from more than a dozen Japanese universities
  17. Ricardo believed that the process of economic development, which increased land, utilization ,and eventually led to the cultivation of poorer land, benefited first and
  18. For in-memory databases clustering provides performance advantage due to common, utilization ,of large caches for input-output operations in memory, with similar resulting
  19. Decision of whether to cluster certain objects or not depends on the objects ', utilization ,statistics, object sizes, caches sizes, storage types, etc. In a relational
  20. Traditionally these frameworks have been out of the scope of common DBMS's, but, utilization , of them has become common-place, and often they are provided as add-on's to
  21. Of caffeine. In the classic, or metabolic theory, caffeine may increase fat, utilization ,and decrease glycogen utilization . Caffeine mobilizes free fatty acids from fat
  22. With low information and communications technology levels of development or, utilization ,in their critical infrastructure, telecommunications systems, and financial
  23. Of alcohol dependence-related insurance claims suggested that healthcare, utilization , such as the number of inpatient detoxification days, alcoholism-related
  24. Source of nutrient inputs for crop and livestock production, and the method of, utilization ,of manure produced by livestock. Nutrient inputs can be chemical inorganic
  25. Rate at which instructions are executed within a CPU (that is, to increase the, utilization ,of on-die execution resources),and thread level parallelism (TLP) purposes
  26. Of Wisconsin–Madison, and has long been a proponent of lunar resource, utilization , In 1997, he proposed the Interlude InterMars Initiative, listing among its
  27. A transcription factor that targets angiogenesis, vascular remodeling, glucose, utilization , iron transport and apoptosis. HIF is synthesized constitutive, and
  28. And the databases that it maintains are often large and complex. The, utilization ,of databases is now spread to such a wide degree that virtually every
  29. Historic" of Aragon, therefore there are a number of linguistic rights, as the, utilization ,of aragonite language in the public administrations of Aragon. Phonological
  30. Are to provide for the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the, utilization ,of genetic resources with the contracting party providing genetic resources.
  31. An extension of the ISA bus. This implementation resulted in excessive CPU, utilization ,which largely negated the advantages of command queuing. By contrast
  32. Center says dimethyl glycine dietary supplement (DMG) will" enhance oxygen, utilization ,during hypoxia, reduce lactic acid build-up in the blood during stressful
  33. Advantages of asynchronous CDMA over other techniques Efficient Practical, utilization ,of Fixed Frequency Spectrum In theory, CDMA,TDA and FMA have exactly the
  34. Its objective is the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the, utilization ,of genetic resources, thereby contributing to the conservation and sustainable
  35. A dispute has arisen. ADR has experienced steadily increasing acceptance and, utilization ,because of a perception of greater flexibility, costs below those of
  36. Gates lie perpendicular to the channels. The channels are further defined by, utilization ,of the LOCOS process to produce the channel stop region. Channel stops are
  37. Aero bars. * New dispersion technology enables the full, utilization ,of the electrical and thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes. First
  38. Most computer operating systems use the concept of virtual memory, allowing, utilization , of more primary storage capacity than is physically available in the system. As
  39. Can be built effectively without a proper database supported by a DBMS. The, utilization ,of databases is now spread to such a wide degree that virtually every
  40. Assisting the deployment; and rapid turnaround times allowed for efficient, utilization , The Air Force originally programmed to buy a total of 120 C-17s,with the last
  41. Resources that are covered by the CBD, and to the benefits arising from their, utilization , The Nagoya Protocol also covers traditional knowledge (TK) associated with
  42. These can make a good course bad. Topography What makes Disc Golf unique is the, utilization ,of natural elements, using trees and shrubs as obstacles and elevation changes
  43. Elastic, durable,and will not arouse suspicion if found. Ongoing military, utilization ,begun during World War II includes: * Tying a non-lubricated condom over the
  44. In specimens of such species is subject to strict regulation in order to avoid, utilization ,incompatible with the survival of the species in the wild. In addition
  45. Research and development and the benefits arising from the commercial and other, utilization ,of genetic resources with the Contracting Party providing such resources (
  46. And to encourage the development of national policies aimed at sustainable, utilization ,and conservation of tropical forests and their genetic resources. The
  47. Metabolic theory, caffeine may increase fat utilization and decrease glycogen, utilization , Caffeine mobilizes free fatty acids from fat and/or intramuscular
  48. Faster reactions are usually studied with ultrafast laser spectroscopy where, utilization ,of femtosecond lasers allows short-lived transition states to be monitored at
  49. Of the CBD: the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the, utilization ,of genetic resources. Relevance The Nagoya Protocol is intended to create
  50. The Navy The CNO reports directly to the Secretary of the Navy for the command, utilization ,of resources and operating efficiency of the operating forces of the Navy and

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