Examples of the the word, challenger , in a Sentence Context

The word ( challenger ), is the 9060 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Until Octavian (later Caesar Augustus) ended it by becoming a successful, challenger ,to the Senate's authority, and was made princes (emperor). Between 135 BC
  2. To May 2004,having won reelection in 2000 with 51.4 % of the vote to leading, challenger ,Gwandaguluwe Chakuamba's 44.3 % for the MCP-AFORD party. In the 2004 election
  3. Sharon, and let it be known that he would continue to do so until a" worthy, challenger ," defeated and dethroned him. Adam Warlock responded to this challenge, and
  4. Play, the said advantage is often ruled out by the general manager to give the, challenger ,a fair shot. While in the case of some promotions, the champion may lose his
  5. Tipped by Marcello Lippi and other prominent names in football as a surprise, challenger ,for the Students. However, this form tailed off towards the middle of the
  6. Largely neutral during the protracted standoff between incumbent Ratsiraka and, challenger ,Marc Ravalomanana in the disputed 2001 presidential elections. By contrast, in
  7. KOK, a Dutch businessman. This stand-off lasted until 1993,by which time a new, challenger ,had qualified through the Candidates cycle for Kasparov's next World
  8. Then the one he proposed. Among Fischer's demands was a requirement that the, challenger ,must beat him by at least two games in order to take his title. The FIDE argued
  9. Its own agenda, stood on Bosworth Field: Richard III and his Yorkist army; his, challenger , Henry Tudor, who championed the Lancastrian cause; and the fence-sitting
  10. Under Okinawa, chief of the He-he of Tanzania. The Boers, another major, challenger ,to the imp also saw defeat by imperial forces, in the Boer War of 1902. In its
  11. Informal system of World Championships, the current champion decided which, challenger ,he would play for the title and the challenger was forced to seek sponsors for
  12. Current champion decided which challenger he would play for the title and the, challenger ,was forced to seek sponsors for the match. FIDE set up a new system of
  13. When he created an Intergender Championship and declared it open to any female, challenger , This led to a long feud with Jerry Lawler. In the 1980s,mixed tag team
  14. Pressure, a second round run-off vote between Karma and remaining, challenger ,Abdullah was announced, but a few days later Abdullah announced that he is not
  15. Over a quarter of a century, and for some of that time he was the obvious, challenger ,for the world championship. ... He was also a great and profound chess thinker
  16. Were known to be involved in notorious human rights abuses, until Democratic, challenger ,Jimmy Carter defeated President Gerald Ford in 1976. On September 16, 1973
  17. Had qualified through the Candidates' Matches to again become the official, challenger , This match was very close, with neither player holding more than a one-point
  18. 1972 – The first game of the World Chess Championship 1972 between, challenger ,Bobby Fischer and defending champion Boris Spas sky starts. *1973 – Va rig Flight
  19. Viswanathan Anand in preparation for the World Chess Championship 2010 against, challenger ,Vaseline Total. Anand won the match 6½–5½ to retain the title. Also in May
  20. Extending the Steinitzian tradition in which the current champion plays a, challenger ,in a series of many games, and the other following FIDE's new format of many
  21. A tipping point is eventually reached at which the network effects of the, challenger ,dominate those of the former incumbent, and the incumbent is forced into an
  22. Alexei Shirt and Vladimir Rank played a candidates match to decide the, challenger , which Shirt won in a surprising upset. But when Renters admitted that the
  23. With 1,187 delegates to Reagan's 1,070. Which Ford had won over Democratic, challenger ,Jimmy Carter. 1980 presidential campaign The 1980 presidential campaign between
  24. Sea power proved decisive in the wars, the French navy had become a serious, challenger ,by the middle of the 18th century and an invasion of Britain nearly took place
  25. Of crises in the 1990s,which nearly led to election of Yeltsin's Communist, challenger , Kennedy Zyuganov, in the 1996 presidential election. In recent years, the
  26. Atlas, and Epimetheus. In the Theology, Hesiod introduces Prometheus as a lowly, challenger ,to Zeus' omniscience and omnipotence. In the trick at Me cone, a sacrificial
  27. Incumbent, and the incumbent is forced into an accelerating decline, whilst the, challenger ,takes over the incumbent's former position. Lock-in Not surprisingly network
  28. Next championship, the so-called Match of the Century, saw the first non-Soviet, challenger ,since World War II, American Bobby Fischer, who defeated his Candidates
  29. The incumbent Democrat retired. He was well liked in the town, and defeated his, challenger ,by a vote of 1,597 to 1,409. During his first term (1910 to 1911),he
  30. His ambitious and popular Commerce Secretary as" Wonder Boy ". His only real, challenger ,was Frank Low den. Hoover received much favorable press coverage in the months
  31. Two games in order to take his title. The FIDE argued that it was unfair for a, challenger ,to be able to beat the world champion, yet not take his title. Fischer would
  32. The" Green Knight" offers to allow anyone to strike him with his axe if the, challenger ,will take a return blow in a year and a day. Gawain accepts, and beheads him in
  33. Foreshadowed Clinton's defeat in the general election that year by Republican, challenger ,Frank D. White. As Clinton once joked, he was the youngest ex-governor in the
  34. Magazine titles from the Awardee group for more than $700 million and became a, challenger ,of Time Inc ahead of Condé Nast. Assets A non-exhaustive list of its properties
  35. Party, and publicly endorsed Labor Prime Minister Gordon Brown over Tory, challenger ,David Cameron, saying in a statement: I believe that poor and vulnerable
  36. Is a Canadian-American stage magician and scientific skeptic best known as a, challenger ,of paranormal claims and pseudoscience. Randi is the founder of the James Randi
  37. Qualifying him for the 1974 Candidates Matches, which would determine the, challenger ,of the reigning world champion, Bobby Fischer. Candidate Karol defeated LEV
  38. The world by winning the Candidates Tournament and thus becoming the official, challenger ,for Garry Kasparov's world title. FIDE very quickly accepted a bid from
  39. Ships of the British Royal Navy * Galatea (yacht),the 1886 America's Cup, challenger ,* Galatea, launched in 1896 as the Glen lee (ship),a training tall ship of
  40. And 62.9 % of the popular vote in the 2011 municipal election. The main, challenger ,to the ANC's rule is the Democratic Alliance, led by Helen Lille, which
  41. Produced lower financial estimates than expected, the world champion and his, challenger ,decided to play outside FIDE's jurisdiction, under another organization
  42. Of the great electoral upsets of Australian history, he lost his seat to Labor, challenger ,Frank McGurn, whom he'd defeated soundly in 1958. He had become comatose
  43. And has made a detailed case that from 1650 to 1750 Spinoza was" the chief, challenger ,of the fundamentals of revealed religion, received ideas, tradition,morality
  44. As disenfranchisement of their right to vote and elected the Republican, challenger ,Guy Hunt as Governor. Hunt had been nominated in a statewide Republican primary
  45. Fifth volume, devoted to the chess careers of World Champion Anatomy Karol and, challenger ,Viktor Kirchner, was published in March 2006. Modern Chess series His book
  46. Of the genre, including the blocking technique as well as the ability for a, challenger ,to jump in and initiate a match against a player at any time. The game also
  47. Are largely based on network effects starts to lose market share against a, challenger ,such as a disruptive technology or open standards based competition, the
  48. Of interest, as Republican incumbent Robert Ehrlich was defeated by Democratic, challenger ,Martin O'Malley, the Mayor of Baltimore,53 % to 46 %. Montgomery County
  49. In 1980 was close, with Goldwater winning in a near draw against Democrat, challenger ,Bill Schulz. Goldwater said later that the close result convinced him not to
  50. Benefits of network effects will reduce for the incumbent, and increase for the, challenger , In this model, a tipping point is eventually reached at which the network

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